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Just wanna put my two cents in that this is more interesting than any sherlock holmes mystery.... and ive done my own research as well for real life facts, and come up absolutely empty on tom and steve.

Edited by Insaneprophet

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2 hours ago, Groplaw said:

I know its not the case, but how insane would it be if it was B.P.R.D coming back for a final doom map and thats why its archaic, lol.


Funny enough, the thought of B.P.R.D being involved came across my mind as well some days ago. Although, that seems very unlikely as he (went by account name Foofoo) was active from 2003 till around 2014-ish. And he also replied in some of the threads where Veddge were present.

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3 hours ago, ReaperAA said:


Funny enough, the thought of B.P.R.D being involved came across my mind as well some days ago. Although, that seems very unlikely as he (went by account name Foofoo) was active from 2003 till around 2014-ish. And he also replied in some of the threads where Veddge were present.


Who made the map and who originally owned the account are two different questions, I think. Or at least, we can't be sure they were the same person. As such, it's very hard to rule out anyone as the mapper through any basic fact-gathering. The only way to identify the mapper is to guess correctly by analyzing their mapping, or to identify a relationship between a likely mapper and whoever Veddge is. The only people we "know" are not the mapper are the people who have stated that they aren't the mapper, or that another member of the dev team has stated is not the mapper -- they could be lying, but I think it's most likely that the real mapper would simply ignore us and remain silent or be vague and misleading, and that the people who've told us they aren't the mapper are doing so because they don't want to be mistaken for the mapper and pestered about the map. Tarnsman, for instance, touched on the issue in his one post in this thread but did not deny being the mapper. The people who we've been told aren't the mapper are: essel, Jimmy, skillsaw, Xaser (skillsaw apparently talked to him about it), and JP LeBreton.


Who Veddge is is a different question, and also one I'm curious about -- not only because the account has some connection to the mapper, but because Veddge has now become a significant piece of this community's history. It's easier to rule out people who couldn't be Veddge -- for starters, anyone whose account was created before the end of October 2006. This rules out a ton of notable community people, so many that I'm not going to bother listing them or trying to remember who they are. Only a few major twid-era community mainstays are eligible -- or it could be a less established mapper (appeared mid-2010s onward), or Veddge could simply be someone who never re-registered under a different name and knows the mapper (or another member of the dev team) outside of the community. BPRD and lupinx-Kassman are a couple people I/we have recently confirmed couldn't be Veddge, but that barely matters at all, because they're suspects for the identity of the mapper, not suspects for the identity of Veddge.


Re: finding a newer account that matches Veddge, I think I've about hit the limit of what I can find in the forum. I've been doing this in bits and pieces, a little at a time. Summary below:



Still wish I could confirm or deny Alfonzo based on forum activity. He's still the only person who seems both likely and unlikely, as opposed to everyone else just being unlikely/impossible. In 2005, Veddge went off to the University of Vermont to study graphic design. By 2010, Alfonzo had either graduated or dropped out of college, been a drifter for a little while, and gone to pick olives for a season in Spain (pretty interesting life!). That timeline isn't contradictory, at least. Alfonzo never mentions being a vegetarian or pursuing graphic design as a potential profession, but both of those are things a person could drop and never mention again. Alfonzo was in North America for a lot of his time growing up and travelled around a lot. Veddge was possibly in Vermont when he applied for university, since he mentions Albany being less accessible due to out of state tuition. Alfonzo was a proud atheist in the early 2010s but had been an agnostic before that; Veddge expresses religious views that are basically agnostic. Veddge mentions growing up in a Lutheran household, while Alfonzo went to a Catholic school in one of the many places he lived, but these aren't especially mutually exclusive. Here is a post where Alfonzo says Ultimate Simplicity is a favorite of his and the only Tormentor project he likes much is Austerity (the Simplicity tribute), which basically matches Veddge's views on the same topics. All this is probably moot, though -- see below.


