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1 minute ago, Bauul said:


As an aside, am I the only one that thinks this sounds like a pretty amazing and memorable art exhibition?  

No, you are not, but I didn't feel like arguing :D

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3 hours ago, Bauul said:


As an aside, am I the only one that thinks this sounds like a pretty amazing and memorable art exhibition?  

Sounds kinda like Omega Mart, actually...

Edited by Shepardus

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6 hours ago, DavidN said:

I’m working on a video about how the map is altered as the level goes on, mostly so I’ll be less afraid of how bloody mental it is

Looking forward to it! I’ve seen silent teleport and portal trickery before, but never something as seamless an experience as this.  It truly feels like it’s breaking time and space, and maybe a little bit of my brain as well.



As far as the ongoing discussion of art showcases where the audience does not get to see all the content on their first viewing, stuff like that has already existed forever.  The movie Clue famously had multiple endings that were shown randomly in theatres.  Someone mentioned OmegaMart, which iirc has whole areas that are physically hidden.  Hell, I myself used to do stage plays, and on more than one occasion was involved in performances that did different stuff every night.

And that’s not even getting into video games, which have a pretty rich history of hidden paths, secret endings, and bonus content that often elude casual or first-time players.

Edited by ShallowB

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While most often not explicitly intended, many art exhibitions are just too big to really see everything in a single visit. Also, this dead-end design in games is nothing new, see most of the adventure games that Infocom made. It's just something you have to think about and in doubt: Save early, save often.

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16 hours ago, ebrl said:

Seeing as the one point of no return that was kind of weird and completely arbitrary was stealth fixed, it only reinforces that the other ones are actually deliberate.


Do you mean that you can no longer enter the bathtub to trigger the flooded house once you return from the endless staircase? Because that one wasn't fixed. You're still stuck there. For me that's the only kinda annoying dead end because it means falling from any of the ledges will result in a quasi game over as far as endings 2 & 3 are concerned.


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On 3/3/2023 at 7:01 AM, Veddge said:

What file exactly i'm supposed to download? I see .wad and .pk3, and .pk3 is newer if i look at date.

Edited by ax34

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2 minutes ago, ax34 said:

What file exactly i'm supposed to download?



.pk3 files are the mod files but you might as well look at the other files as well for hints.  

Edited by Lampenpam

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7 hours ago, rossy said:

While most often not explicitly intended, many art exhibitions are just too big to really see everything in a single visit. Also, this dead-end design in games is nothing new, see most of the adventure games that Infocom made. It's just something you have to think about and in doubt: Save early, save often.

Exactly. I see failing at a puzzle and having to restart as being no different from dying to a demon and having to restart. The possibility of failure is what makes it interesting, and the map is short enough that needing to try something else isn't prohibitive.


I understand not enjoying puzzle-based adventure maps, but the lack of obvious signposting is a strength of this wad, not a weakness. And there still exist plenty of hints if you're observant (which you're supposed to be, since that's the primary skill this wad is built around). I've watched a few no-hint streams and it's entirely possible to make it to the end of this based exclusively on what's included in the map itself.

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7 hours ago, Gregor said:
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Do you mean that you can no longer enter the bathtub to trigger the flooded house once you return from the endless staircase? Because that one wasn't fixed. You're still stuck there. For me that's the only kinda annoying dead end because it means falling from any of the ledges will result in a quasi game over as far as endings 2 & 3 are concerned.



Are you sure? I just downloaded the pk3 and was able to go to the boiler room immediately after grabbing the blue key, go through the wall into the brutalist house, jump out the window and turn all the TVs to static (literally every TV apparently) and fall into the endless staircase, and then return to the house and fill the tub. I have no idea how to search UDB for specific script calls and this map is a nightmare to try and decipher, but as best I can tell, script 83 (which was apparently added in the stealth update) is what seems to remove the teleport location for the tub so you can't return, but the only thing that triggers that event is teleporting using the tub itself. I can't find anything else that seemingly triggers it, particularly nothing with the staircase.


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2 hours ago, Scuba Steve said:
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Are you sure? I just downloaded the pk3 and was able to go to the boiler room immediately after grabbing the blue key, go through the wall into the brutalist house, jump out the window and turn all the TVs to static (literally every TV apparently) and fall into the endless staircase, and then return to the house and fill the tub. I have no idea how to search UDB for specific script calls and this map is a nightmare to try and decipher, but as best I can tell, script 83 (which was apparently added in the stealth update) is what seems to remove the teleport location for the tub so you can't return, but the only thing that triggers that event is teleporting using the tub itself. I can't find anything else that seemingly triggers it, particularly nothing with the staircase.



pretty sure he isn't talking about not being able to go to bathhouse beyond a certain point, he means falling off while trying to get the wedding ring and not being able to return to the bathhouse, since you can only enter the tub once


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5 hours ago, Scuba Steve said:
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Are you sure? I just downloaded the pk3 and was able to go to the boiler room immediately after grabbing the blue key, go through the wall into the brutalist house, jump out the window and turn all the TVs to static (literally every TV apparently) and fall into the endless staircase, and then return to the house and fill the tub. I have no idea how to search UDB for specific script calls and this map is a nightmare to try and decipher, but as best I can tell, script 83 (which was apparently added in the stealth update) is what seems to remove the teleport location for the tub so you can't return, but the only thing that triggers that event is teleporting using the tub itself. I can't find anything else that seemingly triggers it, particularly nothing with the staircase.



