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DoomGPT: An AI-directed Doom II mapping project (v1.2)

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2 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@spineapple tea does not work, I need to be in the same server or DM where you uploaded it.

Rats, in that case I'll just upload it normally. (that process works for images, so it's weird that it doesn't for normal files.)

Download V3

Edited by spineapple tea

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If I were to follow the prompts it looks like the level flow would be awful.

You could finish it in like a minute.

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Are you planning to use the story screens I generated?


Also, is The Waste Tunnels free or has the main post just not been updated yet? I thought all slots were taken but I guess it opened up. I might take it if it's free.

Edited by Individualised

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Hey, I saw that there are unfinished maps, and an open slot, is the deadline moved or what will happen? I'm excited to play this map pack, and if help is needed to finish it, I could gladly help as, again I see an open slot, even tho it's been a day over the deadline.

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Just now, Korni27 said:

Hey, I saw that there are unfinished maps, and an open slot, is the deadline moved or what will happen? I'm excited to play this map pack, and if help is needed to finish it, I could gladly help as, again I see an open slot, even tho it's been a day over the deadline.

The deadline has been moved to July 1 and yes waste tunnels is open.

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4 minutes ago, Raith138 said:

The deadline has been moved to July 1 and yes waste tunnels is open.

Well then if help is needed with Waste Tunnels, I could cook something up.

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@Individualised Map05 is free, I'll give it to you.

Edit: Wait, story screens? I just saw that part of your message, could you elaborate?


@Korni27 There are actually two more slots available, they are simply tagged (partially finished) on the thread since they were abandoned halfway through by the original mappers. If you like, you can take over an existing one, or if you prefer to start over from scratch, you can do that as well. Are you interested in either Map31 or Map06? I posted both of the unfinished maps on the previous page.

Edited by iddq_tea

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1 minute ago, iddq_tea said:


@Korni27 There are actually two more slots available, they are simply tagged (partially finished) on the thread since they were abandoned halfway through by the original mappers. If you like, you can take over an existing one, or if you prefer to start over from scratch, you can do that as well. Are you interested in either Map31 or Map06? I posted both of the unfinished maps on the previous page.

Sure I'd love to help, can I could finish those ones, both of em.

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@Korni27 That'd be really helpful! Were you able to find my uploads of the unfinished maps? They're on the previous page, toward the top. Both should have the description text files included, provided I didn't mess anything up. Let me know if you decide to start one over from scratch though, just so I know whether or not to partially credit the old mappers in the final project.

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5 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@Korni27 That'd be really helpful! Were you able to find my uploads of the unfinished maps? They're on the previous page, toward the top. Both should have the description text files included, provided I didn't mess anything up. Let me know if you decide to start one over from scratch though, just so I know whether or not to partially credit the old mappers in the final project.

found them, I'll give em a go and see if I should start one over from scratch.

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Alright, I've finished, playing through both of the maps and reading about them from our AI overlord.
I think that I will completely re-do MAP06, I think that it was just an unlucky roll of the dice from GPT, as the AI makes a mistake in the first sentence



Starting Room: The player starts in a small room with a door leading to a staircase. The door will open once the player steps on the staircase.


So I think I'll do MAP06 myself

and MAP31 I vibe with, it's something else and I like it, tho I might remake the courtyard a bit, because


Once you defeat them, you can explore the courtyard, which has several small structures, each containing ammo and health packs.

and I saw, like, one "Optional" room I think.
I'll try to get them as fast as possible, and thanks for allowing me in.

Edit: Also, are custom MIDI's allowed, cuz I think I might cuz fall asleep listening to the "Crusher"s MIDI while playtesting

Edited by Korni27

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@Korni27 Yeah, I haven't fully decided what the final midis are going to be for the project, but while playtesting you can put whatever you want there.

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3 minutes ago, Korni27 said:

Edit: Also, are custom MIDI's allowed, cuz I think I might cuz fall asleep listening to the "Crusher"s MIDI while playtesting

Why not replace it with un20.mid (Alice in Chains - Man in the Box)? That's the original version of In the Dark and I think it's a bit more exciting.

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3 minutes ago, Individualised said:

Why not replace it with un20.mid

I was thinking of something faster and more energetic, but after having a listen, I can roll with this

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On 5/31/2023 at 9:26 PM, iddq_tea said:

More DoomGPT shenanigans!


@particleicicle I got two imps stuck in an infighting loop. They were just far enough from one another to fling projectiles but close enough to occasionally get a scratch in, so they were both angry but unable to harm one another.


  Hide contents




One problem I ran into is the lack of health pickups, aside from the bonuses and occasional soulspheres. As soon as I get past the blue door, suddenly medikits and stimpacks cease to exist.


There's a section full of hitscanners that's inaccessible, and I got dangerously low on ammo in the exit room battle. That reminds me, the player gets a rocket launcher but rockets also stop appearing past a certain point, would've been nice to have them in the exit room battle where there were tons of mancubi spawning in.




Also, this guy... I was wondering where the last kill was! How did this happen?

image.png.4f2ff1c7740cbfc8e8d7519811238d7e.png (x: -4512, y: 2184)


I also think that the secret exit should be marked as a secret.

