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Doom 3's release and it's outcome


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Just wondering something. After Doom 3 is out, and the big hype is over, what happens to the Doom 3 Forum? Will it continue, eventually become Doom 4, or will it dissapear? Because that would suck balls(excuse my french).

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Obviously, there will still be talk about Doom III after it is released so there would most likey still be forums up to talk about it, just like there is for the older Doom's. :D

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DOOM Anomaly said:

Obviously, there will still be talk about Doom III after it is released so there would most likey still be forums up to talk about it, just like there is for the older Doom's. :D

Yeah, they'll open the editing forum again too. :P

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There's active communities for any FPS out there, no matter how old or unsuccesful it is. Some take some pretty serious google-fu skills, and some don't exactly boil with chatty bitch-infested forums, but you can always find a project or two for even unmoddable games.

Doom holds such a strong name, such a strong followup and some great technology, so even if it's a complete fluke there will always be plenty of people commited to make good things with it. And this is an engine that will most likely go open-source in a couple of years, so i'm guessing the DW Doom3 subforums will most likely survive until the website's demise.

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Doom3's release will see the introduction of a Doom3 Editing, Wads&Mods, Multiplayer, and (maybe) its own Questions forum, more likely than not. I wouldn't worry about it. This of course will make the Doom3 General forum like normal Doom's General forum, if not even better IMO.

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I'm looking forward to the forums on and after the release date.
Hearing what people think of the game etc..

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If anything is gonna happen to this great forum (*wink*), it'll likely be a name change when "Doom 4" comes out (if it comes out).

Maybe something a la "The New Doom".

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Demons Hand said:

The doom3 fourm will never dissaper cuz people will still want to talk about it.

Ya know... Its not like people are gonna stop playing/talking about doom3!!!

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