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Hi , i have question
How can i make the weapon that i put in slade is in the section weapon or monster and not decorate
How i can i make smooth sprites
What do u recomande me for making sprites
i use Gzdoom builder and slade
Edit : and i need advice for making map

Edited by NoNameIdeasbrotha784

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Weapons & monsters are in the same section of your WAD. Just make sure that everything is in order to prevent confusion. To make smooth sprites, you have to make larger graphics & resize them using the decorate function SCALE= x(#) in each Thing description of your decorate file. For example, you can make a technopillar png file that is 320x1280px fit in Doom by scaling it down like this...


Thing 99 (Technical column)

Scale= x0.1


To make the graphics, use Paint.net & GIMP. They are both free download. Using a 100$ Wacom tablet will help you a lot for painting original textures & sprites...  

Edited by Naarok0fkor

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