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The Original Doom 3 Has Now Been Added to GOG

Master O

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It´s about time they put a DRM-free version on GOG, odd that it took them so long but it looks like Bethesda has been stepping up recently toward DRM-free re-releases of their older titles, first we had Skyrim a few months and now this.

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Now this was an unexpected birthday gift for me! I'll be migrating my configs and mods to the GOG version. It also seems like the executable comes with high DPI awareness enabled and comes with I think some fixes, like the one for forcing Ultra quality settings via autoexec.cfg. I don't know if it comes with a fix for fixing the visual errors with enabling EAX for spatial audio, but when I tried the OpenAL32.dll fix it prompted an error when launching the game, removing it was the only way I could get it to launch.


Update: I think I got it to accept the updated version of soft_oal.dll driver by renaming the file name in the config file, now I just need to test this out with EAX enabled.


Update 2: Nope, OpenAL32.dll crashes the game when during loading screens...

Edited by AmethystViper

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watch this make me wish sega released original dreamcast version of sonic adventure instead dx version on steam and gog.... just like bethesda did with the doom 3

Edited by Ozcar

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DSOAL might help with EAX extensions. And other EAX games as well. Tomb Raider is just one of the games it works with.

Edited by hawkwind

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Clear_strelok points out some of the differences between the Steam and the recent GOG.com releases in this Doom 3 Redux post on ModDB and suggestions for tweaking the included autoexec.cfg files for more stable performance because for some reason GOG decided to set MSAA to 8 which is often overkill on this game, especially above 1080p resolutions.

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On 3/1/2023 at 7:30 AM, Master O said:

In terms of source ports:


https://dhewm3.org/ is the lone source port for original Doom 3.


https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/RBDOOM-3-BFG/tags is for Doom 3: BFG Edition.



There are more Doom3 ports than that. I recommend CstDoom3 personally, it has a ton of gameplay customization options. Doesn't support mods with their own DLLs though sadly.

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8 hours ago, Quasar said:

There are more Doom3 ports than that. I recommend CstDoom3 personally, it has a ton of gameplay customization options. Doesn't support mods with their own DLLs though sadly.


Thanks for the tip.

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Just gonna use this opening to say that Doom 3 is a good game!


Thank you. Carry on

Edited by Gifty

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A bit off topic, but is there any possibility that BFG Edition / DOOM 3 (2019) can get the new 240 Hz and high DPI scaling fix update be released on other digital PC platforms like GOG, Epic, and Microsoft Store?

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Shit, I did not expect that but I'm very happy! I haven't played non-BFG in years (bleh) so i'll replay it now using some source port.

Edit: Woah, they have some TES standalone mods available at GOG too. I'd love to see them expand a bit more in this regard. Steam is really good at having mods in the store but I prefer to buy from GOG when possible (despite having a steam deck).




Edit 2: Thanks for the recommendation Quasar, CstDoom3 has some really cool optionalfeatures like naturally adding RoE weapons to D3, showing locker codes, reducing shotgun spread, reducing damage effects etc. Dhewm3 looks like it'd be better for mods but for the campaign I'm gonna try cst

zzzz cst won't install because it doesn't detect the GOG install even though the installer is in the root d3 dir... Using the Steam version installs but throws an error about wrong API ver



cst gog


Edited by reaction

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I've never given DOOM 3 an honest try, mainly because I feel I may dislike it just as I disliked DOOM 2016 (perhaps this is blasphemy here). DOOM to me has always been a mix between atmosphere and action. The atmosphere of exploring the abandoned bases and Hell, the fear of monsters coming out and taking you down out of nowhere... the darkness. I think most DOOM fanatics know it was inspired by the Alien franchise, in fact it was originally supposed to be an Alien tie in, a series of films evidently "atmospheric". On the other hand, DOOM is action packed and fun. Shooting down monster after monster, raping the Cyberdemon with rockets and massacring all in your path with your arsenal of weapons. That was what made DOOM, DOOM, at least to me. DOOM 3 and DOOM 2016 both teetered on one side of it. DOOM 3 on the atmospheric side and DOOM 2016 on the action side. I will definitely give it a try though.

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On 3/7/2023 at 2:07 PM, Edward850 said:

It's my understanding all platforms received the same update for D3BFG.

The GOG.com version hasn't gotten the update yet as far as I'm aware. I just checked the GOG.com release against the Steam and Microsoft Store versions, and the GOG.com version doesn't have the 240 Hz support yet (and I also did a full re-install of my GOG copy to confirm) where as the Steam and Microsoft Store (and presumably Epic) releases does.


Doom 3: BFG Edition (2012, GOG.com): https://i.imgur.com/5eg5PQO.png


Doom 3: BFG Edition (2023 update, Steam): https://i.imgur.com/zDSXKNU.png


DOOM 3 (2019, Microsoft Store on PC): https://i.imgur.com/6QL8QOE.png


To be fair, my current display maxes out at 60 Hz anyways, but the Steam and Microsoft Store versions shows the different refresh rates available (presumably I would see options like 120 Hz or more if my TV could handle higher refresh rates in these versions) whereas the GOG.com does not. Something else that also has been bothering me, and this is just me being nitpicky because I tend to be OCD with these sort of things, is the inconsistency between the different versions of BFG Edition. The 2012 BFG Edition annoyingly does not allow for Sprint Toggle in singleplayer modes for whatever reason where it's possible in the 2019 version (which I think makes sense with the default control layout), HUD Inset adjustments is exclusive to the 2019 version but lacks stereoscopic 3D support, and in the console versions of DOOM 3 (2019), the Light Scale has been adjusted back to 2 like in the original Doom 3 but doesn't on PC unless you make an auto-exec file to automate r_lightScale 2 since the console was removed in its PC version.  I wish that all versions of Doom 3: BFG Editions and its later re-releases would be unified in some way. Also something I really wish could be patched into ALL versions of these games is the ability to skip cutscenes again without needing a source port, I do not see why something that was useful since the original Doom 3 on PC and its Xbox port had to be stripped out of as part of a remaster.


EDIT: Forgot to mention that even GOGdb shows that the GOG version of BFG Edition hasn't been updated since August of last year.


• https://www.gogdb.org/product/1135892318#changelog

Edited by AmethystViper

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