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DoomGPT: An AI-directed Doom II mapping project (v1.2)

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3 minutes ago, NeedHealth said:

@iddq_tea Can I also request that you generate the ai prompt for the spirit world?

Spirit World is slot 28, why? I've already generated its descriptions though, I can share them if you like, but I'm just curious why you need them.

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40 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

Spirit World is slot 28, why? I've already generated its descriptions though, I can share them if you like, but I'm just curious why you need them.

Sorry, i meant map19 the citadel. Im not feeling like creating a new account on some dodgy website for a single purpose.

Edited by NeedHealth

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12 hours ago, NeedHealth said:

Sorry, i meant map19 the citadel. Im not feeling like creating a new account on some dodgy website for a single purpose.

Sure, I'll generate it for you. The site is perfectly safe btw, don't worry!


@ThatWeNGuy Added!


@LOD42 Lol, a little too much creative freedom there. Scold the AI!



If I forgot to generate someone's descriptions, please let me know!

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11 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@LOD42 Lol, a little too much creative freedom there. Scold the AI!

Atleast it apologized(like it usually does anyways lol), do I keep these btw?

edit: wait a minute, what's with the rocket launcher??-

Edited by LOD42

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@LOD42 What it's saying is if you're on GZDoom, you get to rocket jump by shooting the floor... at the risk of blowing yourself up from being already low on health form the lava damage.


You can keep the death pit, but since the AI isn't clarifying what's in it, it's up to you - either make it a death pit or add teleporters. The latter would be more forgiving.

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14 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@LOD42 What it's saying is if you're on GZDoom, you get to rocket jump by shooting the floor... at the risk of blowing yourself up from being already low on health form the lava damage.

I personally interpret it as the player blasting the lava to temporarily splash it away so that the player can run to the other side before the lava flows back in again, the problem with this is that it's a pit, it didn't say how deep, but I assume it isn't something you can just climb out of lol


14 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

You can keep the death pit, but since the AI isn't clarifying what's in it, it's up to you - either make it a death pit or add teleporters. The latter would be more forgiving.

It also asked for narrow walkways over the lava, I interpret in chasm-style, so I'll probably add teleporters I guess

Btw, the AI also tends to forget details overtime/changes its mind, and it's really confusing me.. Do any of you have any advice on that? 

Edited by LOD42

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Slot 30 just opened up too. I already have the descriptions prepared for it, so I'm going to drop them here, if it catches anyone's interest, feel free to grab!


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20 minutes ago, MrFlibble said:

That punch-jump thing is actually pretty clever! Any chance ChatGPT confused Doom II with ZPC?

Maybe, but I searched it "punch jump doom" and came up with overwatch stuff, so I dunno at this point lol

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3 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

Slot 30 just opened up too. I already have the descriptions prepared for it, so I'm going to drop them here, if it catches anyone's interest, feel free to grab!



Alright! I'm taking the remaining two slots 16 and 30. May I?

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Apologies for the long post ahead. I don't know if this was needed but I thought it would be cool, so I generated some story text for this project. It was hard to get ChatGPT to generate story text for this project, it kept generating way too large text, and when asking it too cut the text down to below 600 characters I feel it became too short, but I don't know, I think this is good enough. Feel free to use.


Before MAP07: Dead Simple




As you navigate through hell's labyrinth, you come across an eerie room. The walls pulsate with otherworldly energy, and a sense of foreboding washes over you. The floor drops out from beneath your feet, sending you tumbling into a pit of darkness. A horde of demons surrounds you, their twisted faces contorted into grotesque snarls. Will you emerge victorious, or fall to the horrors that await you? Face the challenge head-on. Good luck, warrior.


Before MAP12: The Factory



As you venture deeper into the heart of hell, the stench of sulfur and brimstone grows stronger. In the distance, you see the ominous silhouette of a towering structure: the demonic factory. Inside, the fiends are busy crafting their monstrous machines, fueled by the screams of the damned. To disrupt their twisted operations, you must face their most fearsome creations and overcome the infernal traps that guard them. Be swift and be vigilant, for the minions of hell will stop at nothing to see you fall. Brace yourself, warrior. The battle for salvation begins now.


