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DoomGPT: An AI-directed Doom II mapping project (v1.2)

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15 hours ago, Lorcav said:


It's an intentional trap, instead you can...


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...either shoot the commander from the doorway or you can get him if you find the secret.


Then add damaging floor to the area so the player at least dies. Softlocks are the exact opposite of good design.

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I may have misread, I thought it meant shooting somewhere (behind the Keen) would free the player. If that's not the case, it would be an option, but it needs to look obvious, like a switch in plain sight but just out of reach.

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4 hours ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

Then add damaging floor to the area so the player at least dies. Softlocks are the exact opposite of good design.


Did the crusher not work?

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7 minutes ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

What crusher? If there's a way out then i'm stupid


The way it's set up, and the way it works when I playtested it...



...in the guts room if you go in through the door you'll teleport into a sector at the back behind the commander and get killed by a crusher 



Your options for killing that commander are either to shoot it from the doorway or get it when you go through the secret sequence.


The idea of the trap is that it plays on the expectation of walking into the room and teleporting somewhere else based on what the other rooms are like. That's the essence of a trap, it plays with your expectations.


You aren't supposed to get out of it, you're supposed to die. Are you saying the crusher didn't activate when you teleported? 


@iddq_tea was there a crusher when you teleported into the guts room from the doorway?


I've just checked the map again and it's working for me in gzdoom.


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There wasn't a crusher, I was just stuck.


I just tested it again and this time I managed to trigger it. Maybe I lineskipped it the first two times? I entered that door twice to ensure it was really a softlock and I somehow managed to get stuck both times. Weird... not sure whether it was something I did wrong.

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11 hours ago, Lorcav said:


The way it's set up, and the way it works when I playtested it...


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...in the guts room if you go in through the door you'll teleport into a sector at the back behind the commander and get killed by a crusher 



Your options for killing that commander are either to shoot it from the doorway or get it when you go through the secret sequence.


The idea of the trap is that it plays on the expectation of walking into the room and teleporting somewhere else based on what the other rooms are like. That's the essence of a trap, it plays with your expectations.


You aren't supposed to get out of it, you're supposed to die. Are you saying the crusher didn't activate when you teleported? 


@iddq_tea was there a crusher when you teleported into the guts room from the doorway?


I've just checked the map again and it's working for me in gzdoom.


The crusher seems not to be working on -cl 2, two demos of me getting softlocked (DSDA v0.24.3, -cl 2): demos.rar

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I thought that might be the case, but then I checked on both -complevel 2 and Chocolate Doom, which doesn't have Boom support at all, and it worked.

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@iddq_tea @ONETAPPYBOI

Well, this has all been very odd. I've updated the original link so that the sector now also has a damaging floor.


So some folks can get crushed, some can melt, but a lucky few will have their melted remains crushed to a gutsy pulp.

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I think it's bad practice to have one of the main doors lead to an inescapable death trap. It's extremely frustrating from a player's POV who is playing the map blind, saveless. I would forgive it if it was specifically directed by ChatGPT but looking at the provided text file, it wasn't.

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6 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

@Kami Unfortunately not, but keep an eye on the thread in case one opens up! :)

I can give up MAP18 since i haven't even generated descriptions for it yet and i am content with 1 slot


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4 hours ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

I can give up MAP18 since i haven't even generated descriptions for it yet and i am content with 1 slot


Sure. @Kami let me know if you're interested!

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holy shit, this concept looks fucking chaotic. And I LOOOOVEEEE chaotic maps!


Like what if the AI wants the mapper to hide a Cyberdemon behind th exit door? What if the key to the exit is inaccessible or impossible to discover without guides?


Either way, I'm excited for this mapset. Do your best, guys!


Oh, and Kel's here to cheer you on! Kudos :D


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Heh, thank god the deadline is not too close. ChatGPT is giving me some work to do. Suppose it makes sense for the penultimate level though so I hope I can deliver! :D

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21 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

I think it's bad practice to have one of the main doors lead to an inescapable death trap. It's extremely frustrating from a player's POV who is playing the map blind, saveless. I would forgive it if it was specifically directed by ChatGPT but looking at the provided text file, it wasn't.


I've updated the map, same link.

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8 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

Sure. @Kami let me know if you're interested!

oh cool! how far out is the deadline? i can start today

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4 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@Kami June 1st, I updated the thread with the date today, go read it for other important info.You got the 18th slot!

ok thank you! ive read it and caught up on it. and just finished talking to chatGPT and have some great results!

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10 hours ago, Kami said:

i found a budget Gordan freeman to tell us about the level (its a little loud)

I used this site https://studio.d-id.com/. And gave it ChatGPTs first response

Aside from a few parts where it sounds clearly robotic, that voice is so human-like it's scary.

