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9 minutes ago, Peppinogaming358 said:

This mod was amazing but a lot of mods sadly do not work with it which is kind of unfortunate as I would love to run through this with brutal doom or something.

I think that would defeat the point, just a bit...

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4 hours ago, UM-86 said:

Great map!

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What about the TV static/noise? I've noticed it also appears on the TVs in the mirror world (and in the hospital) once you unplug the TV in the brutalist realm. The text is mirrored (now it reads "CH03" backwards), and its color changed to pink:2055413541_Capturadepantalla_2023-04-18_16-28-55.png.65d2db65e19776f713c41caf544dbde6.png

Is there any way to kill the dark archviles in the mirror world after the gas station battle?




For some reason, the mirrored tvs are mirrored and the color inverted (green > pink obviously, but also the regular tv is mostly white with black static, mirror is mostly black with white static). Why? I dunno. 


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I'm getting into this now :) I ran the important bits of the WAD through a difftool - some were discoveries that were already made, some are new. Here are all the differences between the version I first downloaded (dated March 30th but may have been uploaded much earlier) and the current version released on April 16th...




Text changes:
- The Ds in the two occurrences of "3D" in the credits have been changed to lowercase

Map definition changes:
- Sllahrednu no longer resets the player's inventory when entering it
- The MAPINFO lightmode is now 2 (Doom) instead of 3 (Dark)

Script changes:
- The wedding ring has had the +BRIGHT flag set, and the D20 has +NOGRAVITY. The wedding ring will now be easier to see, and disabling gravity is important for the change with the die below
- The Mirrorvile has had its pain chance dramatically reduced from 256 to 30, and its health dramatically increased from 50,000 to 5,000,000

Lump changes:
- Two new files in the textures folder, I_SW1 and I_SW2. Both of them are 122x91 PNGs, all transparent pixels.
- New definitions for these textures in TEXTURES, INVISSW1 and INVISSW2
- New sound definition SilentSwitch, using the file dssilent
- A new switch has been added to ANIMDEFS with the textures and sound above

Map changes:
- The D20 has been moved from the second black lane tile at the bottom of the pool to the middle, where the tunnel is - presumably making the tunnel easier to discover. The die now hovers above the entrance.
- Two vertices each have been adjusted at the edges of the true and fake beaches (maybe to fix a subtle texture alignment issue?)
- The line that activates the door out of the Bauhaus room in the altered house has had CheckSwitchRange switched on, so you can't open it while standing under the stairs
- Same with the airport shop door (reported earlier in the thread - someone's watching!)
- The two door-activating lines above have had INVISSW1 added as a midtexture - presumably this causes the height check to make a difference
- A portal line in the bathhouse maze was flipped
- Several sectors on the beaches have had their Y panning adjusted (from -1 to 0 or from 0 to -1)



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Man, all these attempts to actually polish myhouse. Maybe they should make a vaccinated version for all the brutal doom fans out there.

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Had a sudden epiphany lying in bed that may solve the last two big questions we've been orbiting around.


I don't know if this will actually go anywhere, but maybe those ridiculous asshole nut jokes on the last page contained the answer staring us right in the face.



Because it's a credits file. Duh.




No luck with the other half, but I'm sleepy and probably not going to get anywhere tonight. Kudos to whoever gets the rest. If this is true, it's a big surprise for me; I really didn't think Jimmy would be that good of a liar.


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S being Steven, I guess.  Makes sense since Esselfortium isn't actually credited in the credits otherwise.  It would also make sense if Jimmy pulled this off, but then the puzzle is left with an extra S.  And what Doom mapper wouldn't have reason to thank Jimmy?


Edited by ShallowB

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Ah, good. That makes a lot of sense. It could even be just thanking him for the Wiki stuff or whatever. Another possibility is that Jimmy contributed the messed-up D_RUNNIN.


I'm honestly a little relieved -- I didn't really want there to be a Doominati shadow cabal behind this.

Edited by Not Jabba

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I've been suspecting some part of the Supplice team is behind this.  Not connected to that project, obviously, but it seems like a good place for talented people to meet each other and start working on a side project, and the timing of the release seems right.


Now if it turns out the static TVs lead to an Easter Egg that plays a Supplice commercial... I can't decide if I would find that hilarious or disappointing haha

Edited by ShallowB

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Well, to add more credence to the Doominati theory, myhouse is constantly stealth updated. Just like BTSX, it is never finished.

Also, between this and Quake mapping, I'm never believing Jimmy again.


Edit: Did the anagram exist before or after Jimmy wrote the article?

Edited by Catpho

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Didn't think to read over some of the files included in the download until now, which actually hint to the truly great twist of the wad:


it's a love story. (makes sense given its inspiration)


Edited by BROS_ETT_311

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anyone had luck openning the door upstairs in the airport with the healthpacks? it makes a sound but doesn't actually open. what could be behind that door?

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27 minutes ago, mr. Solace said:

anyone had luck openning the door upstairs in the airport with the healthpacks? it makes a sound but doesn't actually open. what could be behind that door?


