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Recreate Plutonia from Memory! (CP) (Completed)

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On 2/23/2023 at 11:58 PM, stupid (tsocheff) said:

here's map 5: a dead man's town deadmanstown.zip

map 5 is one of my favorite maps so i remember quite a bit. and if there is anything i need to fix, tell me.


Played through this and found it to be close to the original. Two issues, though. 


First, the map does not work on Crispy Doom because you used boom generalized linedef actions. So you'll need to redo all the linedef actions using the base doom 2 actions instead. 


Second, I found that there was too little ammo. I haven't played the original recently, but I don't think the original was quite so stingy. Unless I'm wrong about that, I think the map could use a few more shells, cells, or bullets. Both times I played this I ran completely out of ammo and could not progress due to beefy monsters blocking progression paths. 


Otherwise, though, this is very well done and seemed to me a very faithful recreation.

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ok will fix that. when i made it and then played the original again i realized how similar it was and i was kinda worried people would think i just copied the original.

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the changes are: upped ammo a bit and changed boom generalized lines to base doom 2 lines 


this is mainly for crispy or chocolate doom ports. you dont have to include this in the cp, you can if you want to.

Edited by stupid (tsocheff)

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Having some minor technical issues with my MIDI software, but I've made a fair bit of progress. Once I've sorted that out I hope to have a first draft up here soon. Not being able to actually listen to the tune for fun is driving me bonkers :P 

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Actually, after it's decided to break another one of the songs I've been working on... fuck Anvil Studio. Anybody able to recommend another free MIDI sequencer?

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58 minutes ago, ReloadPsi said:

Actually, after it's decided to break another one of the songs I've been working on... fuck Anvil Studio. Anybody able to recommend another free MIDI sequencer?

Try Sekaiju (on Windows) or Rosegarden (on Linux).

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I hate that i constantly want to take part of project and then just die or get depressed then not be able to be part of them. Im sorry i gotta hop off this one, even tho i really wanna be part of it. IRL stress is taking a toll on me, and i can really only be part of one project at a time

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On 3/14/2023 at 4:39 PM, stupid (tsocheff) said:

the changes are: upped ammo a bit and changed boom generalized lines to base doom 2 lines 


this is mainly for crispy or chocolate doom ports. you dont have to include this in the cp, you can if you want to.


Tested this, and found no bugs on crispy, but the ammo is still too scarce. Overall, it's very well done, but the ammo just needs to be upped more. On all three runs of this, I could not complete it due to running out of ammo with barons/archvile blocking the exit. Never have had this issue on the original (and after a quick check, confirmed that the original has significantly more ammo). IMO, it's perfectly okay if this doesn't have as much health/ammo as the original, but given that you must kill some beefy enemies to exit, I think there should still be enough ammo on the map to ensure the player can exit. 

Edited by Fiendish

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On 2/22/2023 at 10:47 PM, forgettable pyromaniac said:

Don't wanna leave the map out to dry for liike a month...

... I left it out for a month. Oops. Hopping on it now.
What I got so far: (mostly just the layout.)




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On 2/24/2023 at 8:13 AM, LOD42 said:

MAP01 Dl: PL01-LOD42.zip
Felt pressure from making the opener of this project lol, I played this map a lot, so I felt like I can make the map without ever looking at it after, for the most part I did.

Spoiler warning! My thoughts on the making this, and stuff I remember missing now that I played the original again:

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I remembered the monster placements pretty well for the most part, though I did miscount the amount of revenants in the rocket launcher trap area.
Some of the triggers of the traps are slightly different though, like the one at the area where the blue skull is, the aforementoned revenant RL room, the SSG room and the chaingunner trap before it, etc. When I didn't remember how exactly stuff was triggered, I of course made stuff up. Some enemy amounts might be misplaced though, I didn't remember everything perfectly.

Lighting-wise, most of the areas are brighter than the original, and it kinda kills the atmosphere haha, I guess i just remembered it being brighter I guess.
About the texturing, I'd say I did a decent job replicating the original, but I struggled with finding the exact textures for everything, which ended up making everything more cursed.
I forgot the that brown tile texture thing at the shotgunner sniper rooms, and confused it with brown bricks because I geniunely couldn't remember what that texture looked like.
I also completely forgot that plutonia uses the wood plank texture on the walls as a border texture, confusing it with SUPPORT3 xd.
The doors also had door tracks, when it didn't in the original. This was probably because I was using that UDB door shortcut feature a lot here, on top of not knowing it had no door tracks before making this.
I also forgot the computer panels in the twin chaingunner and torches at the stairs. I knew I was forgetting something when making that room, so I placed those weird brown thingies at the hallway, because I had honestly forgotten was in there!
I also forgot how the lights were placed too when making this, so I just spammed BSTONE3 and BRICKLIT everywhere, including the one revenant rising trap cross path room, placing 3 more alcoves in each corner of the room, where there was none in the original.

