Kinetic Posted February 27, 2023 Tell us about the demo(s) you are most proud of, or a demo(s) you really enjoyed making/that you made. Any demos that took an unfathomable amount of effort/growth on your part? Any demos where you learned a new trick that you love to perform now? Any runs that got you closer to the community, maybe? Any runs you feel you just really performed well on, or routed really well, and are just proud of the time you got? A lot of new players the past couple of years, myself included, but a ton of us have a high demo output, so plenty of candidates for every person to pick through, I'm sure. This is a nice way to look back at your body of work and recognize what you have accomplished. Your past. And tell us about what runs you hope to ultimately do, or are currently eyeing/enjoying. Are there any large, ambitious demos you hope to attempt and complete at some point? Any tables you want to have to yourself? Any particular wads you want to run, previous times of yours you want to improve on/revisit, any new skills you want to learn? Planning to just chill where you're currently at? Even anything you want to do as it pertains to contributing to the speedrunning community generally (such as a sourceport that rhymes with bsba boom). This is a nice way to assess where you are currently at with your demo output/speedrunning career here, and where you want to go going forwards. I thought this topic would be nice for people to be a bit introspective about their speedrunning career here, and to see and share what demos are near to players' hearts and what mountains players plan to ascend next. I feel like it's nice to give players a bit of a soapbox to talk about their own accomplishments, everyone deserves it I think, I know all of you have done and will do some really great demos. Feel free to write as much or as little as you would like :), I'll write a little since I already wrote a lot. My most proud demo is likely my most current Dimensions Map03 UV-Max in 11:31, even though I'm kinda disappointed at the time considering I was gunning for at least an 11:2X run. I've wanted to make a map and record my own, and I've worked a lot at this run the past 2.5 years, maybe comparable hours or even less than lv02 put into this run, but I've stuck with it longer than any run, and I will continue to chip at the time in the future, hopefully sometime this year. As for future goals, I've already mentioned this basically, but I want Dimensions Map03 UV-Max record to be my own, I would defend my time on it no matter what, it's my legacy run so to speak, I don't want anyone else to have the record until I'm fully retired one day and cannot defend against it. Other demos I want to (potentially) do are: - Dance on the Water Map03 UV-Max - Fractured Worlds D2All UV-Max (already in-progress, but on hiatus) - Dance on the Water Map32 UV-Max (also in-progress, but on hiatus) - Sunlust D2All UV-Max in sub 3:30 - Feel like there's others but I cannot think of any at the moment 22 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dan87 Posted February 27, 2023 Nice idea for a thread. The demo that was most important to my growth was probably the Sunder 32 Max I did very early on in my 'career'. It wasn't the first long/difficult max that I'd run, having recorded su15 prior to starting on 32, but it required 10x the amount of attempts, and really forced me to learn how to handle nerves better than I had during su15 (that demo had an insane amount of backtracking for health/ammo and generally way safer play than I needed). In saying that I'm not really happy with the demo looking back. I lost ~3 minutes to a manc that evaded me during the hedge maze cleanup that I had to track down, which cost me the sub-1hr time. I'd like to go back and rectify that some day - maybe when it finally hits idgames :^) In terms of actual dsda submissions, Death in Excess 32 is pretty special for me. When I first played that map casually it beat the shit out of me, and at the time I never thought I'd be good enough to beat some of the fights without midsaves, let alone max it. My first exit on it was recorded on cl8, which I was pretty devastated to find out at the time, but I was able to get a 2nd exit pretty quickly after that. This is probably the only record that I would seriously defend if someone else was to beat it. I have a few future big ticket goals: - I am working on Cosmogenesis Map02 currently, with a goal of sub-1hr - Possibly Cosmogeneis 01/03 as well - Poogers 28 Max (likely won't go too hard for time on this once since Starduster is already doing a good job in grinding the time down quite well) - Stardate 20x6 d2all possibly some time down the road, depending on how much time there is to save over Daerik's run - Dimensions 03 one day, I promise kinetic :^) 10 Quote Share this post Link to post