In the Nirvana interview, Alfonzo mentions MyHouse wads (a week before the release of MyHouse). This topic was prompted by Nirvana, though Alfonzo did grab hold of it pretty excitedly. They had been discussing Alfonzo's tendency to delete his early/sub-par work and were encouraging mappers not to do that. Partial transcript:

Nirvana: [Ribbiks] still has his House.wad on his website, everything that he's made. 

Alfonzo: Oh, classic! Does he actually have a MyHouse.wad?

Nirvana: He does I believe, yeah.

Alfonzo: That's fantastic. I thought that was just like a meme, a trope thing, [[something]] people actually do that.


Alfonzo: It's humbling as well, to know that someone who can produce the kind of quality that he can...if he curated his stuff so the earliest known instances of his work were just as good as the stuff that he's putting out now, you'd feel really deflated, as a new level designer coming in and saying, "well, my first stuff doesn't stack up at all, so I should just squirrel that away and not release it into the wild." Everyone needs to air their dirty laundry, get your MyHouse.wad out there.


It's certainly interesting to think he might have known about this MyHouse.wad and was grabbing the opportunity to prime people's brains for it (which could be true even if he's not Veddge). He does seem to want to make sure the topic of conversation is pursued, and even changes the terminology from House.wad to MyHouse.wad in that conversation.


I went back and listened to the part of the interview before that as well (while writing this), and the timeline doesn't seem to match with Veddge. He says he was 13 or 14 in 2003/2004 (around 7:09), and that after that early interest in Doom, there was about a 7-year gap before he joined Doomworld in 2010 (around 5:10). This would've meant he was born more like 1990 and skipped the years that Veddge was active. Based on that, I don't think Alfonzo can be Veddge (nothing rules him out as being the mapper or in on the secret, though).


Besides Alfonzo's posts, I did a full forum search for terms that could directly identify someone as Veddge (Vermont, UVM, vegetarian, Lutheran) and came up empty on all. There aren't a lot of posts mentioning any of these terms, and the people who identified themselves in relation to these terms were either well-known people whose accounts are older than 2006 or people who aren't well-known in general or known as mappers at all. The one possibly interesting thing I found is that essel's partner (as of 2021) is vegetarian. It's certainly easy to construct a narrative where essel met some old Doomer at a con or something, they fell in love, and said partner had an old account that she then lent to a secret project essel was involved in, but evidence for this is extremely thin and lots of people are vegetarians, so it probably isn't true.


At this point, it looks like Veddge is probably someone we don't know -- probably someone who never returned after 2006, but who knows a person involved in this project somehow. Nothing about that seems implausible, but sadly it looks like kind of a dead end.


The only thing I have left to try is to see if I can find some records of who went to UVM during the relevant time period, basically just to see if Steve Nelson existed or if, magically, I would turn up the real name of a known community member. I may try this at some point (not now), but I would go no further than that. Stalking people in real life obviously feels a lot shittier than examining shared forum history.


Edited by Not Jabba

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5 hours ago, Groplaw said:



Something that feels like it should be a big tell after watching the technical breakdown video series on the wad is how much seems like its done in archaic mapping techniques, making it seem like it really is an old account from someone that hasn't mapped in a long time.


If thats not some SUPER elaborate misdirection, does that style of map making really fit any of the proposed suspects other maps seems to be the question.  I don't know the technical minutia of various mappers techniques enough to answer that question, but it feels like a fingerprint.


I know its not the case, but how insane would it be if it was B.P.R.D coming back for a final doom map and thats why its archaic, lol.

If B.P.R.D made this map he would be the biggest genius of the community for sure... and I kinda wish he did make it.


Please recommend me maps in the style of B.P.R.D, I need to play maps by other people :(

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13 minutes ago, OceanMadman said:

If B.P.R.D made this map he would be the biggest genius of the community for sure... and I kinda wish he did make it.