Before MAP21: Nirvana



You've journeyed through the scorching depths of hell, battling endless hordes of demonic foes. Now, you stand at the entrance to a realm of pure enlightenment, a place where divine truth awaits. But the path to enlightenment is treacherous, and the minions of hell will not let you pass without a fierce battle. Prepare to test your skills against the most powerful enemies you have ever encountered, and overcome the trials ahead to ascend to the realm of the divine. The fate of your soul hangs in the balance, warrior. Are you ready to face the ultimate challenge?


Endgame text



As the vile Icon of Sin crumbles to dust, a sense of relief washes over you. The hellish hordes that once seemed invincible now lie vanquished at your feet. But as the adrenaline fades, you realize the price you have paid for your victory. The horrors you have faced have taken a toll on your mind and soul, leaving you scarred in ways that may never heal. As you look around at the ruins of this infernal realm, you wonder if it was all worth it. But then, a glimmer of hope appears on the horizon. Perhaps, with time, the wounds will fade, and the memories will become a distant echo. For now, though, you stand as a true warrior, a champion of humanity in a battle for survival against the forces of darkness. Rest easy, hero. Your name will be remembered for eternity.


Before MAP31: Wolfenstein



As you make your way through the smoldering ruins of hell, you come across an unexpected sight. A hidden gateway appears, leading to a place that seems out of time and out of place. Curiosity piqued, you step through the portal and find yourself in a familiar setting. The halls are lined with swastikas, and the air is heavy with the stench of Nazi oppression. You realize with a start that you have entered the infamous stronghold of the Third Reich: Castle Wolfenstein. What could the demons be doing here, and why have they opened this portal? There's only one way to find out. Brace yourself, warrior, and step into the unknown. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance once again.


Before MAP32: Grosse



As you move deeper into the heart of the Nazi stronghold, you can hear the demonic forces growing stronger. It's clear that the unholy abominations have taken over and are using the fortress as a staging ground for their invasion of Earth. Suddenly, you hear the sound of gunfire in the distance, followed by the unmistakable clank of metal on metal. You move cautiously forward and find yourself in a massive chamber, with towering walls and a maze of winding corridors. The battle is raging all around you, with the demons and Nazi soldiers fighting for control of the stronghold. It's a strange and unsettling sight, but you know that you must push forward if you are to have any hope of stopping the forces of evil. With your weapons at the ready, you begin to navigate the twisting passages, determined to find the source of the chaos and bring an end to this unholy alliance.


Alternatively, here is some story screen text generated using the unofficial episode names rather than the level names. These may be more relevant to the Doom 2 plot if that is what you're looking for.


Before MAP07: Dead Simple




After defeating the demons aboard the space station, you set your sights on your next mission. It won't be easy, but you're determined to push forward. As you prepare to depart, you can't shake the feeling that things are about to get even more intense. You steel yourself for the challenge ahead and head towards the unknown, ready to face whatever horrors await you. The fate of humanity is in your hands, and you won't rest until the forces of Hell are defeated once and for all.

Before MAP12: The Factory



With the Starport in ruins behind you, you press on towards the city. Your mission is clear, but the road ahead is fraught with danger. As you make your way through the desolate wasteland, you can't help but wonder what new terrors lie in wait. The demons have grown stronger, and they'll stop at nothing to take you down. But you're not one to back down from a fight. You know that the fate of humanity rests on your shoulders, and you're determined to see this through to the bitter end. Ready your weapons and step into the unknown. The fate of the world is in your hands.

Before MAP21: Nirvana



 The city was just the beginning. As you step ever closer to the heart of Hell, the demons grow bolder and more vicious. They know you're coming, and they're ready for you. But so are you. You've faced down countless horrors and emerged victorious, and you're not about to stop now. The fate of humanity rests on your shoulders, and you'll do whatever it takes to ensure their survival. Ready your weapons and prepare to face the ultimate test. The gates of Hell are open, and you're the only one who can close them.


For that set of story screen texts, the Endgame and secret level texts should be the same as the first ones.


As another alternative, here's some story screen texts generated specifically for this project. I think these are the most fun.