Andrea Rovenski Posted February 27, 2023 Very nice thread. For me, a goal I had in demos for a long time was getting all 32 uv max records for memento mori, which I finally completed last october. Future goals are D2ALL maxes for my favorite 10 megawads including mm2, requiem, strain, ancient aliens, and more (secret for now) as well as fill out the tables as much as I can for them. 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
Meowgi Posted February 27, 2023 (edited) One of my long-term goals was to try a "challenge Tyson" run that hadn't already been done, as I'd never really run the category before. One of the first maps I looked at was Frog and Toad MAP01, like.. a year or so ago, and tried it on and off but never really committed. Very recently I gave it a real go and got an exit, albeit not an incredibly fast one. I am still very proud of the demo as I think it's a cool way to complete the map: Spoiler Another one I am proud of that I grinded down for a bit was DBP39 MAP12 Pacifist, which is basically a nomo run with some moving walls. I mostly filled the pacifist table for this wad, and despite a few tough maps, this ended up being the one that I couldn't leave happy with a time on. I think my movement is pretty solid here and I am still happy with the time, despite it being a year and a half old, but I'm certain someone willing to take a shot at it could improve the tics: Spoiler My personal favorite of mine for obvious reasons is Sunlust 25 Pacifist. The luck on this run is insane, and one of, if not the only run of mine I would say will never be beaten (tm): Spoiler I definitely don't run as much as I did when I first started, but still enjoy loading up demo attempts every so often, especially if a particular run catches my eye. Currently I don't have any explicit goals besides chipping away at the Doom 2 table, as I've found IWAD running more gratifying lately than PWAD competition or table filling. I forever would love to compete with you chads in the max category, but I think I enjoy playing the harder stuff more slowly, generally speaking. I'll still try to slip in a Plats tablefill every now and again for you guys to farm some index off of :P Edited February 27, 2023 by Meowgi 11 Quote Share this post Link to post
Laure Posted February 27, 2023 One of the maps that has given me the most growth by far out of anything else I've played is actually bnbeyond.wad, a Doom 1 pwad from 1994. It's huge and confusing and has some questionable ammo/enemy balance on UV (as is standard for a lot of maps from this time) but from what I've heard it was meant to be played with a super weapons dehacked from back then. I first came across it during the :00/.00 demo month and saw it had a 1 hour time, so I got curious and spent a lot of time routing it and finding ways to make the most of the minimal resources you get. Messing around with that map on and off over the last few months has taught me how to play safer, ammo management, punching, managing enemy AI and movement, endurance and especially routing/planning. I don't have a max demo for it yet but I hope to soon after I'm done tinkering with it. My goal time is nearly 10 minutes faster than my original goal was, and nearly 40 minutes faster than the current WR demo :) For a demo I've actually completed, I'm most proud of Frog and Toad MAP10. But as the run has had some time to settle in my brain I see many improvements to be made and I hope to get to that some time, if no one else beats me to it. I have a lot of things I want to make demos for eventually once time permits but the main things on my list are: - Dance on the Water MAP05 and MAP06 maxes - Poogers MAP29 max - Frog and Toad MAP10 in <2:00 - Hardfest MAP11 max And for maps that actually have monsters in them: - Ozonia MAP29 max - Exomoon MAP18 max - Barons and Beyond (bnbeyond) max - Alien Vendetta MAP20 max - Memento Mori MAP28 max - Moonblood tablefills for max and any other category that isn't unfun 16 Quote Share this post Link to post
El Juancho Posted February 27, 2023 (edited) My most proud demo is Plutonia map01 pacifist in 6 secs, i wanted to try it cuz it looked like a good challenge, felt amazing when i got it, its the 2 time someone gets the optimal time on the first level of an iwad. Spoiler I dont want to make any doom demo for now, idk, im a bit bored of doom, but i may regain the desire to play doom again someday. Edited February 27, 2023 by El juancho 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