Please recommend me maps in the style of B.P.R.D, I need to play maps by other people :(


Not in the same style as myhouse.pk3, but I do recommend Grove (actually kinda like the style, but not quite the same level of craziness) and The Mucus Flow both by B.P.R.D

Edited by Velvetic
futher info added

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15 minutes ago, Velvetic said:


Not in the same style as myhouse.pk3, but I do recommend Grove (actually kinda like the style, but not quite the same level of craziness) and The Mucus Flow both by B.P.R.D

I have played them and I LOVE Grove, that's why I'm asking for maps in his style, or in the style of MyHouse would work too. And The Mucus Flow uhh... is ok I guess, I'll never understand people's love for that map.

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1 hour ago, Not Jabba said:


[lots of stuff]...


Thanks for sharing your findings. In addition to the names you mentioned I was curious about AgentSpork, but Veddge's Ultimate Simplicity comments plus some interactions with AgentSpork in the forum history make that seem unlikely. But I still feel that Alfonzo - like Jar-Jar - is the key to all this.


Kinda following on your comment about Veddge becoming an important part of the community's history now, I hope that OP is reading this thread because the license for distribution for this wad (which is part of the gag and all in good fun) would prevent it from being uploaded to idgames by another party. Hopefully OP shows up to get the file on idgames for long-term preservation purposes, once they're certain they aren't going to make any more changes.


Another unrelated thing is I was wondering if there had been any discussion here of the image content of the dropbox folder. I can't help but feel there may be some more riddles hidden way in there -- maybe in things like the names of Tom/Steve's families (which start with weirdly repetitive letters) or the arrangement of the photos. "Scrambles" is a weirdly specific name for a cat and it sets off alarms for me. I'm probably just be descending into paranoia here, though. I'm out of my depth when it comes to puzzles.

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1 hour ago, Not Jabba said:
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basically just to see if Steve Nelson existed or



fwiw, i feel like the portraits are either stock or, more likely, a thispersondoesnotexist scenario. they're just too uncanny. i don't believe any human pictured is real.

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1 hour ago, Kevansevans said:


As somebody who played for like two hours and hasn't seen even a tenth of what I've seen described here wondering how this has gone on how 25(!!!) pages, couldn't agree more.

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People should start investigating @Kevansevans since he actually helped with scripting. (It's not like I'm in a call with him right now and he said something along the lines that "no one is going after him")

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17 minutes ago, Velvetic said:

he said something along the lines that "no one is going after him")



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1 hour ago, Kevansevans said:



Heh, easy for you to say :P


13 minutes ago, Velvetic said:

People should start investigating @Kevansevans since he actually helped with scripting. (It's not like I'm in a call with him right now and he said something along the lines that "no one is going after him")


Investigating in what way, though? I don't think anybody wants to harass known team members. 

Hey Kevansevans, did you make this map, and/or are you Veddge?

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1 hour ago, Velvetic said:

People should start investigating @Kevansevans since he actually helped with scripting. (It's not like I'm in a call with him right now and he said something along the lines that "no one is going after him")

The plot thickens...

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I made an account to 1) be one more person applauding the game I haven't stopped thinking about since I found it, and 2) bring this video to your attention:


Finding the Locations of Popular Liminal Spaces


In this video, you will find images and the real locations for several iterations of the 'house' - brutalist, gas station, bathhouse + pool, and of course the backrooms.


If you squint, you might say the daycare centre is also represented, but highly altered - or even a combination of the amusement centre and funhouse. The latter has the yellow slide going into the ball pit, while the former has the drawings on the walls. The same could be said for the airport, which is actually a cinema lobby. They're not exactly the same, but enough to be recognisable.


Just as a point of interest.


P.S. In looking up a few of these images myself, several comments come up from people swearing up and down that they've visited these places in their dreams...

Edited by Goldar
Additional information

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27 minutes ago, Not Jabba said:

The only thing I have left to try is to see if I can find some records of who went to UVM during the relevant time period, basically just to see if Steve Nelson existed or if, magically, I would turn up the real name of a known community member. I may try this at some point (not now), but I would go no further than that. Stalking people in real life obviously feels a lot shittier than examining shared forum history.