I had a lot of fun making this though, and the mistakes and misrememberings are part of the fun!

Do let me know if there are any issues with the map

The new name is at the intermission screen btw-

Dude, I made a harder version of your map.

Check it out!




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damn, don't know how I missed this project by over a month and a half. Looking forward to people's creations and might find time to help with some playtesting. @Engired if a map slot opens up i'd be glad to take one that needs to be completed.

If anything i wouldn't mind also taking a crack at some of the text screens, sign me up for C2.

Edited by DFF

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Well one way or another I've got it working again, so barring any other issues I'll be on target for deadline. Work's progressing steadily now,  so I've used up one of my three permitted listens for a bit of inspiration.

Edited by ReloadPsi

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And it's almost done! Got a few finishing touches to add (namely, things that I find to be a pain in the bum to do no matter what software I'm using, like adding multiple notes on the same beat which I'm still pretty bad at for some reason) but here's a near-final draft.


I gotta explain a few things first: the first time I heard this song, I deadass mistook it for another one entirely, and was like "wait, why is this guy's playthrough of Plutonia using a MIDI of... oh, it's not that at all. Real similar though." Nevertheless, back when I didn't really have this tune memorized, that other tune would fill in the blanks whenever I hummed it to myself. What this means is that, with this version looping three times, the middle loop is from memory (my intent is the a player will only hear it once every third loop,) just a specific imperfect memory I used to have of the song (now replicated from an imperfect memory of that) based on that issue. In light of this, I did also ask Bucket directly a few years ago whether [that song] was a direct inspiration for Plunge Saw. He said it wasn't deliberate, but once he realized what it was turning into, he leaned into that on purpose.


So here it is, a near-final draft of what I'm calling "Plunge On, Saw Further" (or its lesser-used Japanese title, 更に台杉者達, "Sara ni Daisugi Monotachi." Like maybe two people on this entire forum'll get that joke.)


Shouldn't be long before I get a final version out. I might end up having a crack at one or two of the other songs if I find I can in fact recall any others well enough, but this particular one's lived rent free in my brain for a very long time and I wouldn't have it any other way.




Edited by ReloadPsi

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I've redone the list, I was using excel before and it just became a pain to update. There were a number of duplicate midi submissions, if you want to submit a midi (or already have), please check the list. The list should be accurate to the first person who asked to do the midi. Sorry if you claimed a midi that was actually already claimed! It's all my fault!


Finally, here's a download of the first beta build: PLEXRM.zip

I'll again try to go through them and see if they all work properly. I won't be mentioning the people who still have maps to be completed, however the next time I update I probably will, so this is a soft reminder for those following the thread. The deadline is mid-next month, but I can already tell that I'll need to extend it. I don't want for this to take too much longer than that though, as I really want it to be done before December!


Also, if I missed your text submission in the thread, please tell me because it looks like I've completely missed all of them.

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Very happy with it! Though it wasn't hard to remember much of it, the difficulty has somehow shot up, heh.





Name: Stranglehold

Based on: MAP21 - Slayer

Build time: Two to three hours

Tools used: Doom Builder X, SLADE 3

Tested with: GZDoom 4.8.2


Edited by Scorpius

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I'm gonna start my work on this map once I'm done with my work over for 666Secrets. My version of Neurosphere will take some inspiration from E3M6: Mount Erebus.

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Hello there, I'm still alive, but not active at this moment, I'll continue on my map probably next week because my whole month is kinda a slog to get thru, really busy with real life stuff.. I did the opening part of the map but didn't put the monsters yet..

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Songs done! I usually do a lot of song covers anyway, so I was kinda worried I'd get too close to the OGs if I gave them a fresh listen before doing the covers. I tried to recreate them all purely from memory as best I could, but I had a feeling I was missing huge chunks from each, so I gave them all exactly one listen and added stuff based on that. Hope they sound good!
MAP02 - Hammer

MAP06 - Plustle

MAP23 - Socket Hideous


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On 2/17/2023 at 10:41 PM, Engired said:

Now, Plutonia only uses the base Doom 2 midis. Of course we're not going to do that again, so for the first time ever, we're going to recreate the midis from the Plutonia MIDI Pack.

That is an excellent idea!

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I am still alive and there's hope I will do my submission this weekend. However, it might be missing a couple of rooms or something, because turns out I don't remember plutonia at all, and the first attempt at playthrough didn't help much.

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I've gone ahead and done the intermission text for C5 and C6:




Congratulations! You've found the second

hardest level we've got. Hope you have

a saved game from a previous level.

If not, be prepared to die aplenty.

For master marines only.




Bet you wondered just what the hardest

level we had ready was? Here you go.

No one gets out alive.


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