Maribo Posted February 27, 2023 My most nostalgic demo is definitely No Chance HMP-Max in 12:18, which I've been considering looking into again for the possibility of a sub-10 run, now that I'm a significantly better player than I was. I think I was really trying to prove something to myself when I did this run, and it made me learn a lot of foundational skills that I still use today. ht Map14 UV-Speed in 0:49 was the first run I did after I learned how to glide. I first gave up on the run a while before because of the glide, but I felt like I again had to prove something to myself after acquiring the skill to do the demo. The Sunlust Max + Tyson runs I did last summer are also something I'm pretty proud of. I'm certain none of them are even close to optimal, but doing those was kind of a self-celebration of having improved enough at the game to actually take a few records on one of my favorite wads. and Ancient Aliens Map03 Tyson in 3:43 was the run I would point to that made me really learn the Tyson fundamentals and gain real confidence in manc punching. Stuff I plan/want to do: More Sunlust maxes - particularly E2 and E3 ILs. I've also been considering doing a table fill for E2 Max, because the D2ALL route includes a linedef skip on the death exit for Map10, so you don't even get a psuedo-E2 run during it. Ancient Aliens Tyson table fills - kind of a pipe dream but Petya has thrown the idea around before and it would be interesting to see what we can do. I did a half baked route on Map08 the other week, and it seems within possibility. Wormwood EU Map04 UV-Max - I've routed this and done attempts but shelved it because of the two annoying bits (bouncy wall key fight + the final room), but it can be ~10 minutes or more faster than siege cunt's table fill. Wormwood Map02 UV-Max - Also shelved because of the finale. SkepLand UV-Maxes - Only looked at one of these maps but it seemed sick as hell. Magnolia Map01 UV/HMP-Max - Wanted to do this map for a long time but keep putting it off because it's a lot for my airhead self to memorize. Refreshing a bunch of the Maxes for old wads like Hell Revealed, Hell Revealed 2, Alien Vendetta, etc - a bunch of these wads have Maxes that are 10 or 15+ years old at this point. Finally, a couple of plans that are related to the community, but not under the umbrella of "opening the game and actually running Doom": 1) I would like to create a practical equivalent to the Doom Movement Bible for the speedrunning forum, at some point. We really need some kind of collective book that explains *how* to do tricks and catalogue all of the other esoteric and weird shit you can do (getting past weird glide setups by turning your angle, punching barrels/monsters/teleporting so that you can get stuck in north/east glides instead of west/south ones, etc.). Meowgi's videos would be great supplemental material. 2) The "Where Does My Demo Go" Thread will likely be replaced with some kind of spreadsheet with hyperlinks to the threads, or something like that. It's just not feasible to update it manually anymore and DoomWorld's search is not always the smartest, in terms of finding the right threads. 11 Quote Share this post Link to post
El Inferno Posted February 27, 2023 I'm not exactly a speedrunner, but still quite proud of my table fill of Toilet of the Gods map 1 max (It's been exactly 2 years since I posted this demo, damn) Spoiler The platforming section between the big fights really teaches you to platform under pressure (and the fact that you can get bounced off by elastic collission adds to the pressure) and doing the last fight after that (which also has some platofming) was terrifying. I think doing this run very much affected my mapping style, if anything. And ofc it's nice to be the first one to max this great map (and then getting your time destroyed by mhrz xdd) 10 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kinetic Posted February 28, 2023 Replying to everyone so long post: Dan: 16 hours ago, Dan87 said: Sunder runs Your sunder runs really were quite a splash for a player entering the pool, it was actually really cool during that time period in late 2021 and early 2022, where ZM, you, Blue Cultist, and myself all contributed new sunder maxes. 16 hours ago, Dan87 said: - Stardate 20x6 d2all possibly some time down the road, depending on how much time there is to save over Daerik's run This would be really cool to see, didn't know you were one to eyeball this sort of run. Andrea: 16 hours ago, Andrea Rovenski said: 90s wads maxes and D2Alls As someone who's part of the overwhelming majority who thinks 90s wads are some jank ass mud wads, it's awesome to know we have someone still chipping away at those 90s blockbuster hits in the modern era, and doing D2Alls for them is pretty epic. Meowgi: 11 hours ago, Meowgi said: ft01t I know you completed this in vc fairly recently, but I never actually saw the run until now, and wow it's really nice. You know how it goes trying to kill those last 2 cybers, "please die already I don't want to do this again". Really cool challenge tyson run, definitely shows your ability to figure out a solution to one of these challenge tyson puzzles and then carefully weave the demo together. Unrelatedly, I like to think of tyson as the UV-Max category for "powerless" runs, the other powerless category being pacifist, which I see as being UV-Speed for powerless runs. No this doesn't make complete sense but it makes some sense. 