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Most creative use of Doom 2's final boss actors in a WAD

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I'm looking for creative uses of Doom 2's final boss actors in WADs. Many WADs just try to recreate the original Icon of Sin fight, but I know there is lots of potential and room for making more "custom" fights using the various actors that make up the Icon of Sin. What are some great examples of this?

Edited by Individualised

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Idk if you've seen this before, but, check out the map 30 of slaughterMAX wad; It uses approximately 400+ boss cube spawners to make a hell to play map. 

I found this megawad randomly scrolling through doomwiki and thought this was an interesting use of the cube spawner mechanisms. 



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15 minutes ago, BakedBunForMe said:

Idk if you've seen this before, but, check out the map 30 of slaughterMAX wad; It uses approximately 400+ boss cube spawners to make a hell to play map. 

I found this megawad randomly scrolling through doomwiki and thought this was an interesting use of the cube spawner mechanisms. 



Exactly the sort of stuff I'm looking for! Thanks for sharing.

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This might be cheating the thread since it's using the code pointers rather than the actors themselves, but there are these statues in Struggle - Antaresian Legacy that play a sound upon being revealed and then trigger a single monster to spawn a moment later. I always thought that was really cool. The Leviathan boss monster also summons monsters when its pain state is triggered.

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Going to toot my own horn here, but in Dominus Diabolicus, I used DEHACKED to make a new mini-boss type enemy that makes use of the Icon of Sin code pointers and spawn points but also has an attack capable of dealing direct damage to the player. (I also use a hidden  Romero head to represent a building getting blown up.)

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There's Map30 of Experiencing Nirvana, but that's pretty much designed to just be annoying (you have to kill the icon before the 40,000+ spawners cause the game to lag to unplayability by telefragging each other)



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