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DoomGPT: An AI-directed Doom II mapping project (v1.2)

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1 minute ago, Raith138 said:

I did what the AI says and where would I put those textures?

I personally put them up as metal posts around corners but up to you. Flesh textures can work too, as long as they don't stand out too much and make the player think there's a secret behind them. It's just a suggestion though - if you feel like the map is fine the way it is, leave it be.

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The AI only says anything about the very start and the very end otherwise it just basically just says "Do Stuff."

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On 7/1/2023 at 10:46 AM, iddq_tea said:

@LOD42 @SharkyChip @Andrea Rovenski @noisebloom @RubyAurora @mr-around @Raith138 @Individualised @Anarkzie


The deadline is today, wrap up your maps as soon as you can! You have a bit of time while myself and some volunteers check the submissions to make sure they followed the AI instructions and don't break any project rules.


If anyone here wants to volunteer, hit me up! The descriptions don't need to be met word-to-word 100%, but they have to match closely enough that it doesn't drastically change what the AI instructed. Things impossible to achieve in the Doom engine can be dismissed or worked around, as well as things that would make gameplay very unpleasant, such as heavily restricting the player's movement. If you're unsure, ask me! I myself will get to reading the descriptions once I'm done playtesting the maps for their bugs and softlocks so it would be of huge help if someone could volunteer to help. The sooner we finish this, the sooner the project can be published.


And lastly, soon I will compile a beta wad, if you wish to beta test it for balancing and difficulty progression, feel free to volunteer as well, but this will only happen weeks from now, depending on how long it takes for the late submissions to arrive and the descriptions to be looked over.


Sorry for the late reply. I've been trying my hardest to get this map done in time but no luck; the map is quite large. I'm close to finishing but I'm flying out today and won't be able to work on the map until the 10th when I get back. 


I would like to finish it but I understand if that's too long a wait and you decide to free up my slot.

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5 hours ago, Anarkzie said:


Sorry for the late reply. I've been trying my hardest to get this map done in time but no luck; the map is quite large. I'm close to finishing but I'm flying out today and won't be able to work on the map until the 10th when I get back. 


I would like to finish it but I understand if that's too long a wait and you decide to free up my slot.

If you'd like, you can send the map and the prompt, and I can try to finish it up.

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@Raith138 MAP19:



Floating candles, make sure their hitboxes don't collide with any higher floors or else due to an engine quirk they will float up if an adjacent sector changes height (e.g. the door opening)


Also, misaligned texture on the door track! You can replace that with SUPPORT3, it works well with red bricks.




More misaligned textures:





Tick "Lower Unpegged" for these door tracks:




I had fun with this one, love the terrain transformation in the white rocky area. Two of the secrets I found completely by accident, the automap one I had to check the editor for, I could not figure it out. If only one of the monster closets had had a glowing monster carving, I might've had a better clue, but since both sides one, I assumed it was purely aesthetic. You can either make the non-shootable one not glowing, or remove it entirely. Other secrets can be made a tad bit more obvious too, since other players may not be pressing random candles and such.


@OceanMadman MAP28:





Thank you for this masterpiece. It's an abstract mess, Going Down's Insanity shivers in fear.


Found a missing texture here, but at this point for all I know it could be fully intentional:




This is the coolest way ever to get a megasphere, but one out of three times I got stuck in an infinite falling loop without either being able to get the mega or being able to get out. See what's causing it, maybe I stepped in too slowly?




I could only find one secret on my own and it was neither of the BFG secrets. I don't think the secrets were bs though, I just wasn't looking hard enough, I was mostly distracted by how insane the map design was. You can move the switch in the starting room closer to the wall it opens up, but aside from that I don't think anything needs to be changed. Fantastic map! The final fight was fun, maybe it could be made even more challenging since circling the arena made it very easy to take everything out.




I think I've caught up with all the submissions so far, if I missed yours, let me know! If your map is done but not marked as "finished" on the thread, I probably missed it. If I have not sent you feedback, that means I'm satisfied with your map and no changes are needed.