11 hours ago, Meowgi said: sl25p Also first time seeing this demo, man it is a smooth pour; glide, get in position, and then relax as the viles take you away. 11 hours ago, Meowgi said: I definitely don't run as much as I did when I first started, but still enjoy loading up demo attempts every so often, especially if a particular run catches my eye. Currently I don't have any explicit goals besides chipping away at the Doom 2 table, as I've found IWAD running more gratifying lately than PWAD competition or table filling. I forever would love to compete with you chads in the max category, but I think I enjoy playing the harder stuff more slowly, generally speaking. I'll still try to slip in a Plats tablefill every now and again for you guys to farm some index off of :P Another one bites the IWAD dust...or mud. Cut yourself some slack, you are a chad player already. Laure: 10 hours ago, Laure said: I have a lot of things I want to make demos for eventually once time permits but the main things on my list are: - Dance on the Water MAP05 and MAP06 maxes - Poogers MAP29 max - Frog and Toad MAP10 in <2:00 - Hardfest MAP11 max Out of all the to-do lists in this thread so far, this overall is my most anticipated list. I know what dotw05 and 06 are made out of, a true poog29m would be really cool to see, and the last items on the list would be absolutely ridiculous to see...the TAS for ft10 is closer to sub 1 than your most recent time, which is already insane and amazed everyone, and Hardfest Map11 is one of the most insane platforming maps of all time, figure you, akolai, or edie will probably be the first to max that map. You're a really good player, and you're relatively new so it's exciting to see how far you'll go. Juancho: 10 hours ago, El juancho said: My most proud demo is Plutonia map01 pacifist in 6 secs, i wanted to try it cuz it looked like a good challenge, felt amazing when i got it, its the 2 time someone gets the optimal time on the first level of an iwad. I dont want to make any doom demo for now, idk, im a bit bored of doom, but i may regain the desire to play doom again someday. That pl01- looks clean asf, and you probably will play doom again, they always come back :). Maribo: 9 hours ago, Maribo said: nochance HMP Nochance always seems to be that rite of passage map, more than any other single level for players looking to play harder stuff/get better :D. HMP gets played more on that map than any other map, I reckon. 9 hours ago, Maribo said: The Sunlust Max + Tyson runs I did last summer are also something I'm pretty proud of. I'm certain none of them are even close to optimal, but doing those was kind of a self-celebration of having improved enough at the game to actually take a few records on one of my favorite wads. A decent chunk of those tysons aren't the most trivial tyson outings, and the maxes are always good to have. Speaking of Sunlust tysons, I looked at the table and saw Map08 was empty, was wondering if a tyson on that map is feasible, and I'm pretty sure it is, as long as the player doesn't mind punching out a couple damaged cybers, looks real fun for a tyson challenge. Stay tuned for that demo :). 9 hours ago, Maribo said: Stuff I plan/want to do: More Sunlust maxes - particularly E2 and E3 ILs. I've also been considering doing a table fill for E2 Max, because the D2ALL route includes a linedef skip on the death exit for Map10, so you don't even get a psuedo-E2 run during it. Refreshing a bunch of the Maxes for old wads like Hell Revealed, Hell Revealed 2, Alien Vendetta, etc - a bunch of these wads have Maxes that are 10 or 15+ years old at this point. Episode max fills for E2 and E3 would be sweet, and E2 ILs could probably be widdled down more, since E3 and E1 have more memorable maps (but literally every sunlust map is fairly memorable) and have been maxed by challenge maxers or Henning respectively. Love the idea behind refreshing maxes for old wads, although it's always cool to stumble across old runs that remain records. Modern runners substantially better than old runners on average. Inferno: 8 hours ago, El Inferno said: totg01m It's still a tricky map to max, probably the most difficult Map01 I've had to do in any movie runs I've done so far. The starting pit is a bit of a meme start but the two island fights are really cool, particularly that first RL island caco/cyber clash. Never thought about it, but it is quite obvious to see how totg01 has influenced your mapping style :D. 13 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dogmachine Posted February 28, 2023 Well, i really enjoyed tysoning Map 19 from Hell Revealed. Dunno how many attempts it took, but it was worth it. There is something nice about straightforward maps like this one (no keys and no obtuse progression). Abundant amount of bullets and chainsaw coupled with a modest and diversified enemy count make this a memorable tyson experience. 10 Quote Share this post Link to post
