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no TITLEMAP music

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On 2/18/2023 at 11:10 PM, dummdoommapper said:

so im creating a mod and made a TITLEMAP but then I realized there was no music so how do I reactivate the music?

A TITLEMAP is usually part of a script, for example


#include "zcommon.acs"

//  void SetMusic (str song [, int order [, int unused]]);
//  224:Scroll_Ceiling (tag, x-move, y-move, unused);
//  237:ChangeCamera (tid, who, revert);
//  130:Thing_Activate (tid);
//  void SetFont (str fontlump);
//  void SetHudSize(int width, int height, bool statusbar);
//  void HudMessage (text; int type, int id, int color, fixed x, fixed y, fixed holdTime [, fixed alpha]); ;
//  177:Thing_Hate (hater, hatee, type);

Script 99 Enter
  SetMusic ("ROTITLE3", 0);

  setfont ("BILD");
  hudmessage (s:"A"; HUDMSG_PLAIN, 1, CR_UNTRANSLATED, 0.5, 0.5, 0);

  SetFont ("PATH");
  SetHudSize(640, 480, 0);

  HudMessage( s:"TITLEMAP testing \n\n",
              s:"The music is from Russian Overkill's Titlemap \n\n",
	          s:"Using a script to include any text \n",
			  s:"to tell the player what's going on. \n\n",
			  s:"Use this simple example as a template. \n\n",
			  s:"Setting up the maps correctly is done \n",
			  s:"with Slade3 and GZDoom Builder.\n\n",
			  s:"Make sure that MAPINFO/ZMAPINFO and SCRIPTS\n",
			  s:"are properly formatted.";
              HUDMSG_PLAIN, 0, CR_GOLD, 320.0, 250.0, 225.0);


see this example pwad


Edited by Kappes Buur

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I find it easiest to use a script for a TITLEMAP, but with less flexability this can also be done in (Z)MAPINFO with the GameInfo block.


A (Z)MAPINFO lump can contain elements of these  topics


and can be quite involved, as seen in examples of

Tormentor's Refinery

Russion Overkill 3



Edited by Kappes Buur

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