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Weird shit with prb+ startup sometimes

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It is pretty old bug. Not fatal but can be quite annoying for somebody already nearly exausted by countless attempts. It happens pretty rare and randomly (may strike two times in row, few times within minute, or not happens in hour) without any logical reason (weather dependence shit?) while prb+ initializing and starting recording demo. First thing what you see is odd palette, may be in 16 colors, then you hear some distorted sounds, and keyboard not worked (so I can't even do screenshot). Sometimes after few seconds with chaotic keyboard/mouse inputs situation brings to normal, but because attempt was already ruined - you quit with frustration and can see a long string of initial input commands from keyboard buffer fiilled your cmd line like wwwwaaaasssdddd. But program output log contains nothing criminal! ("V_InitMode: using 8 bit video mode" and so on as always)


From old buddy I hear at once what this is old prboom (not even plus) software renderer-specific bug what never happens in gl. Dunno, I almost never used gl at all.


Have you experience it? Can you suggest remedy? Can you tell if it was fixed in dsda (although restart button should probably obscure this issue...)

Edited by Hitherto

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Another observation: if I continue ruined by this issue recording attempt, sometimes situation brings to normal after, for example, weapon pickup (suddenly all gets restored - palette and sounds) ; but if I get this shit on "-playdemo -nosound" (typical TV demo setting for me because my ears almost always are occupied) - I never able do any input except ctrl+alt+del with process killing. So this issue maybe sound related... 


Btw, I had two systems which are suffered this, both under WinXP sp3, both has pretty old dual-core intel cpus with integrated audio.


Also I tried today switch to 16-bit mode from 8-bit when it happens to me again, but due very difficult run (ts04 max) feels myself uncomfortable because fps drop from 150 to 120 on avg... May will try it later on some lame pacifist run, dunno... Another strange thing - do human being supposed to feel such small fps differency?

Edited by Hitherto

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46 minutes ago, Hitherto said:

Also I tried today switch to 16-bit mode from 8-bit when it happens to me again, but due very difficult run (ts04 max) feels myself uncomfortable because fps drop from 150 to 120 on avg... May will try it later on some lame pacifist run, dunno... Another strange thing - do human being supposed to feel such small fps differency?

It doesn't really matter what the framerate is, Doom can only respond to your inputs at 35hz. I suspect what you have here is the placebo effect, and you wouldn't be thinking there's a problem if you removed the framerate counter.

Edited by Edward850

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May be, I dunno... Somewhat I was on top of my nerve system ability, and feel that cramped level pretty tight. Then 16 bit and oops... things starting moving a bit _differently_ on screen. Then I measured both modes just for be sure on -timedemo.

Edited by Hitherto

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For just to be sure for another time I did IDRATE on initial recording movements on that map (actual -record mode). Drop from 190 to 140 on avg and yeap, I still can feel it.

Edited by Hitherto

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1 hour ago, GarrettChan said:

just play capped and problem solved. 


suffer from headache? try to decapitate a bit more :p

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9 minutes ago, Hitherto said:


suffer from headache? try to decapitate a bit more :p


Then I guess you have no point to complain because 35 FPS clearly is more easily controlled because you don't need to suffer the discrepancy of your brain is reading the screen with higher than 35 FPS while your hand can only input things in 35 FPS.

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I had nothing to complain about input things, I just feel myself little distorted (dizzlied?) by watching for pixels on screen moving differently. Have this monitor if it matters.

Edited by Hitherto

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