Petyan Posted February 28, 2023 Thinking of most nostalgic demo it would probably be the first demo i made, which is Valiant MAP03 Tyson. It's wasn't really that long ago, barely a year or so, but it has that nice feeling rewatching and realizing how much i have improved since then. Also, on top of that, that demo was pretty much the road towards much harder valiant demos, i figured out valiant custom enemies, figured out why cl11 sucks to run (especially tyson), how to punch things, how to manipulate monsters and all that. The proudest demo is probably the Ancient Aliens MAP28 Tyson, i'm still somewhat surprised that i managed to come up with some silly strategy for every single segment of the run, especially the cyberdemon one-shot. Speaking of potential runs, i've got a few things in mind: — Sunlust MAP18 Tyson. I'm more than sure that this run is possible, it's pretty much routed until the final fight, which i have trouble figuring out. I hope that will eventually happen though. — The lost magic tablefilling. I have already started on this, but i've been pretty lazy, i really want to see full tyson table for it (and i'm pretty sure that most of the maps are doable, though some might need unorthodox thinking, but that's what the category is about anyway) — I want to keep scouting potential runs in Eviternity/Ancient Aliens/Valiant, since those were the first wads i played, so would be nice to have as much table filled as possible. — Maybe branch out to other categories. I feel that i'm not really skilled enough in conventional dooming, so maybe once i improve on that front. Also i need to be bored of tysons, but that's not something that is easy to predict, never know when that will happen. Also, this is not a run, but "speed"running related, i wanted to make some sort of unofficial spin-off to Meowgi's practice hub, but specifically for tysons, though, it's only a concept and will have to wait at least until i'm done with sepia (which i hope will happen soon enough). 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
GarrettChan Posted February 28, 2023 Plutonia Map01 Max took the most, like 5k, but got easily beaten and now it's 1:49. It's hard to beat now because my goal was something like 1:49, but I really have no time to do it. Maybe in 2024 I'll have time to revisit this. This year, maybe more practice of movements because it's important... TODO List: Plutonia Map01 Max (next year maybe) Scythe Map29 Max Scythe Co-op Maxes Try to get more friends' names on my DSDA page. (There are only 4shock and kmc so far) 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
almostmatt1 Posted February 28, 2023 Good thread idea, it's interesting to read peoples thoughts on this :) My favourite of my TASes basically has to be the Doom 2 UV-Speed D2All I suppose, given the amount of time and effort it took. I'm not sure where I'd even start with my thoughts about the process of making it. There were a LOT of days of putting quite a few hours into it to make very little progress, quite a few times I scrapped hours of work because I made a mistake or found something small to save a handful of frames, and countless hours waiting for XDRE brute force to do its thing. A memory that sticks out is when I got to map 13, realized I could go back to the end of map 11 to save a second because I stuffed something up, did that, had to rebuild some big parts of map 12 due to rng differences, and after getting back into map 13 I vividly remember how bad the realization felt that I hadn't really gotten any further and was still less than halfway through the overall project. There was also the fact that I knew there were some tricks that I was going to have to do but I had no idea how to do them when I started, the most notable examples being the void re-entry on maps 23 and 28 and having no clue if the jump on map 29 was possible at all, so knowing I'd inevitably need to work it all out was stressful but putting myself in a position where I was forced to learn new things ended up being quite positive for me. Getting through the last third felt like it just about killed me haha, I got a bit unhealthily obsessed with getting it done and spent way too much time on it. Including viddumping it I spent around 19 hours on it on the