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Grime - 5 maps oozing urban decay!

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Damn, would love to jump in but I’m at work, didn’t know this was coming so soon! Congrats on the release.

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50 minutes ago, Egg Boy said:

Damn, would love to jump in but I’m at work, didn’t know this was coming so soon! Congrats on the release.

Thanks EB! :) I’ve tested it to death so hopefully it’s all ship shape.

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2 hours ago, retrogamer97 said:

Just finiished it, great maps. Wish we could get a megawad/doomer board project with this theme. 

Thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoyed it!

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Took some time to blast through these before work this morning. Nicely done! I didnt realize I was missing bite sized little maps in my life but here we are. That was a super fun way to kill an hour. Thanks for making these.

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Quick question. Am I correct in my thought that this contains all the single levels you have released over the last month or so? Was going to check out some of your other stuff but the most recent ones seem to have the same names as these levels.

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Hey Eduardo! Good shit! Definitely a fun romp through some beautifully designed levels. I think Map05 was my favorite of the bunch, the traps in it are phenomenal. I also enjoyed the sound replacements. Usually sound replacements aren't my style but they fit in with the rest of the set so much I actually found them enjoyable, especially the shotgunners who sound like a bunch of old men.





Edited by ZeMystic

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9 hours ago, Insaneprophet said:

Quick question. Am I correct in my thought that this contains all the single levels you have released over the last month or so? Was going to check out some of your other stuff but the most recent ones seem to have the same names as these levels.

Thanks so much! Yeah, maps 2 and 3 are the ones I’ve released recently. I decided to tie them together thematically with some new ones I drew up. :)

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1 hour ago, ZeMystic said:

Hey Eduardo! Good shit! Definitely a fun romp through some beautifully designed levels. I think Map05 was my favorite of the bunch, the traps in it are phenomenal. I also enjoyed the sound replacements. Usually sound replacements aren't my style but they fit in with the rest of the set so much I actually found them enjoyable, especially the shotgunners who sound like a bunch of old men.


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Oh gee, thanks ZeMystic! That’s such a buzz coming from you as I admire your stuff so much. I probably had far too much fun with the sound replacements lol :)

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Ok, I got er' duhn!


Really enjoyed the aesthetics - reminded me of some badass early 90's action flick, "the demons killed his family, he'll cry when he's done killin"

I thought the use of conveyers was absolutely adorable, especially on Map 1. 


Additionally, really really liked Map 5 - I think this is your strongest map to date.

I absolutely blazed through it on my blind playthrough but it absolutely wrecked me as soon as I tried to record!


Anyway, here's map 1 (I'm going to space these uploads out), thanks for making :)



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9 hours ago, mancubian_candidate said:

Ok, I got er' duhn!


Really enjoyed the aesthetics - reminded me of some badass early 90's action flick, "the demons killed his family, he'll cry when he's done killin"

I thought the use of conveyers was absolutely adorable, especially on Map 1. 


Additionally, really really liked Map 5 - I think this is your strongest map to date.

I absolutely blazed through it on my blind playthrough but it absolutely wrecked me as soon as I tried to record!


Anyway, here's map 1 (I'm going to space these uploads out), thanks for making :)



Oh cool, thanks man! Really appreciate you playing. :)

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UPDATE: 21/02/2023


  • More shells added to maps 4 and 5.
  • I've noticed in a few people's videos the new monster sounds etc are REALLY slowed down. I never encountered this issue on any of the sourceports I tested on, so if anyone knows the reason for this, please let me know so I can fix it up. I reloaded new saves of the sounds in SLADE, saved them as Doom sounds etc ... really hope they work for everyone now.
  • There's a line in the final fight of map 05 where your projectiles can apparently hit like it's solid although it's not. I checked and it's just a plain ol' line with nothing special about it in Doom Builder. Really not sure what's causing this to occur either. If anyone else has issues with this, let me know please and I'll try to investigate further!

New updates coming when they are needed. Thanks so much for your kind words, playthroughs, and patience. You're all awesome.


-Edz. xo

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Hey, while I did play maps 2 and 3 before I decided to rerecord all 5 maps. And it seem you made some changes.


Here is the playlist with videos to all 5 of the maps I played. Kept them seperate in case I keep dieing over and over again in one of them. Thankfully, I didn't, so 5 short videos on HMP (As far as I'm aware of)



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30 minutes ago, IcarusOfDaggers said:

Hey, while I did play maps 2 and 3 before I decided to rerecord all 5 maps. And it seem you made some changes.


