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Mapset: Auger;Zenith


Mapset: DeusVult2



Have you ever wanted to play a Stickman? No? too bad you now can!

  • Test Map

  • Proper Arsenal

  • Unique gimmick

  • New hud

  • A quick melee and taunt!

  • And more to come!(tm)(c)(r)


Stickguy gimmick is that when he damages enemies he gets some wildpoints, he fills a mter on the bottom right corner, once full, it can be used by pressing taunt, it will give you an health boost and makes your weapons act, as the name suggest, wilder and faster to switch. 


Tested with gzdoom 4.10 might not work on earlier versions

Make sure to bind AltFire and Reload before playing!
(Drive Mirror)
Mapset recommended (along to the ones from the screenshot):
VelaPax, Scythe 2, Alfonzone, Scientist 2, DBP35 and 45


Credit List:


Mod by Redead-ITA

Pistol, Hud face and player sprites are done by me!
Some of the code are thanks to Accensus ,Marisa Kirisame and some Hideous destructor discord people
Story grammar corrections are by Tapwave
Pistol sounds are from 3DRealms, SunStorm Interactive and Arush Entertainment
Hud code from Lewisk3 (Redxone)
The code of Different intermissions is taken from La tailor Girl,
Credits goes to Dr.Pyspy and Cactus Hedge for the original and Lewinsk3 for improving it a little.
Can Opening SFX by Alexander from orange freesounds.com
Cans are taken from photos which i litterely downsized.
Pitch system is taken from Sgt.shivers
Punch sounds are from half-life
Can't Sleep Studio for the Build engine style explosions
Stickguy in logo made by Diema
Pillow blaster for the beef supreme code that i stole from Russian overkill


Zdoom Forums post for more info and stuff!

Edited by Redead-ITA
forgot to note the sourceport

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  • 2 months later...

Oh hey new forum transfer (with a tag system no less even if it's hard to see)

i might bump my page with some future promises.

Stickguy's Weapons and player sprites are going to get a slight overhaul



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