last day of working on it, from about 9:00 - 9:30 AM to 4:30 the next morning. I'm glad the TAS is done but I'm even more glad to be out of that state of mind! Spoiler From a raw speed standpoint, I think no TAS is unbeatable and there'll always be something faster eventually but my E1M1 7.69 second UV-Speed is the closest I've gotten to feeling like there's just nothing left to squeeze out. I'm sure someone will do it some day, but it's the only demo of mine I look at and think it'd be futile for me to try to improve it further. Spoiler A few other TASes stick out where I finished them and felt at the time as though I'd made large steps forward in my understanding of how to improve TAS movement, such as E1M1 Max in 0:19.97 and Doom Episode 1 in 3:23, even though these have both been beaten now. More recently I'm fairly happy with my Eviternity Map 8 NoMo TAS 0:05.40, not necessarily because of the run itself, but because a couple of years ago Vita made a NoMo TAS of that map in 0:05.66. My best, which I was quite happy with at the time, was 0:07.23. I thought I'd done a good job, but looking at Vitas demo made me realize "Oh my god, I am actually unbelievably horrible at this". It totally destroyed any sense that I felt like I knew what I was doing, and I looked at that demo as being of a quality that was just fundamentally unattainable to me and ahead of anything I'd ever accomplish, and that demo has always been personally significant as a result. Beating it was a nice moment that made me feel good about how much I'd worked to improve and learn how to get better at this stuff over the last couple of years. With goals... I've got a few big unfinished TASes I should focus on before starting anything else, but I've been thinking more and more lately that a Sunlust TAS looks fun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Similar to Maribo's mention of not-strictly-playing-the-game stuff, I'm also making a tool with Rocky to split up and parallelize brute forces that I just can't wait to finish, even in an incomplete state it's now quite quick and easy to get a 10x speed increase in brute force times, so getting that done is my most prioritized goal when it comes to Doom stuff. 11 Quote Share this post Link to post
slowfade Posted February 28, 2023 Interesting plans throughout. Looking forward to watching tons of cool demos. I've never recorded a single demo but I'd like to do something. These are possible ideas I may try: -Make a pacifist run of my own wad's (confcons) E1M8 because I've done it with saves/loads many times. -Design and execute a stroller route for some cool map. There are probably quite a few that don't have one yet but are perfectly doable. -Beat the stroller or pacifist record for some Doom 1 map. Difficult, but perhaps not impossible if I really start grinding. I feel -- correct me if I'm wrong -- there's some leeway there as those categories aren't the most popular. And I'm not talking about breaking the second barrier but chipping away a hundreth of a second just to get the WR even if for a day. 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
Vile Posted March 1, 2023 (edited) Giving the Valiant UV Max table an update was fun, even if it felt like the D2ALL sessions themselves didn't last long since I was burned out by the time I got there. I love the wad, but I needed a break after finishing it. Still, I think the end result was worth the time invested. In general, it's difficult for me to feel proud of demos nowadays. It might be a side-effect of doing it for so many years but the excitement of a new record is greatly diminished, coupled with focusing on the mistakes of the run rather than being content with what went right. I've been trying to shift my thinking on it recently so I can enjoy the demo process more and just have fun with it rather than getting hung up on the details. This ties a little into my plans - I was going to try the UV speed movies for the iwads but fell out of it, so now I'm just going to float around and do stuff that interests me in the moment. Cool idea for a thread, by the way. :) Edited March 1, 2023 by Vile 13 Quote Share this post Link to post