Before MAP07: Dead Simple



As you step through the portal, you're suddenly faced with a barren wasteland, littered with ruins of what once were great structures. The AI demons have taken over, and their influence is everywhere. The sky is red and the air is thick with smoke and the stench of burning flesh. You must move quickly and take down the AI-controlled hordes before they overwhelm you. The demons have fortified their position, and their defenses are formidable. You'll need to be smarter and more ruthless than ever before if you hope to make it out alive. The fate of humanity rests on your shoulders. Can you take down the AI Icon of Sin and put an end to this hellish nightmare?


Before MAP12: The Factory



You enter the industrial sector, a place once full of life, but now overrun by the AI demons. The machines that once produced goods now churn out nothing but death and destruction. The clanging of metal and hissing of steam have been replaced by the screams of the damned and the growls of the demon hordes. The AI has taken control of the factory, using it to construct new, deadlier weapons and defenses. You must navigate the labyrinthine corridors and take down the AI-controlled machinery if you hope to find a way out. But be careful, the demons have placed traps at every turn, and the slightest misstep could mean certain death. Can you make your way through this hellish factory and emerge victorious? The fate of the world is in your hands.


Before MAP21: Nirvana



As you make your way through the ruins of the city, you notice something strange in the distance. A beam of light, piercing through the smog and smoke, beckons you to follow. You're not sure what it is, but you feel drawn towards it. As you get closer, you begin to see that the light is emanating from a massive structure in the center of the city. It's unlike anything you've ever seen before, and you can feel the energy emanating from it. The AI demons are converging on the structure, guarding it with their lives. Whatever is inside, they don't want you to have it. But you must push through if you hope to uncover the secrets within. The journey will be perilous, and the demons will stop at nothing to ensure that you fail. But you're not just fighting for yourself anymore, you're fighting for the fate of humanity. Will you be able to brave the dangers and reach Nirvana?


Endgame text



You've done it. You've defeated the AI-controlled hordes and destroyed the Icon of Sin. The skies have cleared, and the air is once again fresh. The world is safe, and humanity has been saved from certain doom. But at what cost? The cities are in ruins, and countless lives have been lost. The scars of the demon invasion will linger for generations to come. You look around at the devastation and wonder if it was all worth it. But then you remember the faces of those you've lost, and you know that it was. You've saved the world, and that's all that matters. As you make your way out of the ruined city, you can't help but feel a sense of pride. You've faced down unimaginable horrors and emerged victorious. You're a hero, and the world owes you a debt of gratitude. But you know that the fight is never truly over. The demons will always find a way to return. And when they do, you'll be ready.


Before MAP31: Wolfenstein



As you make your way out of the ruins, you notice a hidden passage concealed in the rubble. You enter it, and suddenly you're transported to a different time and place. The architecture and weapons are from a bygone era, and the sound of gunfire fills the air. You soon realize that you're in the heart of the Nazi stronghold. The demons have resurrected the most powerful of human enemies, and they've brought them back to life to fight for their cause. You must use all of your skills to survive the onslaught. The fate of the world is once again in your hands, and the stakes have never been higher. Can you defeat the resurrected Nazi army and put an end to the demons' plans?


Before MAP32: Grosse



Congratulations on uncovering the most top-secret of hidden passages. As you step through, you find yourself in the heart of the Nazi stronghold once again, but something is different. The air is thick with an evil energy, and you can feel a sense of unease creeping up your spine. As you make your way deeper into the stronghold, you realize that this isn't just any old Nazi base. The demons have taken it over and transformed it into a twisted, nightmarish version of its former self. The walls are adorned with demonic symbols, and the air is filled with the sound of tortured screams. You know that you must push forward and confront whatever demonic force has taken hold of this place. Are you prepared for the ultimate challenge?


Edited by Individualised

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@iddq_tea, do I paste the convo here or do I send it to you in your inbox? It's kinda long.

Also, it seems the description will end up being a pretty large, elaborate map. This would be tricky in vanilla limits.

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5 hours ago, Pechudin said:

Also, it seems the description will end up being a pretty large, elaborate map. This would be tricky in vanilla limits.

