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Holy shit




I don't know what to say other than congrats @PowerPak and @ShallowB for the runaway successes of your great videos (and I do wish Shallow gets 10x more views then he currently got, but 153k ain't something to shake a stick at), congrats to everyone in this thread for being apart of something truly special


And congrats to Veddge, of course, for making something truly special. Your eloquent building of atmosphere, story, and interweaving of the 2 in this map is easily bar-none even amongst other ambitious zdoom projects we've seen over the decades

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10 hours ago, Youhadabadday said:

Hey uh, I can't play this wad for whatever reason. I've dragged and dropped the correct files onto the EXE for the most recent version of GZDoom, but I can't open the doors in the house, leaving me stuck outside and unable to progress.


Edit: Wait, I'm stupid, I didn't use the right buttons to open em, nvm.


Edit 2: Nevermind AGAIN. It actually is broken. The triggers for activating the maps teleports just doesn't work, and the doors use the default doom animations instead of the swinging animations they're supposed to exhibit.


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6 minutes ago, Cursed Lemon said:

Does anyone else get a


  Reveal hidden contents

random Discord notification beep while playing lol



I've gotten some while I was playing, but I'm also in a bunch of channels so I doubt it's anything that the game itself is doing to screw with us or anything

That would be like changing every map's midi from 03-32 to d_runnin, who would do that?



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I created an account here just so I could post. I can play the first house using the .wad file but can't progress any further than that. If I try to use the .pk3 file I get this message:


Script error, "myhouse.pk3:mapinfo" line 84:
Unknown key 'PortalColor'

Any help would be great. I also looked through the rest of the DL files. Sorry about your friend. That's some pretty cool vintage stuff you included.

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40 minutes ago, Powassan said:

I created an account here just so I could post. I can play the first house using the .wad file but can't progress any further than that. If I try to use the .pk3 file I get this message:


Script error, "myhouse.pk3:mapinfo" line 84:
Unknown key 'PortalColor'

Any help would be great. I also looked through the rest of the DL files. Sorry about your friend. That's some pretty cool vintage stuff you included.

Are you using an up-to-date version of GZDoom?

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Just now, DaBigNerd said:

Super cool, but can anyone explain HOW in the world do you get a platform on top of another platform in Doom? 

In GZDoom mapping, there are three features that create a platform-over-platform effect: 3D middle textures, 3D floors, and portals.

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On 5/14/2023 at 2:24 PM, JustANormie said:


On Mac GZDoom comes with a built-in launcher, all I did was find the path to the pk3 in my downloads and put it there. 2nd pic is what's happening after I run it, literally just all black screen.

Screen Shot 2023-05-14 at 7.22.03 AM.png

Screen Shot 2023-05-14 at 7.23.06 AM.png

Everything works fine on my MacBook Air M1 with the latest versions of all the software.

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just finished my first full playthrough of this map (certainly won't be my last) and i just had to make an account here just to say my appreciation for it. i'm not normally much of a horror game guy but there's 2 things here that make this perfect for me:


1. no screamers or cheap jumpscares, whenever there is an enemy, you can fight it and you can win. or at the very least run to a real fight. i much prefer this and the sheer atmosphere to something cheap like a lot of indie horrors coming out now


2. "happiness is something to be fought for" is going to live in my mind forever. nothing gets to me more than a narrative about hope and pushing through the darkness that life may throw at you. i think i really needed something like this lately... thanks mod maker.


this mod got me to play doom for the first time ever and i'll be sticking around for the longrun.


anyway... does anyone know how to run mods with the pk3? i saw a video with someone speedrunning the game with a doom lawn mower mod and i'd love to try out various mods with this, but whenever i tried brutal doom i just got an errror about the chainsaw

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2 minutes ago, SNARETY said:

anyway... does anyone know how to run mods with the pk3? i saw a video with someone speedrunning the game with a doom lawn mower mod and i'd love to try out various mods with this, but whenever i tried brutal doom i just got an errror about the chainsaw

The myhouse.pk3 already has modified weapons, I guess any mod that changed the original Doom's weapons won't be compatible with myhouse.pk3.

