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It still feels too soon. 


I think if I wait 10 years it'll have a nostalgia resurgence and then I can be ready 

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1 hour ago, LegendaryEevee said:

I will not spoil any of the story for you just know there are multiple endings and until you see a golden sunset you will know there is more fun to be had

And after you do, you can still go back, but probably should read a guide to make sure you didn't already see everything. Chances are that you did.

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Since this is bumped again, I'd like to point out that Dead Island 2's Haus DLC seems to be inspired by this wad in ways. It was announced and released after this wad was first released, and has a lot of things in common with it. Being a commercial DLC for a game, it obviously has nowhere near the scope and detail, but for the duration it gave me a lot of the same unease and constant dread.


Unlike the main story which is pretty standard zombie apocalypse stuff, in this DLC your dropped with no explanation at a mysterious tranquil house by the seaside, with no explanation aside from a weird letter inviting you to the 'Haus'. Inside the house is basically a cult headquarters with surreal locations and bizarre mindbending stuff at every turn, including a couple of things that seemed uncannily similar to things in myhouse.wad. Its pretty funny in that when I started the DLC, I sent a pic of the house to my brother and said 'time to play myhaus.wad'...only for it to actually BE similar


Spoilers for some of the stuff within:


The only 'living' residents of the house are severed heads that are somehow alive, dripping white fluid from their eyes that have to be returned to thier corpses in the central hub, on the left of the hub is a 'tranquil' cul-de-sac entirely underground with a collection of homes, all of which are dilapidated, have shadows burnt onto the walls, doors that open and shut on thier own, creepy fog and lights, doors of meat, a hallway full of severed arms on hooks hanging from the ceiling, and if you ever step on the grass, hordes of zombies come out in force. In the basements of each house are holes in the wall leading to a concrete labyrinth that you cant enter, one of which has terrible sounds coming from within. Next is a long hallway in the final house that slopes downward in a really unnatural way, deep into the earth, thatl eads into...a concrete labyrinth, with severed golden pipes jutting out of the walls in complete random patterns. At this first trip, the labyrinth is lit up by sickly yellow/orangey lights, while a heavy electronic beat throbs in your ears, as you wandeer halls filled with bottomless pits, giant oldtimey CRT TVs with static eyes and mouths on some of them in neon colours, random bathtubs full of win bottles, and...kinky latex zombies every now and again (It IS still a zombie game afterall). The later trips through the labyrinth are dark and silent, a lot more like myhouse.


The third area, is of course, a dark moonlit forest, fully underground in this giant house. Guess what it has in one corner? An empty car with its lights on...with music playing from the stereo. The endpoint of the forest? A neon-lit diner that reminded me a lot of the gas station.


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11 hours ago, Gregor said:

In any case, your problem is not that you didn't like MyHouse, but that you were left out in the cold while everybody else partied inside. There's nothing wrong with you, you just care a little too much about what other people like.

I don't think that's my only problem... Even if I was as surprised as the first person who ever played it blindly

1) I probably would've stopped after I ended up playing Doom 2 after the first key, because how are you even supposed to know there is more?

2) If I did somehow figure that out I'd get lost on a bunch of parts. My brain just doesn't work in game puzzle solving mode. In fact I am completely puzzled (pun half intended) by how anyone figures these things out lol PERHAPPPPSSSS I'd get the burning house ending, and definitely would've stopped there.

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11 hours ago, Major Arlene said:

It does sound like you have "dev brain" a bit where you're admiring the project for technical reasons instead of the emotions it elicits, which happens to me quite a bit as well, having been in gamedev and adjacent spaces for the past few years.

Oh man, I honestly didn't think about that (and that's a bit embarrassing, because... duh). I do have dev brain! I even watch movies like this sometimes! I might not like a movie, but then I watch the extras for it explaining how it was made, and suddenly I become a huge fan for completely non artistic reasons.


Honestly I think if i had more skill for path-finding and puzzle solving I'd have enjoyed this mod a lot more. I think using walkthroughs for this one kills at leas 80% of the enjoyment. At the same time, I am pretty bad at connecting with games emotionally on a more abstract level like this mod kind of requires, so I still probably would have missed out on a lot of the intended emotional response.

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49 minutes ago, crookeddy said:

I do have dev brain! I even watch movies like this sometimes! I might not like a movie, but then I watch the extras for it explaining how it was made, and suddenly I become a huge fan for completely non artistic reasons. 


