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I can't seem to get the map to fully work. I have GZDoom on the latest version. Do I have to download all of the files and group them together for the wad to work properly?

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1 minute ago, Fazbear300 said:

I can't seem to get the map to fully work. I have GZDoom on the latest version. Do I have to download all of the files and group them together for the wad to work properly?


Put "myhouse.pk3" in the same directory as gzdoom.exe, then drag the .pk3 file onto the .exe

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1 minute ago, Cursed Lemon said:


Put "myhouse.pk3" in the same directory as gzdoom.exe, then drag the .pk3 file onto the .exe

I use ZDL so I can use Brutal Doom, if it works properly with the wad. It's always stuck on 27 enemies. ZDL requires GZDoom to work properly.

Edited by Fazbear300
Forgot something.

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1 minute ago, Fazbear300 said:

I use ZDL so I can use Brutal Doom, if it works properly with the wad. It's always stuck on 27 enemies. ZDL requires GZDoom to work properly.


Not sure why it wouldn't work then, you should just be able to specify "-file myhouse.pk3" in the arguments field.

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The 27 enemy version is the wad, not the pk3. The wad is a simple no strings attached house level, The PK3 is the full experience with all the hidden spooky shit. Also, the full version does not work with mods.


In other news, I noticed the sounds are a bit...messed up in Underhalls. Along with the player height change and the forced sector Dark Mode, it felt ever so slightly off..

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14 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

The 27 enemy version is the wad, not the pk3. The wad is a simple no strings attached house level, The PK3 is the full experience with all the hidden spooky shit. Also, the full version does not work with mods.


In other news, I noticed the sounds are a bit...messed up in Underhalls. Along with the player height change and the forced sector Dark Mode, it felt ever so slightly off..

I tried both. The pk3 version doesn't load the map while the wad does. Do they have to be in the same file? Even tried it without BD.

Edited by Fazbear300

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Does anyone know if the following event can be re-triggered:



Once the player has picked up the blue skull key from the attic, the closet in the smaller of the two upstairs bedrooms of the House will have a continuous 9.09% chance to open to a dark hallway into an enormous and convoluted concrete labyrinth. There are no monsters or items and no features of interest aside from: a huge pool of water, a "great hall" containing a spiral staircase leading endlessly into the ground, and a few doors that take the player to different parts of the "great hall". There are, however, no artifacts to be found here, and the labyrinth appears to only serve to disorient and unnerve players.


Or if you don't get it on your first try, are you boned for the rest of the playthrough?


EDIT: Well I guess it says "continuous"

Edited by Cursed Lemon

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19 minutes ago, Devalaous said:

The 27 enemy version is the wad, not the pk3. The wad is a simple no strings attached house level, The PK3 is the full experience with all the hidden spooky shit. Also, the full version does not work with mods.


In other news, I noticed the sounds are a bit...messed up in Underhalls. Along with the player height change and the forced sector Dark Mode, it felt ever so slightly off..

Putting the wad and pk3 in the same file didn't work. Even without BD active, I can't get the full experience.

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19 minutes ago, Fazbear300 said:

I use ZDL so I can use Brutal Doom, if it works properly with the wad. It's always stuck on 27 enemies. ZDL requires GZDoom to work properly.

Please don't use Brutal Doom with this one. All the weapons and most of the monsters are custom anyway, so Brutal Doom is not going to work right.


ZDL doesn't require GZDoom by the way, it works fine with most any Doom port.


1 minute ago, Fazbear300 said:

I tried both. The pk3 version doesn't load the map while the wad does. Do they have to be in the same file?

Load the whole PK3 file directly. Do not extract its content. Load just myhouse.pk3, and do not load myhouse.wad at the same time; and also do not load Brutal Doom or any other mod. Then it should work.


14 minutes ago, Cursed Lemon said:

Or if you don't get it on your first try, are you boned for the rest of the playthrough?

Since the entire thing is largely pointless; I wouldn't say "boned".

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8 hours ago, ShallowB said:


It's not just a massive layout, it also includes a lot of portals that connect it together in impossible ways.  Trying to map it by hand would be pretty difficult!


I happen to have the map open anyway right now, here's the Navidson house minus the giant room with the stairs.  Red arrow is the entrance. 

Note that navigating with this map is still gonna be kinda tricky because it doesn't show the portals.