Here is the playlist with videos to all 5 of the maps I played. Kept them seperate in case I keep dieing over and over again in one of them. Thankfully, I didn't, so 5 short videos on HMP (As far as I'm aware of)



Cheers matey! Thanks so much for playing. :)

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Just finished the wad, had a blast. Map03, Condemned: Criminal Oranges was my personal favorite, but the entire wad had a creative and playful atmosphere that made it feel part wonky forgotten DOS shooter part Mouldy worship. This illusion is only broken by the rare stock Doom 2 texture, I would personally find something to take the place of these since they are a textural mismatch (keymarkers look fine though, and I thought the factory that seemingly made stock doom 2 textures was funny). I appreciate the willingness to give out the rocket launcher as soon as possible, but I would have also liked if the set ramped up quicker. The combat and weapon selection is a bit subdued in the first two maps, especially without that secret RL in map02, without which I think that map might have been a bit grindy. The last 3 maps are the real meat of the set, with all three being much more substantial than the two before. The first is a linear romp through a condemned building, memorable setpieces like the RL ambush with the walls coming down and the Imps blowing a hole through a wall along with the spritely pacing makes for an oddly cinematic experience that I really enjoyed. Map04 is the most sprawling of the set, my favorite section is the fight on the catwalk over bubbling nukage outside the factory. The set ends with a climactic cybie pincer attack in the final map. Don't have a ton to say about it, I thought it was good fun, but not quite as good as the last two maps. Sorry for being brief, I could probably go a bit more in depth later. Overall, solid set. Final play time was about 35 minutes.

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Thanks so much for playing, mate! Thanks for the notes, I really appreciate the time you’ve taken. I hope this set will help to inform my future efforts … I really want to do something sandy and exotic after the grimy city vibe. Maybe something shorter, three maps or something like that. Probably the only way I’ll improve my skills is to play more, die more, and map more. Thanks again!

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Had a blast with these maps. Echoing some other sentiments, the ramp up is a bit slow but I honestly don't mind some easy brisk Doom from time to time. The latter 3 maps are where the real resistance begins, and for the most part everything lands. I have a few gripes/nitpicks here and there, as noted in the video - hopefully the feedback will help for consideration, but I always turn it over to the author to advocate for what's best for their own maps rather than take my feedback as compulsory prescription. Ultimately, this mapset did what any great mapset does - left me wanting more. Eager to see what your next project entails.


Edit: Also want to note that I was absolutely delighted by the "Doom factory" if that's what the intent behind it was. Very silly and clever little theme that was completely unexpected but very welcomed.



Edited by LVENdead

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9 hours ago, LVENdead said:

Had a blast with these maps. Echoing some other sentiments, the ramp up is a bit slow but I honestly don't mind some easy brisk Doom from time to time. The latter 3 maps are where the real resistance begins, and for the most part everything lands. I have a few gripes/nitpicks here and there, as noted in the video - hopefully the feedback will help for consideration, but I always turn it over to the author to advocate for what's best for their own maps rather than take my feedback as compulsory prescription. Ultimately, this mapset did what any great mapset does - left me wanting more. Eager to see what your next project entails.


Edit: Also want to note that I was absolutely delighted by the "Doom factory" if that's what the intent behind it was. Very silly and clever little theme that was completely unexpected but very welcomed.



Thanks matey. :) I’ll let it sit for a day or so then implement a few tweaks. I’ve already put in more shotgun shells hehe. Already mulling over my next mapset!

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23 hours ago, EduardoAndFriends said:

UPDATE: 21/02/2023

  • There's a line in the final fight of map 05 where your projectiles can apparently hit like it's solid although it's not. I checked and it's just a plain ol' line with nothing special about it in Doom Builder. Really not sure what's causing this to occur either. If anyone else has issues with this, let me know please and I'll try to investigate further!


Flip it, should fix the issue. Sometimes doom reads front facing and backfacing lines differently.

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2 hours ago, pcorf said:

A nice little map set with Duke Nukem 3D style maps but Doom enemies and weapons.

Oh hey, pcorf! Thanks man, I really appreciate it. Absolutely love Zone 300 and 400, bloody fun stuff, mate. :)

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24 minutes ago, IcarusOfDaggers said:


Flip it, should fix the issue. Sometimes doom reads front facing and backfacing lines differently.

Nah, no amount of flipping made any difference for me, what a bugger. I've chosen the solution of placing a 128 long crate in the area to discourage rocket fire within that problem area. Bit stumped about any other solution at the present. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Further updates (22/02/2023):


  • Blocked off the revenant on Map 01 at the end so the bastard doesn't jog off into the darkness. Also pushed back the walk-over exit line so as to not accidentally trigger a premature exit.
  • Additional cover added to Map 05 on the walkway so as to not get your helmet sniped by the chaingunners around the corner.
  • Yellow key stripes removed from the switch in the cyber hut in the last fight. It never needed the yellow key, it instead hinted at the fact that the yellow bars are now accessible, but I see why this would confuse people. So they're now plain old silver.
  • The bastard invisible blockage in the final fight that may lead to accidental face-rockets has been somewhat remedied with the placement of a large crate over the problem area, discouraging rocket fire. There was absolutely nothing there in Doom Builder, and I now don't think any lines are the blame as rockets are detonating before the line would be crossed. It's a real stumper. The search for a cleaner solution continues .............


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