Oh, then you'll probably enjoy the technical deconstruction of how MyHouse works:



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  • 3 weeks later...

i don't know if anyone's noticed but...

in the pk3 file, there's a credits file

it says this


amuScaria - hELl forged enemiES
perkristian - smooth weapons
revenanT100 - minor sprite fix
thelostrevenenat - textures
espi - textures

mechadoN - box o Skies
ukirO - otex
ralphis - Action doom 2 music
scuba steve - action doom textures
JereseY - sprItes
Kevansevans - zscripting
nash - nasHgore
xaser - dead.air
martYrmax - playtesting
xatrix - redneck raMpage
3d realMs - duke nUkem 3d
monolith - blood

I wonder if the capital letters mean something

(no I did not mess with any files, you can check the pk3 (its just a renamed zip) and open "CREDITS" in any text editor)

Edited by SirGamers

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1 hour ago, SirGamers said:

i don't know if anyone's noticed but...

in the pk3 file, there's a credits file

it says this

I wonder if the capital letters mean something

(no I did not mess with any files, you can check the pk3 (its just a renamed zip) and open "CREDITS" in any text editor)

It's been over a year and 67 pages of obsessive nerding out about it. Of course it's been noticed.


It's even been put in the wiki, so you can solve your mystery right over there.

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On 8/4/2023 at 4:45 AM, TasAcri said:


Sorry man, i'm sure the video is great but it's not just the title. There's no way i'm clicking on any video with that kind of face on the thumbnail.

Hey dude, I get it. I'm OOTL on YT a lot and back when I posted it I was told the meta to make YT's algo throw it at as a many people as possible is an expressionate face. So ... there you go, lol.

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Still unsure about MyHouse? Come with me as I give you a tour of this beautiful suburban home! 

Edited by LostZoss

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/6/2023 at 5:28 AM, Not Jabba said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Hey all.

I've been visited by the ghost of Christmas past, let's say. And I learned that it's time to put the mystery to rest.


I've said this elsewhere in the thread, but it bears repeating: Solving the mysteries of MyHouse is so powerful that it makes you want to keep going. We spent days and pages processing this incredible story of grief and acceptance and self-exploration and the struggle to come to grips with the unanswered questions of life, all condensed down into this one extended metaphor. And it was so good at rewarding us for asking questions that we never stopped. The supplemental material like the journal gave us more questions to ask, so we pursued them, and it was a cool little add-on to the original journey of playing the map. I think the problem here, for all of us, is that we didn't have any way to know when to stop. There's no beach ending for the supplemental material or our meta-engagement with the author of the map. We never got our "A secret is revealed!" message to tell us we were done, so we kept trying to figure out if there were still more clues with another big reveal at the end. The only thing left to know seemed to be the identity of the mapper, so we've been looking for that to tell us we can put our brains down and go back to our regular lives. So I'm here to give you that ending as best I can:


"A secret is revealed!"


I have it on the best possible authority that we've found everything that was left in place for us to find. The names in the obituaries and the unknown contributors aren't riddles. There aren't any more. The supplemental materials do add something to the map, but only in the ways we've already experienced. The anagram we already solved in the credits file was the last thing of any significance. After talking with the author, I also feel that we've understood the map properly. It's about the things it felt like it was about -- though obviously we can all interpret the finer details however we want -- and we've spent all this time processing what we felt while playing it because those things were real. It's sincere, is what I mean, regardless of whether it was made by a dead person with a fake name. 


The one thing you don't know that I can't tell you is the author's identity. I know the fomo is real here, but they actually don't want you to figure out who they are, and I respect their reasons for that. I kind of hope that the author will let that come to light one day, eventually, because I think they deserve to have people know what they accomplished, but I also hope that they're allowed to do that on their own terms, not ours. 


A lot of this is my fault. My presence in the thread in the last couple of weeks has done more harm than good, and I even lashed out at Kevan. I'm sorry for all that. I don't even know how many people are going to believe me now, after all the suspicion and speculation that's already happened, but hopefully this will help others move on. The supplemental materials are pretty great, but what's really important here is the map...so I'm grateful that I can now focus on that, and let it just kinda simmer in the background of my existence moving forward.


All the best.



ngl this post ruined the mystery of it all, while i know that the author wanted to keep their identity safe. you saying to just suddenly stop ( with valid reasons) just completely ruined it for me. what you created in this forum was so godlike that you created a enigmatic piece of story on top of an already complex story it was so good. that honestly make me love the mod even more. following you with your journey in this thread was such a bliss.


i know that you wanted to respect the privacy of the author ( i mean we all want too) but knowing the "truth" and going like "since i now know the truth y'all should stop and keep it to yourself" is gatekeeping 101 lmao


you should've kept the mystery be a mystery and kept quite about it. it would have been a better mystery when you just suddenly stop posting and we don't know what happened. That's all. 