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Whelp. Here's the map! Here's the prompts I used (all are via PostImg so that I don't use up too much of the attachment space):


And if you're curious what the new map looks like:




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On 2/25/2023 at 4:16 AM, DynamiteKaitorn said:

Whelp. Here's the map! Here's the prompts I used (all are via PostImg so that I don't use up too much of the attachment space):


And if you're curious what the new map looks like:




1) The map seems to contain a few SW2 switches, which could be a problem due to the player thinking they've already interacted with them, especially in the maze part: https://imgur.com/a/QYhJRFv

2) This nukage pit does not damage you: https://imgur.com/a/LHfohAj

3) This secret seems to not have any clues for it: https://imgur.com/a/8Fc2vee

4) This secret is unmarked: https://imgur.com/a/vCRcOFN

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12 hours ago, ONETAPPYBOI said:

1) The map seems to contain a few SW2 switches, which could be a problem due to the player thinking they've already interacted with them, especially in the maze part: https://imgur.com/a/QYhJRFv

2) This nukage pit does not damage you: https://imgur.com/a/LHfohAj

3) This secret seems to not have any clues for it: https://imgur.com/a/8Fc2vee

4) This secret is unmarked: https://imgur.com/a/vCRcOFN



Here's an updated version fixing issues 2, 3 and 4 (Might edit no. 1 if it becomes a problem for people).


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Map Name: AInirvana
Author: Shawn & ChatGPT
Difficulty Settings: Implemented
Format: Limit removing (-cl 2)
IWAD: Doom 2
Map Slot : 21 (Like the original map)
Ports Tested: DSDA doom 0.25.2, GZDoom 4.10, Crispy Doom 5.12.0
Co-op & Deathmatch: Yes

Music : "Descent of Madness" by Tristan Clark
Description: This version of Nirvana is completely different from the original. Gone is the big room with all the medkits and teleporters. Now, you'll explore Hell and go deep in the pit of horrors.


First I asked ChatGPT from a general layout of the map. ChatGPT told me it was as follow :



Start: When you first enter the level, you'll find yourself in a small room with a few imps and a door on either side. Take out the imps and head through the door on the right.

Hallway: As you exit the starting room, you'll enter a long hallway with several doors on either side. Be careful, as there are imps and demons lurking around the corners. Take out the enemies and head to the door at the end of the hallway.

Open Area: As you exit the hallway, you'll enter a large open area with a central structure and several smaller buildings surrounding it. This area is filled with demons and imps, so be prepared for a fight. Take out the enemies and head to the door in the central structure.

Lower Levels: As you enter the central structure, you'll find yourself in a staircase leading down to the lower levels. Be careful, as there are demons and imps waiting for you on the steps. Take them out and head down to the next level.

Complex: When you reach the bottom of the staircase, you'll find yourself in a complex network of interconnected rooms, hallways, and open areas. Navigate through the complex, taking out any enemies you encounter along the way.

Keycard: As you navigate through the complex, you'll eventually come across a room with a keycard. Pick up the keycard and use it to open the locked door leading to the next area.

The Pit: As you exit the complex, you'll find yourself in a large open area known as The Pit. This area is filled with demons, so be prepared for a fight. Take out the enemies and head to the door on the other side.

The Exit: As you exit The Pit, you'll find yourself in a small room with the exit door. Open the door and head through to complete the level.



I tried to stay as faithful as possible to this general layout. I also asked for more details and where the weapons should be. Concerning weapons, ChatGPT made the bold choice to only have the Super Shotgun in the final room. That's the most odd choice it made, everything else was logical and made for a good map flow.

Other than that the map is fairly straight forward, except the Complex where I intentionally made it mazy and a bit confusing because ChatGPT wanted it like that.
ChatGPT also wanted toxic slim in the pit, so I had to find a way to integrate it. I hope you'll like the solution I found.




doom02.png.0e63ccfe93e4b0c5ebb659bf2c9717e0.pngHallwaydoom03.png.e940657747698ceca4d8fe833c7c0b12.png Open Areadoom04.png.2f190608adcc389affb139bdfef190f0.png

Lower Levels



doom06.png.2948ac24ff8439c3488c19c6f06b86bf.pngThe Pit



I encountered a really odd limitation of the Doom Engine while working on this map. If you use the linedef 102 "Lower to Highest Floor", be sure that the sector you lower does not have its destination floor under -500 map unit, otherwise it will not work in Cripsy Doom. Other ports seems to fix that limitation though. It took me a while to find this one.


Difficulty wise, I tried to make the map progress logically. From the tight corridors of the Hallways to the big open area, you'll find a variety of combat scenarios and hopefully enjoy the final battle in the Pit. I was generous with ammo and health as I feel some fights may be a bit hard if you are doing them for the first time. Feel free to give me feedback about the map, if it's too hard, too easy, if there are bugs, anything.


Latest version



Old version

V2 AInirvana_V2.zip

V1 : AInirvana.zip

Map is in map slot 21.

Edited by Shawn
Updated the map to V3

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I was away from home for a week and have therefore not been very active, but I'll catch up with the submissions shortly.


In other news, the MAP05 slot has freed up!

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