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Map generators?


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Are there any fun map generators out there? Looking for something to spice up coop play, as well as deathmatch.

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There's been a few map generators out there. The most up to date one is OBSIDIAN. I've done coop play with maps generated with it before.

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I guess the first map generator was SLIGE.

Then, later, came OBLIGE with the short lived offshoot ObHack.

Then, after that, came, as Xim already mentioned, Obsidian, which added many extras and is still being worked on. 

Edited by Kappes Buur

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Obsidian is pretty fantastic, thank you. Do you guys have any preset configuration for generating good MP maps?

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  On 2/2/2023 at 11:28 PM, HERRGOTT said:

I never understood that tools... basically generates you a random map, where is the fun on that?



With that logic, why play Doom at all. Mappers like us "are just people who generate a random map." Where's the fun in that?


Seriously though, actually try the tool(s) on offer before passing judgement. Obsidian generates some insanely good content for a random map generator:


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My opinion is that generated maps pair best with gameplay mods, so you don't have to worry about breaking the hand-crafted balance or intended flow of man-made maps. DoomRPG+DoomRLA is a popular combo, for instance. 


From a development side, it's a way to get SOME form of content produced for games that are far less popular than mainline Doom. We are well aware of the program's limitations, but that's something we try to improve over time. I think the biggest mistake people make is trying to compare procedurally generated maps to what they've seen come out of the community. 

Edited by dasho

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  On 2/3/2023 at 10:14 AM, Dragonfly said:


With that logic, why play Doom at all. Mappers like us "are just people who generate a random map." Where's the fun in that?


Seriously though, actually try the tool(s) on offer before passing judgement. Obsidian generates some insanely good content for a random map generator:



Stop screaming like a b¡tch, I mean there is more merit a map from someone who made it from scratch, there are a lot of hard work making a WAD map than that one who made it a person using a software like that. And actually try the tool(s) on offer before passing judgement. I tried that software and my stament keeps same.

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@HERRGOTTSomeone simply stating their opinion and bothering to actually add some evidence, does not make them "screaming like a bitch".


A hand crafted map might have more merit vs a generated one, but that doesn't actually mean it's more fun to play.. Which is why we are here in the first place.

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Random guy "screams like a b!tch" to the creator of Eviternity about the merits of mapping. Sure, okay.


Learn to act above the level of a teenager and show some respect to the people around you. People like @dasho put just as much work into map generators like OBSIDIAN as your average 5-star mapper puts into their maps. Even if you can't respect the merit of a random map, at least respect the merit of the program itself and the people who work on it.

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Sure, Obsidian-generate maps are different in feel to hand-crafted ones. I for one really enjoy the challenge of massive, unique maps.Think of them as excellently automated content rather than hand-crafted maps and consider the effort and time that has gone into the code over the years... They may not be to everyone's taste, but then, not all hand-crafted maps are to everyone's taste either.


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I think it might be difficult for someone without experience playing roguelikes to enjoy generated maps. It is a different feeling and a different experience.

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  • 3 months later...
  On 2/2/2023 at 11:28 PM, HERRGOTT said:

I never understood that tools... basically generates you a random map, where is the fun on that?


"How can someone possibly enjoy something I don't?"
Are you autistic? Serious question.

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  On 5/7/2023 at 1:13 AM, gatorized said:

"How can someone possibly enjoy something I don't?"
Are you autistic? Serious question.


If he is, I doubt that has anything to do with the fact that he can't comprehend that, sometimes, having a random level generator is nice. 

Like, if you installed a bunch of mods that randomize enemies, weapons, and items, you'd want a random map generator too to have a full on Doom Rogue-Like

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ended up starting to work on roguelike-ish mod. :D

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Language, @HERRGOTT.

Also, @gatorized we don't ask people about mental illnesses on a thread about map generators.

Edited by Biz!
NOTE: not a mod, may have accidentally been minimoding tho

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This entire thread is inappropriate, from the random fight picking to the asking of personal medical information.

Edited by Individualised

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  On 5/7/2023 at 1:13 AM, gatorized said:

"How can someone possibly enjoy something I don't?"
Are you autistic? Serious question.


Really helps bumping the thread 3 months after the last post to make your first post since August 2022, and this is what you ask. To someone who at that point was grinded enough already.


Your post is exactly shit stirring.

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