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Are there still Doom textures that you never used?

Astro X

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After countless days, months, years of mapping, numerous personal projects, community projects, all sorts of rules and restrictions, are there any stock Doom textures left that you never used? I'm curious :)

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I’ve probably found a good use for almost every Doom texture at this point. I went years without using WOODVERT but it’s grown on me a bit, at least I can say I’ve found ways to use it appealingly. I love FIREBLU and BROWNWEL and the CEMENT family and have found some fun uses for GRAYTALL’s ugly red stripe as a decoration or dried blood stream. I’ve even found excuses to use all the WOLF and ZZZFACE textures so there’s not many I can say I’ve never used in a map. 

That said, as I think about it there’s a few I think I may have never used. All the ASHWALLs except for 2, 3 and maybe one other have proven useless and hideous every time I’ve tried using them somewhere. In particular that one that looks like it was imported in the wrong palette, I forget which one. Then there’s STEPTOP which I feel doesn’t look good in any context, even in 3D bridges which is it’s most touted use. I also tend to underuse the pipe textures, mostly as a matter of taste, and I’m not sure I’ve ever used the ones with the fluids dripping out of them. I think I’ve used those off-white bricks before but mostly they look busy and hurt my eyes when I try to use them, and I usually settle for the red bricks or the more tasteful brown bricks instead. In practice there’s probably a few switches I’ve never used because I like to make my switches inset and generally default to the smaller textures I don’t have to realign as much (SW1EXIT why can’t they all be like you <3 )

That’s probably about it. Now excuse me while I go finally find a use case for the other ASHWALL textures

Edited by Stupid Bunny

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i cant remember what its called but is the default ceiling texture in doombuilder 2, never used it in a single map i believe 

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