There aren't that many portals, and they're quite easy to notice: when there's a blue line just a little bit in front of a dead-end, it's a portal line. The big wide ones go to the huge room with the big pit and the infinite spiral stairways. The others never go really far, as you can see there's just three.


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2 hours ago, Y34RZ3R0 said:

I wonder who "Pumpkin Rick" is referring to? 


The majority of the objects are seemingly nonsense, which makes sense as they're the little bits of memory we all have that would be meaningless to others.


My guess is "pumpkin rick" is some in-joke between steve and tom, two guys in their mid 30's that were probably rick and morty fans, and maybe one day they saw a pumpkin that looked like the character rick, or maybe a carved pumpkin of that, and it just happened to be a little joke between them after that point, referencing the infamous "pickle rick" episode.  Maybe every halloween one of them texted the other their pumpkin of rick and morty, or maybe every time there were at a store and saw pumpkins they'd quote "i'm pumpkin rick" to each other and have a laugh.



Like on the one hand its a really dumb reference to rick and morty, but in context of the wad, its incredibly fucking heartbreaking to imagine this now dead in-joke, with half the party gone, and every pumpkin seen by steve now bringing up painful memories of a corny joke shared between friends that no one else again will ever really get in the same way. 



...or it could be a surface level joke because the author liked rick and morty and wanted to add in some funny items, but that really doesn't fit the rest of the wad in the way the tragic interpretation does.

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This is a really cool ARG and it was fun to read through this entire thread. The bait to throw us off by Not Jabba doesn't deter me in the slightest and I believe I'm getting closer to discovering who the true author of this is. Also I believe I found the house on google maps but it could be a duplicate, this style of house is pretty common so more investigation is needed.


Most of the time in my playthrough of the pk3 was spent mapping out the "labyrinth" for lack of a better term. I was a bit disappointed that it didn't lead to some eldritch horror or something equally sinister as it is the best part of the entire map imo.


There's definitely more to discover in the ARG aspects accompanying this project though. Lots of "scrambles" text in game and out to decipher. I'm surprised so many in here took the bait and stopped playing the ARG. I'll post more concrete findings once I'm sure I found something that isn't yet another dead end.

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4 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

It's not an ARG. Do not doxx mappers.

I would never dox anyone, just want to discover the author's real screen name because it's obviously not Veddge.

Also it's pretty funny to say it's not an ARG, of course it's just a simple 10 minute myhouse.wad.


I'm not taking that bait of course. The biggest clue in Not Jabba's post was saying "everything about this has already been discovered" and there was more discovered after this post. I will continue playing this ARG unless Veddge says otherwise. The game is afoot.

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You're trying to find the home address of the person who created a map you like. As one of the people involved in the creation of this project, and also as a member of the forum staff, I am telling you this officially. Stop now.


If you find the house, then what? Either Veddge lives there and will be annoyed that you showed up, or someone who has nothing to do with this will be equally annoyed you showed up.

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Made account for this. Haven't played doom since 2005, and basically stopped playing games around 2021 but after hearing about this thing I had to revisit.
This was great experience. For real. Reminds me of Planescape torment, KOTOL, spec ops, earthbound. The stuff I used to love video games for and never expected ever to come across again.
Thank you. This was amazing.

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8 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

You're trying to find the home address of the person who created a map you like. As one of the people involved in the creation of this project, and also as a member of the forum staff, I am telling you this officially. Stop now.

I'm just looking for clues, wouldn't think the author of such an elaborate puzzle would use their own actual house for something like this. Are you sure it's an actual home address? I wouldn't want to expose something like that. I guess for the sake of caution I will believe you for now and stop with the geoguessing. If something is uncovered in the ciphers that points to the house location being a real clue though I will continue.


There are still other clues that I believe will lead to the author's screen name so I will explore those avenues instead.

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22 minutes ago, deathicx said:

The biggest clue in Not Jabba's post was saying "everything about this has already been discovered" and there was more discovered after this post.


Nah, everything posted afterwards was already discussed in the thread, just read it all (like I did).

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Well, this was quite a ride. After week of playing i think I have everything?


Fist of, thanks to


1. @Veddge for making this gem. RIP to your friend if he actually passed.

2. My friend who recommended this to me and told me to read through google drive stuff before playing.

I would probably skip it and had far worse experience.

