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PUSS XXV: Lunacy (Dev Thread)

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Ooh, interesting. I can't say that I've ever had any success at speed-mapping, but I might be able to work with this concept. I can sketch out a couple rough layouts. Probably I should keep it simple and put in only one key or something.

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Map Name: Lactose Facility
Author: Lina
Music: BFG District by therektafire & Jimmy
Format: Boom (CL9)
Build Time: 2 hours 58 minutes
Co-op Starts: Y  
Difficulty Settings: UV only
Comments: A fairly paint-by-numbers techbase. Uneven detailing and texturing, I'm trying to calibrate to the 3 hour build time.




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Map Name: Gorgonzorglo
Author: Lina
Music: Funky Machine by Deadwing
Format: Boom (CL9)
Build Time: 3 hours 7 minutes
Co-op Starts: Y
Difficulty Settings: UV only
Comments: There are rumors of a massive vault of yellow gold in this sector, behind an impenetrable security system. Two keycards? Shouldn't be too hard, right?




Edited by Lina
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Map Name: Gouda-Arboreum
Author: Muumi
Music: Powerdrift C64 main theme from vgmusic.com
Format: Boom (CL9)
Build Time: ~3 hours
Co-op Starts: yes
Difficulty Settings: UV only for now
Comments: Is this an another cheese-infused hallucination or have these primitive lifeforms found a way to cultivate nest of fetagrowth in space? That would be biggest news since Emperor Knowledge ended the prohibition of liquidzola!




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Map Name: Sapphire Station
Author: Heich / Dynamite Kaitorn
Music: Battleship [Jazz Jackrabbit]
Format: (Ka)BooM
Build Time: 2hrs, 20 minutes (rougly)
Difficulty Settings: Y - Several areas in the map have less enemies on lower difficulties. Some resources are in different places. Spawn room is easier for ITYTD/HNTR.

Comments: Zorglo, confused as ever, notices a blue beacon in the distance. Being careful not to trip or fly off the big, gray rock, made his way
over towards the outpost with the sign saying: "Sapphire Station - Recon Relay".











Sapphire Station.zip

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All right, with just a little work in my Boom test sandbox, I have successfully managed to create a proof-of concept for a fully functional airlock which can be used repeatedly. Including the issue of the lack of air INSIDE once the door to vacuum is opened, and the slight delay when repressurizing before it is safe. I'm not counting building that test against my build time, which is short enough as it is.

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1 hour ago, Cheesewheel said:

Map Name:Give me Cheese or give me death!

Author: Cheesewheel


Hell yes! I was hoping to see you on this maplist! I'll be playing this soon! 

Edited by Death Bear

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Map Name: Outpost Brie

Author:  Me

Music:  "Watching You" - Jimmy (e5m7-Sigil)

Format:  Boom

Build Time:  3 sweaty, non-consecutive hours

Co-Op Starts:  Yes

Difficulty Settings:  Roughly

Comments:  The enemy escape rocket must be destroyed.  Shouldn't be hard.

Screenshots: No, apparently (too big, even though I've posted screenshots of other things with no issue before using the exact same tools and resources)

Outpost BrieV1.zip

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Map name: Moonrunner

Author: Silhouette/Silhouette 03( Whichever is fine by me)

Music: Roof-Stewboy

Format: Boom

Build time: 2 hours

Co-op starts: Yes

Difficulty settings: Yes( Monster placement)

Comments: I really enjoyed making this. Not much else to say.






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I've updated the resource with changes to MAPS 01+02, Fixed the Black Tar Flat, and Added UMAPINFO/ CWILVs/ Music for all current submissions.
I've also added an alternate version with all current submissions and updates, in case anyone wants to playtest the current compilation.

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Alright, another update to the resource (v3 now)! Adds MAP10 by @Awall. Also added some light edits that are more standard sizes and brighter, thanks to @Lina.

Also, here are some playthrough videos of what we have so far.








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Map 12 Playthrough



MAP09 v3 Playthrough



We're coming along, with 12 maps already! I'm going to be reserving MAP15 so I can implement the secret exit. Cheese on, everyone!

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Map Name: Space Edamator
Author: Muumi
Music: Hydrocarbon by AD_79
Format: Boom
Build Time: about 3 hours +maybe 15 minutes for difficulties
Co-op Starts: yes
Difficulty Settings: yes and UV is challenging
Comments: Okay, this is a hallucination for sure, I still want to take a bite of that though




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Map Name: Mooo Base
Author: Muumi
Music: A Chrome Hoof In Your Face by Muddy
Format: Boom
Build Time: ~2h 50m 
Co-op Starts: yes
Difficulty Settings: yes and UV is murder
Comments: With all this cheese, there must be cows too, right?