Like @Mr.Unsmiley said, i meant the fact that you can only enter the bathtub once because the script removes the teleport actor. The recent update added script 83, but it does the exact same thing which was previously handled by script 64, namely trigger a music change to RUNNIN3 and remove thing 369 - which is the teleport actor. Now, since the update, the teleport destination in the bathtub executes script 83 instead of 64 - but it does the exact same thing. Meanwhile, script 64 isn't used anymore in that location and only triggers the music change to RUNNIN3 now. That was probably the whole reason for the update. Script 64 is used when you enter the Brutalist house through the laundry room to change the music, but in the older version, because the script executes two actions, it would also remove the bathtub teleport, locking the player out from reaching the bathhouse. This is now no longer an issue.


But despite that, the bathtub unfortunately is still only a one time use, which i think feels somewhat unnatural and arbitrary.


Edited by Gregor

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Hello, all! I've seen people saying they were lurkers for years or whatever and made an account just to comment, and I'm in a similar but different boat. I'm not exactly a lurker, I actually found the PCGamer article about a week ago and found my way here, I've read the whole thread, I've gotten the


for sale, fake beach, and real beach endings

and I just finished a video on that last one for my youtube channel. Does anyone know what font "My House" is written in on the title screen? This font:


I'm trying to make a thumbnail and I can't figure it out. In case it matters, I'm making the thumbnail in Inkscape with only the default font library, so if the font isn't a standard one, a link to a download would be greatly appreciated.


Edit: Nevermind, I found a tool online to upload an image and get any fonts it can find, turns out the font is Cooper Black SH Condensed.

I'll edit again with a free download to the font if I can find one, so anyone else looking for it can have an easier time.


Double edit: It's technically Cooper Black Condensed Regular, but this link is for a free download. The fonts are practically identical anyway.

FontsMarket.com - Details of Cooper Black Condensed Regular font

Edited by SoulfireFox

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1 hour ago, SoulfireFox said:

Hello, all! I've seen people saying they were lurkers for years or whatever and made an account just to comment, and I'm in a similar but different boat. I'm not exactly a lurker, I actually found the PCGamer article about a week ago and found my way here, I've read the whole thread, I've gotten the

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for sale, fake beach, and real beach endings

and I just finished a video on that last one for my youtube channel. Does anyone know what font "My House" is written in on the title screen? This font:


I'm trying to make a thumbnail and I can't figure it out. In case it matters, I'm making the thumbnail in Inkscape with only the default font library, so if the font isn't a standard one, a link to a download would be greatly appreciated.

Watching right now

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1 hour ago, DanEvilEye said:

Watching right now

Actually, you'd be watching the first video where I go for the


sold ending

and the video I needed the font for isn't out yet. It will be soon tho!


Edit: The video is now out, and the thumbnail has the beautiful matching font!

A link to the video, if you care

And finally...






Edited by SoulfireFox

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50 minutes ago, Scuba Steve said:

Cooper Black is pretty ubiquitous... I think it comes standard with windows.

Maybe different versions of Windows than what I've got or something, I didn't have it

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Oh also, for anyone who's taken a peek at this map under the hood, why can you interact with a piece of wall in between the shutters and the door at the top of the airport's escalator? Why does it make a door noise? What does it do?


For reference, here's an example:


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2 hours ago, SoulfireFox said:

Oh also, for anyone who's taken a peek at this map under the hood, why can you interact with a piece of wall in between the shutters and the door at the top of the airport's escalator? Why does it make a door noise? What does it do?


Well, the door in question doesn't make the sound. It's the door below that opens. This upstairs area and the rest of the airport are actually part of the same map area. Unlike other areas in the map, it's done with 3D floors (well mostly anyways) instead of line portals, but that means both areas must share the same 2D map space. When you press against the door texture "upstairs", you're close enough to the linedef that is the door to the t-shirt shop "downstairs" for you to open it. They don't exactly align (that wouldn't work) but you're close enough to trigger the "polyobject door swing" action.




Edited by Gregor

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3 hours ago, MeinLeben4MomRus1945 said:

Is this low end functional?

You mean will it run on a potato laptop? No, it's rather resource intensive. But you don't need a high-end gaming rig either. Any mid range PC/laptop should be fine.

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17 minutes ago, retrogamer97 said:

Can I see the orginal version of the map before you edited it?

That would be the .WAD file that's included in the google drive download. It's been there since the beginning. Also, I would not expect an answer from Veddge, that would just destroy everything mysterious about this map that's happened so far and moving forward.

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40 minutes ago, ginc said:






I'll be honest, I thought of this video a couple of times while reading the title of this mod. Classic, glad someone thought the same thing.

Edited by Mr Masker

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46 minutes ago, Cellular Lamp said:

What are the differences between the pk3 and the wad?

The pk3 is the actual mod. That's what you need to run if you wanna play My House. The separate wad file contains the alleged OG version of the house that Veddge found on the old floppy disk that Tom's parents gave to him. It's the vanilla version of the map before any modifications by Veddge, the way it was created by Thomas Allord in the early 2000s. Supposedly.

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Does anyone have the original March 2nd release of the MyHouse.pk3 file they can share? Would like to store it for archival purposes. Thanks!

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On 4/10/2023 at 4:38 AM, comradesean said:

Does anyone have the original March 2nd release of the MyHouse.pk3 file they can share? Would like to store it for archival purposes. Thanks!

Just out of curiosity, what archive are we talking about?

I have the release from the 25.02.23 (or 02/25/23 in American). The myhouse.pk3 in that dates back to December 3rd. So that would be the original release version.


Edited by Gregor

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