I am able to start reading the descriptions now. Who wants to volunteer to help, to speed things up? You don't necessarily have to play through the map, just check it in a Doom editor of your choice while reading the AI's instructions.

The criteria: AI's instructions were accurately followed where possible (exceptions include: things not possible in the vanilla Doom engine, things that obstruct player movement). If you aren't sure whether something else you see counts as an exception, ask me!


I will compile the maps we have finished so far into one WAD as soon as the mappers I sent feedback to respond and fix whatever errors need to be fixed. Hopefully we'll get some new submissions in that period, too.


Once the beta wad is compiled, I would also like to hear what MIDI recommendations you guys have for maps that don't have their own MIDIs yet! The MIDI can be your own, but if you recommend someone else's work, let me know so I know who to credit.

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@iddq_tea Hey, thanks a lot for the kind words!


About the FIREBLU hole, well, that was supposed to be a softlock, hence the "Limbo Entrance" you can read in the ceiling (Very kind of me, I know) but I noticed you can get out of there even if it is kind of tricky, so I just put a megasphere there so it looks like the possible escape is intentional :).


I quickly made another version of the map. I removed a slime trail, fixed the missing textures, and added a couple of pain elementals in the final section so It's a bit more challenging. Though I didn't put the switch to the first secret closer to the wall because I thought that would make it more noticeable.


The Spirit World v2.zip

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@OceanMadman Oh I see haha. It's a creative trap, even if it's very mean. The location of the secret switch is fine, maybe instead you can mark the wall two-sided on the automap so that the players will know what the switch opened? When I went back for secret hunting, it was after the room had gone fully dark so I probably wouldn't have found it on my own.


EDIT: I can't extract the wad file from the archive, says "header error" and the file comes out corrupted. Can you re-send it?

Edited by iddq_tea

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Yeah, I think that works better. I also gave the wall some LITEBLU4 borders so I guess it's easier to guess what the switch does.



Does it work now?




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17 hours ago, iddq_tea said:


  Hide contents

HoM here, also this secret was absolutely not obvious at all until I checked the editor, the texture's offset is like 1 pixel and I typically don't pay attention to the ceiling when playing so maybe make it slightly more obvious. It's already behind a revenant cage so even if the texture used was slightly different, it might not be immediately obvious. I'd make it brown personally, a nod to the original IWADs.




The secret portal in the bookshelf maze was not obvious to me, I would recommend making that wall flicker or glow.


Other than that, nothing much else to say - a short and simple breather map.



Thanks for bringing up these issues. I agree with your points... here's a rev that addresses them.


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10 hours ago, Korni27 said:

If you'd like, you can send the map and the prompt, and I can try to finish it up.


I don't have the file with me otherwise that would have been a great compromise. Thanks for the offer.

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I am sorry for the disappointment but after looking through some of the posts of maps here I don't believe that my maps fit the quality expectations of this project. As such I'd like to drop out of both of my slots. If you want I can give an early version of MAP05 but I don't think it would be really salvageable into a higher quality map, to me it's like a 1994 map compared to the others in this project.



Edited by Individualised

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2 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@Individualised Sorry to hear you say that! Can I at least take a look at your maps? Maybe they're not as bad from a different player's perspective.

If you'd like I can polish it up a bit and add the remaining areas.

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11 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

@Raith138 MAP19:


  Hide contents

Floating candles, make sure their hitboxes don't collide with any higher floors or else due to an engine quirk they will float up if an adjacent sector changes height (e.g. the door opening)


Also, misaligned texture on the door track! You can replace that with SUPPORT3, it works well with red bricks.




More misaligned textures:





Tick "Lower Unpegged" for these door tracks:




I had fun with this one, love the terrain transformation in the white rocky area. Two of the secrets I found completely by accident, the automap one I had to check the editor for, I could not figure it out. If only one of the monster closets had had a glowing monster carving, I might've had a better clue, but since both sides one, I assumed it was purely aesthetic. You can either make the non-shootable one not glowing, or remove it entirely. Other secrets can be made a tad bit more obvious too, since other players may not be pressing random candles and such.