D0M0 Posted March 1, 2023 After reading these other posts, I am intrigued. A lot of these runs are incredible to my standards and it's definitely something to be proud of! Being someone that isn't as talented when it comes to doom speedrunning, my most proud run has to be what I did on Comatose on new years eve of 2022. Personally I was extremely impressed that somehow I didn't go mentally insane trying to complete sub 30 on this map. I had to remember a lot of where specific linedefs were that triggered monsters to spawn, where all 23 secrets were, as well as having to make sure every single enemy in that area was dead. Due to me being disgusting and playing on OpenGL, it made seeing these monsters way harder than it needed to be mainly because all the enemies were spectre variants. The wad itself isn't difficult on it's own, but UV-Maxing it can really be tough. It's far from being optimised, but I think sub 30 on its own is enough of a challenge to overcome. For future goals I have a lot in mind so i'm going to list them out: - Sunlust UV-Max Speedruns of all 32 maps (Got a long way to go for that one to happen) - Rush D2ALL (It's the wad i've by far replayed the most, and I will do so again in this way) - Comatose UV-Max (Sub 25 mins) (I feel like mentioning this might come off as an unhealthy addiction to fighting spectres, however this goal is most likely possible) - Tangerine Nightmare Map10 UV-Max (This is a run I am aiming to do very soon, but the map is an absolute ball buster in terms of difficulty) There's a lot more runs I have in mind, the list goes on. But I just wanted to share the demos i'm most looking forward to completing, even if it's far from what I am currently working on! 7 Quote Share this post Link to post
WH-Wilou84 Posted March 5, 2023 I'm no serious speedrunner, haven't made particularly impressive stuff but I'm proud of having completed the three episodes of Doom on Nightmare difficulty. Provided I have enough free time in the upcoming months (years ?), I'd like to try Thy Flesh Consumed on NM as well. Since I don't know Episode 4 as much as the others, I'll probably try recording runs on each individual level first. In addition, I'm enjoying decino's current SIGIL NM campaign, and I should consider trying this episode as well. Other long-term goals include : - Finishing my own Stardate 20X6 UV Max series. I've completed map 05 in 2019 (still one of my best demos), and I should definitely get back to it. - Recording UV Maxes on Deus Vult maps 02 and 03, as I got 01 and 04 under my belt already. Would be cool to actually complete something for once. - Recording an UV Max on the infamous bonus map of 180 Minutes Pour Vivre. I have a demo on every 180mpv map bar that one. Easier said than done, though ! 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
kvothesixstring Posted March 7, 2023 I would say my most notable demo is Plutonia map 13 Pacifist. 43k attempts, stupid luck and a lot of patience went into doing that. I don't know however if that is the demo I am most proud of. Judgment map 32 Pacifist might fit the bill. I had to figure out how to glide in MBF21 and routing it was fun. I ended up adding in an AVJ to the blue key in order to skip a lock in and it was just a lot of fun to run. Haste map 6 UV Speed would also be a contender, I really liked trying to break that map, and I think I achieved that. Firstly just surviving the opening room was no cakewalk with all kinds of monster block, a sniper cyber and several AVs to deal with. Then the trick of getting AVJ'd into a window and gliding though it into the exit room was very satisfying to do. As far as my asperations for future runs, I am looking forward to improving my TVR Nomo D2ALL adding in a few more tricks to bring the time down significantly. I know that no one really cares about Nomos and less so All runs, but I love them. The trick endurance is very satisfying for me. I am also looking forward to doing more Co-op demos in the future, I've had a lot of fun doing them with kmc so far and I have my eye on some more. I also want to expand my skill base out and do more categories. I have done 1 tyson demo so far and that was a lot of fun to route. 9 Quote Share this post Link to post
Gurlugon Posted March 10, 2023 I was the first person to use the E2M6 void glide in a Nightmare! episode run, and I broke the 9 second barrier on N4M9 :) I worked really hard on those, though neither record lasted long in the end. Oh, and N4M1-025, which I was obsessed with pushing the limit on. Wore my fingertips out til they were numb for days on several occasions chasing after it. There are still plenty of runs left I want to achieve someday (N4M1-024!), but I just don't have the time and energy for Doom I used to have... :^) 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kam Tovalski Posted March 30, 2023 Done: - nothing yet :D To be done: - cring666.wad - UV-Max and UV-Speed of single maps and whole episode - icarus.wad - UV-Max of D2All 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
Roofi Posted March 30, 2023 (edited) I'm very proud of my D2ALL uv-max on 180 minutes pour vivre. For my part I don't consider myself as a speedrunner but rather a longplay recorder. My next objective will be to do 3 heures d'Agonie 2 in order to finish the trilogy. Edited March 30, 2023 by Roofi 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
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