3. F*U* to my friend for telling me to not start new game and just play through "Underhalls" when i feel like I'm stuck. 

I probably looped probably 15+ times on single save (no new game) until I got bad ending.


Here is what I liked & didn't liked:

(I mostly also liked the things I didn't like, they just spooked the living sh**t out of me)


Things I liked playing:

 - First 10min of myHouse.pk3 (I really like rest too, but it really feels like this map plays player after first 10min (Maybe probably even sooner, but I just never noticed))

 - google drive docs (nice hidden hints, good stuff)

 - FIGURING IT OUT (Actually having to use that smooth brain of mine for once, instead of hand holding experience)

 - Shooting Shrek 

 - Missing "baseball" and "Atari controller" like 4 times

 - Getting BFG (When i noticed that bathroom looked familiar to screenshot on google drive, and then i figured it out! Oooof! <3)

 - Discord notification (It made me ALT+TAB once and notice that somebody from work was looking for me, so... thanks? Also, I don't even HAVE discord)

 - Bathouse


Things I didn't liked playing:

 - SILENT F*****G DARK MAZE (I discovered it by accident and went in all exited...well, that place is cursed, i hate it, and nobody will ever get me there again. Also, i totally didn't noticed it turned off music until I got out) Spooky seal of approval by claustrophobic. 

 - Reverse music/sounds (goddamn, i hate those. I almost learned how to speedrun mirror worlds JUST so i wouldn't have to listen to those)

 - House fire & screaming people (Shit, I'm getting goosebumps just remembering it... After like loop 3 I just started muting game whenever i went there. Cursed thing)

 - BRUTALIST HOUSE (somehow i ALWAYS got lost, even though i knew what the layout was)


I don't remember when was the last time I picked up a notepad and wrote notes down.

Sure it took me 3 loops to go "I cant wrap my smooth brain around this, lets put it on paper", but that was also part of experience.


01 - artifacts




02 - notes & bathouse 1




03 - bathouse 2 & brutalist house 1




04 - brutalist house 2 & airport




05 - forest, mirror forest & bad end




06 - happy end & spook secret




07 - transitions




Also, did i say i HATE REVERSED MUSIC?!

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17 minutes ago, Velvetic said:


Nah, everything posted afterwards was already discussed in the thread, just read it all (like I did).

It looked like the message discovered in the airport terminal was before Not Jabba's post when I was scrolling but I guess I got the timeline confused, my apologies.


1. There's a non-functioning exit outside of the daycare center

2. You can bypass the water labyrinth entrance by crossing the waterfall to the basement and immediately backing up


There you go, 2 new discoveries after Not Jabba's post. Now YOUR timeline is confused. :D

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8 minutes ago, Pavera said:

Their anonymity is central to the wad's intrigue, and it is in no way appropriate to try and track them down or discover them in any way.

I 100% agree with this. If this map was made by a well-known mapper, and they just up and posted it on their main account, I don't think it would have had as big of an impact as it did. It definitely wouldn't have made it outside of the Doom community and get a video like Power Pak's. I think it would still be well received and (probably) win a cacoward at the end of the year, but if, say, Jimmy posted this as is on his account, with a similar backstory and the pk3's identical to the one we have now, it wouldn't hit as hard cause we would know it's a Jimmy map. He'd still be active on this forum, maybe he'd be in the thread teasing things that still needed to be found, and the whole experience wouldn't be as mysterious and exciting. Having the post be by an unknown person is what brought the intrigue. 


3 minutes ago, deathicx said:

2. You can bypass the water labyrinth entrance by crossing the waterfall to the basement and immediately backing up

No, this was known before Not Jabba's post too. Vinny from Vinesauce did this in his stream of it weeks ago, and I mentioned it in this thread on April 16

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15 minutes ago, deathicx said:

1. There's a non-functioning exit outside of the daycare center



Artifact of copypasting, as the entire thing IS the house, the exit stays (mostly) in the same place in every variation.


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7 minutes ago, princetontiger said:

This is the most talked about wad in years... tons of people coming back to Doom after seeing/hearing about it. It's all over youtube/twitch

Wondering how many of these people will stick around to check out some of the essentially infinite amazing Doom wads out there that play like Doom, tho. Maybe I'm just too pessimistic but I think there's a real chance that MyHouse reinforces the already somewhat common idea that Doom needs to do "something else" to still be worthy of anyone's attention.

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