@OceanMadman MAP28:


  Reveal hidden contents



Thank you for this masterpiece. It's an abstract mess, Going Down's Insanity shivers in fear.


Found a missing texture here, but at this point for all I know it could be fully intentional:




This is the coolest way ever to get a megasphere, but one out of three times I got stuck in an infinite falling loop without either being able to get the mega or being able to get out. See what's causing it, maybe I stepped in too slowly?




I could only find one secret on my own and it was neither of the BFG secrets. I don't think the secrets were bs though, I just wasn't looking hard enough, I was mostly distracted by how insane the map design was. You can move the switch in the starting room closer to the wall it opens up, but aside from that I don't think anything needs to be changed. Fantastic map! The final fight was fun, maybe it could be made even more challenging since circling the arena made it very easy to take everything out.




I think I've caught up with all the submissions so far, if I missed yours, let me know! If your map is done but not marked as "finished" on the thread, I probably missed it. If I have not sent you feedback, that means I'm satisfied with your map and no changes are needed.


I am able to start reading the descriptions now. Who wants to volunteer to help, to speed things up? You don't necessarily have to play through the map, just check it in a Doom editor of your choice while reading the AI's instructions.

The criteria: AI's instructions were accurately followed where possible (exceptions include: things not possible in the vanilla Doom engine, things that obstruct player movement). If you aren't sure whether something else you see counts as an exception, ask me!


I will compile the maps we have finished so far into one WAD as soon as the mappers I sent feedback to respond and fix whatever errors need to be fixed. Hopefully we'll get some new submissions in that period, too.


Once the beta wad is compiled, I would also like to hear what MIDI recommendations you guys have for maps that don't have their own MIDIs yet! The MIDI can be your own, but if you recommend someone else's work, let me know so I know who to credit.

I'll fix the texture problems but I don't think I will change the secret because the one you need to shoot is blinking to signify something is up, I can maybe make it a bit brighter tho.

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Hi, sorry for the long absence.
I'm still working on the map. I'm to trying to finish as quickly as possible without having something that feels rushed.
I'm really sorry I missed the deadline. I'm hoping to finish it this week as soon as I can.

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4 hours ago, WoodWork said:

Why is there a deadline in the first place?

It was more of a soft dead line

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@WoodWork To motivate people, I wanted to start putting the beta wad together on the 1st but a couple of submissions are still unfinished so it's going to be delayed, hopefully not for long.


@spineapple tea It's yours!


MAP22 is still open for grabs.

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3 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

@WoodWork To motivate people, I wanted to start putting the beta wad together on the 1st but a couple of submissions are still unfinished so it's going to be delayed, hopefully not for long.


@spineapple tea It's yours!


MAP22 is still open for grabs.


I guess? It just motivates people too rush it though which can end up producing low quality maps.

And for some people it takes a little bit more than a week too create one level.

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16 minutes ago, WoodWork said:


I guess? It just motivates people too rush it though which can end up producing low quality maps.

And for some people it takes a little bit more than a week too create one level.

If anything I've seen project deadlines encourage procrastination due to how far out they are and people forgetting about them. This project started in February and had the original deadline of June.

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3 hours ago, iddq_tea said:

I have another project that's been in the works for 2-3 years now, I think a deadline is fair.

I see. Keep it active. What is your other project? Maybe I can contribute?

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@WoodWork It's Doom Refired, but we are currently full on contributors. It started off as a community project but we eventually narrowed it down to a small team. Feel free to check up on the progress and provide feedback though, that's always appreciated!

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21 minutes ago, iddq_tea said:

@WoodWork It's Doom Refired, but we are currently full on contributors. It started off as a community project but we eventually narrowed it down to a small team. Feel free to check up on the progress and provide feedback though, that's always appreciated!


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