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7 minutes ago, Frosty07 said:

ngl this post ruined the mystery of it all, while i know that the author wanted to keep their identity safe. you saying to just suddenly stop ( with valid reasons) just completely ruined it for me. what you created in this forum was so godlike that you created a enigmatic piece of story on top of an already complex story it was so good. that honestly make me love the mod even more. following you with your journey in this thread was such a bliss.


i know that you wanted to respect the privacy of the author ( i mean we all want too) but knowing the "truth" and going like "since i now know the truth y'all should stop and keep it to yourself" is gatekeeping 101 lmao


you should've kept the mystery be a mystery and kept quite about it. it would have been a better mystery when you just suddenly stop posting and we don't know what happened. That's all. 

It was posted because people were not letting the mystery be a mystery, and were invading the author's privacy by treating their actual life as part of an ARG. It's not "gatekeeping" to forward a message from the author kindly asking people to stop.

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11 minutes ago, Frosty07 said:

i know that you wanted to respect the privacy of the author ( i mean we all want too)

No, we all did not want to respect veddge's privacy. There were (and probably still are) enough people who wanted to pry at his personal life for the sake of solving this "mystery" to the point that he basically had to declare an informal cease and desist

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9 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

Frankly, if someone telling you to stop pushing against the author's privacy "ruins" it for you, I don't think it was ever meant for you.


9 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

It was posted because people were not letting the mystery be a mystery, and were invading the author's privacy by treating their actual life as part of an ARG.


i just wanna clarify i am just an avid reader, i don't have time to dig up stuff. and i'm just having fun reading the forums and the wiki stuff and i also know the importance of the privacy of the author. and i too just want it to be a mystery (there a reason why my fave yt show is a buzzfeed show)


its just putted me on edge. to be given a sense of mystery and then boom the mystery is gone lmao.



Edited by Frosty07

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4 minutes ago, Frosty07 said:



i just wanna clarify i am just an avid reader, i don't have time to dig up stuff. and i'm just having fun reading the forums and the wiki stuff and i also know the importance of the privacy of the author. and i too just want it to be a mystery (there a reason why my fave yt show is a buzzfeed show)


its just putted me on edge. to be given a sense of mystery and then boom the mystery is gone lmao.

...you do realize that none of us were in on it, right? this forum thread wasn't made as a creepypasta like some candle cove shit, it was all a natural reaction to the wad. that post wad made because people were actually hunting down the creator and soft-doxxing him, it wasn't inserted as part of some overlying story.


this isn't some weird collaborative arg. people were genuinely doing harmful things and people were having to be told to cut the shit

Edited by roadworx

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2 minutes ago, No-Man Baugh said:

No, we all did not want to respect veddge's privacy. There were (and probably still are) enough people who wanted to pry at his personal life for the sake of solving this "mystery" to the point that he basically had to declare an informal cease and desist

well the WE that i am mentioning here are the people that respect their privacy mb for the wording.

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2 minutes ago, roadworx said:

...you do realize that none of us were in on it, right? this forum thread wasn't made as a creepypasta like some candle cove shit, it was all a natural reaction to the wad.

yes i know that. its the reason why i love reading reading this thread.

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3 minutes ago, Frosty07 said:

well the WE that i am mentioning here are the people that respect their privacy mb for the wording.

Everything you're saying makes it pretty clear you don't respect their privacy though. The mapper's private life isn't "part of the mystery". From the looks of it, it was never intended to be. It's fucked up to be disappointed that they don't want people dredging up private details of their life over a doom map.

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3 minutes ago, Frosty07 said:

yes i know that. its the reason why i love reading reading this thread.

okay then, in that case, quit whining about not jabba rightfully telling people to stop digging into things they shouldn't be digging into. if it ruins the mystery for you, whoop-de-fuckin-doo, that's better than someone's life getting ruined because a bunch of nosy 14y/os can't let shit go untouched. this isn't some story where all the aspects need to be uncovered. soft-doxxing people has consequences.

Edited by roadworx

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2 hours ago, roadworx said:

okay then, in that case, quit whining about not jabba rightfully telling people to stop digging into things they shouldn't be digging into. if it ruins the mystery for you, whoop-de-fuckin-doo, that's better than someone's life getting ruined because a bunch of nosy 14y/os can't let shit go untouched. this isn't some story where all the aspects need to be uncovered. soft-doxxing people has consequences.

Amid this small out-of-nowhere argument, I would like to point out that this message is officially the 2000th message in the thread.

Very cool milestone imo.

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10 hours ago, Broadsword Jim said:

It shows that Veddge last visited the forum on Monday.. So is he still with us? That's the question.

I am surprised this thread is still even going, now to know he's still around is kinda crazy.

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