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Map Name: Dark side
Author: Silhouette 03

Music: Water world-Lee Jackson
Format: Boom

Build time: 2 hours

Co-op starts: No, I can't really add them in as I only have around two minutes left which I want to use to fix bugs when I'm given feedback. If someone could add them for me that would be great.

Difficulty settings: Yes

Comments: I really like the outcome of this map. Hopefully you'll enjoy it. There's a bug in here that I can't seem to fix. The floor beneath the yellow key lowers, which then causes a HOM. If anyone would be kind enough to help me I'd really appreciate it.








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Resource v4 is here! Find it in the OP! This will likely be the last major one before the release. Here's what's inside!

(Mappers, feel free to retroactively add any of these for free).
Added OTEX water/ waterfall textures to accommodate MAP11.
Added 4 moonrock decorations/ obstacles (courtesy of Lina, Muumi, and Egregor).
NOTE: Some might still need some tweaks.
Added a new spacesuit (radsuit) courtesy of Captain Toenail!
Added a PUSS and UAC flag texture.
Added some cheese-colored UAC hologram textures (modified from Realm667).
Added some Cheesy Plasma (courtesy of Lina)

All current maps and updates through MAP17, as well as bonus map MAP66 (only through IDCLEV atm). Updated UMAP, CWILVs, Music, etc. included.

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Map Name: Muenster Mash Extravaganza

Author: [ United VirusX ]

Music: [ Future Military Conquests by Lee Jackson & Bobby Prince ]

Format: [ Boom ]

Build Time: [ 3 hours ]
Co-op Starts: [Yes]
Difficulty Settings: [all difficulties]

Comments: ended up making it in DOOM2 format at first then realized we were supposed to make it in Boom format, ended up adding in an extra cheesy area after I switched it to Boom format lol.




Edited by United VirusX

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Even as simple as my map is (A giant crater, an airlock (fully functional!), a lobby a couple of small rooms and a moonorail as the exit), I (unsurprisingly) got caught in the weeds a little. I think I'll have to start over and re-build the map, but faster, using the first attempt as a reference. But knowing the dimensions and texture alignments needed will probably be helpful.


I'll have to forgo the nice beveled edges. Maybe bring those back in a "Director's Cut" version.

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I feel that I can completely understand. I’ve had to re-start my map due to not quite being able to get proportions right (and trying to fix things was just cutting into the time).


Thankfully we still have a week left.

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The second attempt went by pretty smoothly, after I realized that it was best to do a broad strokes approach to the overall layout first, then move on to more intricate stuff like switch alcoves and the airlock.


I set the map to MAP 18 (because I didn't want the resource pack stuff to override my map while testing, and 17 seemed to be the highest slot.) EDIT: The Par Time is supposed to be 7 minutes, but I'm not sure that it's properly recognized.


Map Name: The Crater Escape (MAP18)

Author: Stabbey

Music: “Coal” by Jimmy

Format: BOOM

Build Time: ~3 hours
Co-op Starts: Y
Difficulty Settings: Y

Comments: It’s time to escape Crater Station, but the Moonorail is locked and some butt has left the key in the crater. You’ll need to do the moonwalk to get it, but step lively out there, or else you'll run out of air. This map features a fully functional airlock.




Let me know if there are any problems.


EDIT: Oops, I think I forgot to adjust the number of spacesuits in the airlock for difficulty. Hard is supposed to have 3, Medium is supposed to have 4, an Easy is supposed to have 6, but I think that both easy and medium have 6. There are also extra suits in there for co-op, since the map might be impossible to complete if players run out of suits.

Edited by Stabbey
additional info

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7 - Pipeline.rar

Map Name: Copernicus Crater Research Facility - Site 2

Author: Egregor

Music: Pipeline by James Paddock

Format: Boom

Build Time: 3 hours (+5 minutes for difficulty settings!)
Co-op Starts: Y
Difficulty Settings: Y

Comments: My second attempt at this map. My first attempt was much bigger and much more detailed but it took 11 hours. Midi is saved both in the WAD and separately.



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Map Name: New moon

Author: Silhouette 03

Format: Boom

Music: Adrenaline in the blood-Jimmy

Build time: 2 hours

Co-op starts: Yes

Difficulty settings: Yes

Comments: My final map for this project. I had so much fun mapping for this. Thanks to everyone who were involved in organizing it, and thanks to Death bear for his help with my second map.







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