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As long as your silly weapons mods are later in the load order (-file argument is given after the PK3's -file argument) they should load in the map.

Obviously, I don't think anyone would play through a WAD using an overhaul mod the first time around, so they should be able to avoid the issue of not knowing what they might be missing out on...

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Mask WADder, the mask name is Veddge but we don’t know who’s behind the mask.

Edited by ducon

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On 5/15/2023 at 5:18 PM, cyntrolliam said:

Might get blasted for this take on the narrative, but had to comment after watching Power Pak's video.


I haven't poured over the mod or journal, I just  watched the video now so I can 100% be wrong.

---Endgame Spoilers below.---


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I think this is a coming-out story about two High School crushes (Steven and Thomas a.k.a. "A").


They didn't literally "die" on the same day, but I think married or reconnected on the same day ("joint celebration at a Church").


They "fought for their happiness", reconnecting with each other perhaps after a life of loneliness, repression, and even trauma/abuse (i.e. trapped inside a maze of their own mind, an ever shifting maze made of memories and identities. A house, even). 


"Dying" likely refers to letting their old identities "die", and could also be a nod to parents disowning their children, as in, "You're dead to me".

This might help explain the father's death on the day prior to the "celebration".


I could elaborate at some length, but if this interpretation has any traction I'm sure super-sleuths will unearth every modicum, so not sure it's needed/wanted by the community here.


First post here yay!



Oh I totally agree! I might add a little bit on the idea of "coming out" too. I think the hints are there in the airport bathroom scene where the signs are shifted, how bloody and scary it is to just go to a public bathroom, and the bottle of meds. This all points to trans issues. I think either one or both of them was going through HRT at the time. It could mean different things. The empty baby crib is another enigma. It might just mean a dead childhood, an identity, but that message "It was not meant to be". Was one of them a transman that tried to get pregnant and it went badly? The fleshy pinkies in the bloody bathroom being an allegory for a stillborn? I know, this is much darker than where some might want to take the story but I have been spending weeks mulling over this like a crazy person lol.


Oh and seriously, I was just telling a friend of mine irl how proud I am of this community for not getting apesh*t because a very popular mod has very strong LGBTQ themes in it. The discussion has been great, the videos are thoughtful and engage with the story and themes in such a great way. I wish this was the norm in other games communities. You guys rock!

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1 hour ago, Focusbreak said:

But he wanted pop.


1 hour ago, [redacted] said:

Go to your room!

I go, "Mom, just get me a Pepsi, please? All I want's a Pepsi"
And she wouldn't give it to me
All I wanted was a Pepsi
Just one Pepsi
And she wouldn't give it to me
Just a Pepsi!




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14 hours ago, BonJoviStatue said:

In GZDoom mapping, there are three features that create a platform-over-platform effect: 3D middle textures, 3D floors, and portals.

It's worth mentioning silent teleporters, which is the technique the map uses at the start. The basement staircase ends in a dead-end that looks like a door, and when you get close to it, the level teleports you to a separate staircase that has a real door leading to the basement. This is actually noticeable because if you back away from the door right after opening it, you'll see it appear to instantly shut. This silent teleporter technique has been supported by zdoom for a very long time, while those other features are much more new, so the first version of MyHouse's house restricts itself to just silent teleporters in order to appear like a genuine old map.

The first house's refusal of the newer features is also why the first version of the house doesn't have any windows outside that show into the basement level.

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Haven't seen this mentioned yet. 



When you go to the other side of the endless staircase in the "Great Hall" and look down, you will be teleported to the pool of water nearby. very trippy.




Edited by macwizard

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2 hours ago, Hell Interface said:

lol lots of the youtube backroom vaporwave meme stuff in this. Kinda reminded me of unloved. Not my cup of tea but was fun.


Just played thru half of Unloved! Wow, how did I miss this one? Amazing.

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21 hours ago, Cursed Lemon said:

Does anyone else get a


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random Discord notification beep while playing lol


The map is coded to play it 10 minutes in

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