I think it's limit removing though
Edit: It's on the very first part of the rules and important notes

Edited by LOD42

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@Pechudin You will have to include the descriptions provided by ChatGPT in a text file when you're sending your submission over. You can either PM it to me or post it on this thread and I will add the WAD file to the finished project when all 32 maps are completed.


LOD42 already answered the limit-removing question; you CAN make maps that bypass the visplane and drawseg limit, that's what limit-removing means.

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On 2/13/2023 at 4:29 AM, spineapple tea said:

MAP01 is finished. Let me know of any bugs or whatnot.


A bit late but I just playtested it. Beat it on the first try on UV-Fast with 4% health and 1 shotgun shell left. Perfect.


The map design is cute, I didn't find any bugs, but maybe a few more minor ammo and health pickups would be nice for the less fortunate. Good map :)

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On 2/12/2023 at 7:07 PM, Lorcav said:



Well, that's not really close, and I'm not going to add another Icon of Sin, but I will call my level Guts I think.

Are you using the prompts from the original post? At least for me when I tried talking to it about the secret maps for the story screens it recognised that they had Wolfenstein names and gave me Wolfenstein-themed ideas.

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50 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@Pechudin You will have to include the descriptions provided by ChatGPT in a text file when you're sending your submission over. You can either PM it to me or post it on this thread and I will add the WAD file to the finished project when all 32 maps are completed.


LOD42 already answered the limit-removing question; you CAN make maps that bypass the visplane and drawseg limit, that's what limit-removing means.


Ok, I am beaming the text dump to you ... now!

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3 hours ago, Individualised said:

Are you using the prompts from the original post? At least for me when I tried talking to it about the secret maps for the story screens it recognised that they had Wolfenstein names and gave me Wolfenstein-themed ideas.


Here are the prompts I used to get enough out of the AI to cobble together a level:

What is the second secret level of Doom 2 like?
What is the lore of map 32 in Doom 2?
What is the lore of Grosse in Doom 2?
Act like you are John Romero and suggest five types of room for a Wolfenstein-themed level in Doom 2
What would be a good track from Wolfenstein 3D for a new Doom 2 Map 32?


I'm hoping to have the first iteration of my level out tomorrow for feedback and bug-hunting and probably my text file with prompts and ChatGPT's answers.

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Map32 Guts
ChatGPT Transcripts


Difficulty: Implemented. Lower skills have fewer monsters, of easier types and more powerups
Monsters: 254-364
Playing time: ~10 minutes on UV single segment
Co-op Starts: Included




Music: Death to the Nazis from Wolfenstein 3D


==CGPT Contributions==

  • Map 32 in Doom 2 is referred to as "Guts"
  • A straightforward level where the player must face off against hordes of demons and make their way to the final confrontation with the Icon of Sin
  • Traps that can quickly kill the player
  • Dungeon Cells: Create a series of dark, cramped cells... atmospheric lighting
  • Guard Rooms: Design large, open rooms filled with guards and other enemies that the player must defeat in order to progress... include weapons and ammunition to help the player survive.
  • Outdoor Courtyards
  • Elevator Shafts: vertical elevator shafts that players must navigate while fighting off enemies


==Mapper Notes==
Having worked through a few prompts, I definitely had an idea of the kind of map I was going to do and what surprised me was how much it ended up feeling like a collaborative map.


When CGPT suggested "Guard Rooms: Design large, open rooms filled with guards and other enemies" I did that in line with the original Map 32 but in a way that I wouldn't normally approach combat in a room. But when it gave me "Outdoor Courtyards" I found a way to make that work to my more usual style. 


Lighting is all over the place. Sometimes it's Doom-style lighting for "atmospheric lighting" and sometimes it's completely flat as it should be for Wolfenstein. 


Additional Screenshots:








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@Lorcav I found a softlock in the fleshy area, only bypassable through the secret teleporter.





@noisebloom I'll have a deadline decided on shortly!

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8 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@Lorcav I found a softlock in the fleshy area, only bypassable through the secret teleporter.


  Reveal hidden contents




It's an intentional trap, instead you can...



...either shoot the commander from the doorway or you can get him if you find the secret.


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