That door doesn't open.  The sound is a bug and was fixed in the latest version.

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1 hour ago, mr. Solace said:

anyone had luck openning the door upstairs in the airport with the healthpacks? it makes a sound but doesn't actually open. what could be behind that door?

If it makes a door sound, it's another door, obviously. A little know fact about doors is that a lot of them are very shy and, given the chance, prefer to hide behind another door.

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4 hours ago, ShallowB said:


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S being Steven, I guess.  Makes sense since Esselfortium isn't actually credited in the credits otherwise.  It would also make sense if Jimmy pulled this off, but then the puzzle is left with an extra S.  And what Doom mapper wouldn't have reason to thank Jimmy?


Sorry about the double post everyone but I must point out that it's in fact...


ESSEL, JIMMY, NOT A HUSKY - as evidenced by the fact that the dog in the brutalist house is a german shepherd, or maybe even a belgian malinois, but most certainly not a husky. And also an author self-insert, obviously.


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On 4/19/2023 at 7:53 AM, Catpho said:

Well, to add more credence to the Doominati theory, myhouse is constantly stealth updated. Just like BTSX, it is never finished.

Also, between this and Quake mapping, I'm never believing Jimmy again.


Edit: Did the anagram exist before or after Jimmy wrote the article?

--deleted by author--

Edited by Gregor

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Honestly if it turns out that this project is secretly headed by community elites using a purchased account instead of a user that returned from an almost multi-decade hiatus, that'd be extremely disappointing. Hell, I'd go so far as to call it fucking lame. 

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23 minutes ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Honestly if it turns out that this project is secretly headed by community elites using a purchased account instead of a user that returned from an almost multi-decade hiatus, that'd be extremely disappointing. Hell, I'd go so far as to call it fucking lame. 


Really? I thought it was completely obvious from the start...



Also that the whole original post in this thread is just part of the narrative. I feel like you're taking this way too seriously. 


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31 minutes ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Honestly if it turns out that this project is secretly headed by community elites using a purchased account instead of a user that returned from an almost multi-decade hiatus, that'd be extremely disappointing. Hell, I'd go so far as to call it fucking lame. 


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It's becoming plainly obvious that there's somebody behind the curtain, but everybody is too busy unpicking how the special effects were done to pull back the curtain yet.

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6 hours ago, Not Jabba said:

Ah, good. That makes a lot of sense. It could even be just thanking him for the Wiki stuff or whatever. Another possibility is that Jimmy contributed the messed-up D_RUNNIN.


I'm honestly a little relieved -- I didn't really want there to be a Doominati shadow cabal behind this.

Esselfortium actually did make Running From House.pk3. She posted the song in the thread earlier.



Additionally, when I first reached the fake beach and noticed that the whole decor was made of cardboard, I immediately had flashes of Knee Deep in Knee Deep in Zdoom, where a whole bunch of props were also similarly made out of cardboard material. Needless to say, my very first reaction when I played was wondering "wait, is esselfortium involved with this somehow?". I didn't know she made the music back then, but I did see a post where she said she "helped" a bit with the WAD...


Edited by PsychEyeball

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I made the ambient version, Jimmy made the midi version. 


Neither of us were involved with making the map, we were just asked to make music for it.


The speculation is fun to read but my brain is genuinely not advanced enough to make something like this.

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5 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

I made the ambient version, Jimmy made the midi version. 


Neither of us were involved with making the map, we were just asked to make music for it.


The speculation is fun to read but my brain is genuinely not advanced enough to make something like this.

the plot thickens!

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34 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

I made the ambient version, Jimmy made the midi version. 


Neither of us were involved with making the map, we were just asked to make music for it.


The speculation is fun to read but my brain is genuinely not advanced enough to make something like this.

Not a big fan of experimental Doom stuff gemeplay wise, nor do I care about the story/narrative, but the music is phenomenal. An absolute killer. Especially that ambient version. So, it was you then... 🤜🤛

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8 hours ago, ShallowB said:


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S being Steven, I guess.  Makes sense since Esselfortium isn't actually credited in the credits otherwise.  It would also make sense if Jimmy pulled this off, but then the puzzle is left with an extra S.  And what Doom mapper wouldn't have reason to thank Jimmy?



Spectacular :) Well done Not Jabba and ShallowB, that's definitely it - a note from Steven thanking the musicians. And Jimmy gave the topic a nudge at the very start when it was looking slow, to hint there was something else there!

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2 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Honestly if it turns out that this project is secretly headed by community elites using a purchased account instead of a user that returned from an almost multi-decade hiatus, that'd be extremely disappointing. Hell, I'd go so far as to call it fucking lame. 

I don't think that's even possible to fake that with the forum software. By 2006 or so, the entire phb system was held together with bubble gum and duct tape. You might be able to alter the registration date of a user, but it is impossible to insert fake posts into old threads, especially given that people were contemporaneously talking to this person. More importantly, as a longtime member of the Doominati who was privy to every secret project of the last 20 years, someone would have alerted me to their involvement somewhere in one of our secret back channels.

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