That's funny! I haven't seen it happen myself on any map but I've known it could happen since I saw decino's vid where it was explained.

I didn't put in a lot of stimpacks and medikits into the later parts since I was interpreting ChatGPT quite literally and I was afraid that adding them would be taking too many creative liberties. This was also my reason for not flagging the secret exit as a secret. I also noticed the lack of ammo in testing and tried alleviating it but I guess it wasn't enough.

The inaccessible area used to have a secret door leading to it but I removed it and can't remember why. I think I'll add it back in.

The zombieman/shotgunner is stuck out-of-bounds is because I re-shaped the wall at one point and somehow forgot to reposition them.


Thanks for playing the map! I'll be sure to try to improve on these things and upload a new version when I've done so.

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MAP06: The Crusher

Made from scratch
Tested on ZDoom (Comp: Doom - Strict)
but I didn't use anything advanced so PRBoom+, and basically anything that could run WADs will play it
Custom MIDI: un20.mid (Alice in Chains - Man in the Box)

Notify me if you want me to do any changes, or if you find any bugs.



Edited by Korni27
Map Udpated!

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15 hours ago, Engired said:

I'm unfortunately going to have to leave this project, I just can't do the map to my liking.

I'll take MAP22 as well now that that's open.

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@Korni27 This was a fun short map, surprised you completed it so quickly! The only issue I ran onto is ammo placement, it was very tight in the first half but in the latter half (after I had gotten the yellow key), I became absolutely stacked. The room with the mega armor was probably the trickiest since I had just barely enough ammo to deal with all the pinkies, resulting to berserking the last one.


Also, the slimefall midtextures are only textured on the outside, is that intentional?


@Shawn Playing through your submission again, just in case I discover something - and I did, a softlock! I was looking into this room very cautiously and caused the bars to raise while I was still standing on top of them, which meant I couldn't move forward, only back.






The trigger could be moved further into the room!


The red door is marked one-sided for some reason, I couldn't remember where I saw it and the automap didn't help me find it so I spent a while running around looking for it.


Other than that, great map, I enjoyed replaying it!

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14 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@Korni27 This was a fun short map, surprised you completed it so quickly!

Thanks, the reason I did it quicker than my other maps is that, usually I make my maps bigger and more detailed, you can see that in my maps in Project E.N.T.R.Y. where I try to put detail where I can, but since this time I was doing a map based on a Doom 2 level, I thought I should keep a similar look.



The only issue I ran onto is ammo placement, it was very tight in the first half but in the latter half (after I had gotten the yellow key), I became absolutely stacked. The room with the mega armor was probably the trickiest since I had just barely enough ammo to deal with all the pinkies, resulting to berserking the last one.

Yeah, I usually make pretty difficult maps by default, and I assume that if someone is pistol-starting, they are looking for a challenge anyways. Most people are playing single-segment, so they carry over the weapons from other levels. Comparing this to my other work, it's pretty easy



Also, the slimefall midtextures are only textured on the outside, is that intentional?

Oops, Nope fixed that


and speaking of fixes

I've discovered a soft lock and fixed it



This teleported in the final room will get you back into the main area so you can go back if you don't have the yellow key.


Plus, I've rebalanced something, like the ammo starve, you should have a bit more ammo than before at the start.



@Demonic Meatball Unless that's intentional, I think there should be a way to get out of the nukage pit in the platforming section.

It was to punish you but yeah, I can see it being taken as a dick move, since the slime deals 5hp. I've added a teleporter that sets you back on your path.




Anyhow, here is the new version, hope you enjoy it, also... @iddq_tea I'm working on the Wolfenstein map, and from the orders of our, all knowing map designer, Chat GPT, there are some features that I'm not sure how to exactly implement, so I think I will just omit them, of course, if that's ok with you.


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53 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:


@Shawn Playing through your submission again, just in case I discover something - and I did, a softlock! I was looking into this room very cautiously and caused the bars to raise while I was still standing on top of them, which meant I couldn't move forward, only back.


The trigger could be moved further into the room!

The red door is marked one-sided for some reason, I couldn't remember where I saw it and the automap didn't help me find it so I spent a while running around looking for it.

Other than that, great map, I enjoyed replaying it!


Thanks for the playtesting ! I'll fix this problems, a new version should be up by tomorrow.

Edited by Shawn

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MAP31: Wolfenstein

The layout was made from scratch, but the prompts are from the original
Tested on ZDoom (Comp: Doom - Strict)
but I didn't use anything advanced so PRBoom+, and basically anything that could run WADs will play it
Custom MIDI: D_SHAWN3 (From Freedoom 2)


Notify me if you want me to do any changes, or if you find any bugs.



Edit: Map has been updated




Edited by Korni27
Updated Map... (Again)

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@iddq_tea I've updated the map btw, fixed bugs, and generally improved it. I have a question tho, did you think of having a custom menu/intermission screens? If so I guess I could help you out, to give the map pack more personality.

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12 minutes ago, Korni27 said:

@iddq_tea I've updated the map btw, fixed bugs, and generally improved it. I have a question tho, did you think of having a custom menu/intermission screens? If so I guess I could help you out, to give the map pack more personality.

I was thinking the exact same thing !

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