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D2ALL Compendium Thread

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Hi folks. As we all know, DSDA was built in 1960 and is really difficult to navigate, and so I came up with an idea that could just be interesting.


There's so many wads out there that have had D2ALLs but some of them are hard to find, like tchkb's BTSX_E1 max as its on an old version and off the main page, as an example. 


I think that the D2ALL UV Max is the quintessential way to showcase everything a wad has to offer, and they are fun to watch for people who maybe don't have time to play large megawads like Hell Revealed but can check out a demo on 2x or something and get a good idea of what they may be missing.


A lot of wads I play I've been inspired by people doing maxes of each map or movies of the whole thing, and it has made me want to fill the tables of D2ALL Max movies for wads that missing them, but also it isn't very easy to see which wads have these "complete" demos for them.


So my idea is to make a thread with every full-wad D2ALL UV Max with a link to the page (maybe the "movies" section to limit scrolling time). I also don't think it should be limited to the fastest time, either. More people should feel like they can do a non-competitive D2ALL run because ultimately it's a mega-awesome achievement and it'd be nice to find a way to incentivize that in some way.


So maybe let's make a thread (I can update OP or do a new one once we get a full list) that can be updated as people do these kinds of runs, for any category, even if my personal favorite is the max.


So anyway, let me know what you think and feel free to dig some up that people may have forgotten about.

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Why just UV-Max? UV Speed might showcase many interesting tricks UV Max does not. It's not like D2Alls are so super common it needs to be limited to UV Max to limit "scroll time"

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1 hour ago, Decay said:

Why just UV-Max? UV Speed might showcase many interesting tricks UV Max does not. It's not like D2Alls are so super common it needs to be limited to UV Max to limit "scroll time"

This is why I said the "movies" page which has all the categories :)

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