Fwiw I found the graduating class of whatever year he would've graduated if he had attended for four years and didn't find any Steve Nelsons, Tom Allords, or any first-name last-name combo that might be smushed into "Veddge" so I don't think the doxxing route has much promise unless someone can convince that viral geoguessr savant guy to look at the dropbox images for us

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5 hours ago, skillsaw said:

"Scrambles" is a weirdly specific name for a cat and it sets off alarms for me. I'm probably just be descending into paranoia here, though. I'm out of my depth when it comes to puzzles.


I think it's a pretty big hint drop when there's already been anagrams cropping up!


I used to be a bit of a cringelord and would watch a lot of five nights at freddy's (and stuff like it) theory videos. Before it went completely off the rails I was fascinated by the series' lore, and one of the constant things throughout all of it was that most of the time, if something seems like it could be a coincidence, it probably isn't. Everything going on here is reminding me of those days, trying to piece together the unanswered questions of a game about a fucking robot bear. Or a cutesy visual novel, you get the idea... I haven't read through the entire thread yet but I'm slowly getting engrossed by all this, it's fascinating. If I'd been paying attention from the start, I'd probably be doing the same thing as Not Jabba right now.


FWIW having read through the journal I'm on board with the Alfonzo theory. He has mentioned before that he's a writer.


Oh one other thing that may also have been mentioned so apologies if so but since the google drive pictures were brought up:


The obituary says that Tom's funeral took place at the "Dwight Olsen Center." Presumably this would be in Oswego but no such place seems to exist. So what does Dwight Olsen mean?


Edited by Tristan

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1 hour ago, Kevansevans said:






Oh, ok! All good then. 



Anyway, since it sounds like you're requesting to be put under the lens, here goes:


You joined the forum in 2012, but only have about three pages of posting history, mostly related to several releases and proposed projects. You haven't really talked about yourself or had personal interactions with people, so there's not much to learn about you here. I also scanned your Twitter feed back through December or so, and couldn't find anything that looked like it could be referencing MyHouse or the mystery surrounding it, either in the leadup or after it was released. It's possible I could find out a bit more about you on ZDF (but I'm having issues with login for some reason) or if I had followed your work more closely on Twitter for a long time. I kinda doubt that, though -- you just don't really talk about yourself online, from what I can see (and although your reg date is compatible with you being the same person as Veddge, he talked about himself and his interests quite a bit, for what that's worth).


Most of your projects have been more modding/script related, and a lot of them sound interesting, but again, you present as sort of the opposite of the profile we've been looking for -- rather than a mapper who's learning GZ tech, you're a proficient scripter who would be learning to map. The one map I can see that you've released is Mr. Fujiwara's Office, which is quite interesting in the context of you connecting yourself to MyHouse -- it's a little experimental re-creation of a very strange YouTube video and probably a bit of a tech demo for you, but maybe mostly posted just for kicks. It's surreal, it's got portal usage and a combination of liminal-ish architecture and reality-bending that's pretty reminiscent of MyHouse. It's also composed of one room and one corridor and is mostly cutscene, so there isn't really enough material to compare it to MyHouse in any meaningful way or analyze how you make maps.


All in all, not much to go by. You could have made MyHouse, sure -- there's just not a lot to guess from one way or the other. We may have made a mistake in assuming that the author of MyHouse was someone we would know well enough to guess (and I've acknowledged that a few times), but there wasn't really any other way to pursue a solution -- trying to look at someone we know nothing about was always likely to go nowhere, so I guess it is what it is. 


Drawing attention to yourself is an interesting move. Either you are the mapper and are finally so fed up with us giving other people credit for your work that you're trying to at least open up the possibility of it being you, or you're not the mapper and you're intentionally adding to the chaos for the lulz.


You're also very passionate about trans rights, so if you are the mapper, it certainly lends a lot of credence to all the queer/trans identity theories people have about the meta-narrative around Steve and Tom.

Edited by Not Jabba

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2 hours ago, Goldar said:

 Finding the Locations of Popular Liminal Spaces


In this video, you will find images and the real locations for several iterations of the 'house' - brutalist, gas station, bathhouse + pool, and of course the backrooms.


If you squint, you might say the daycare centre is also represented, but highly altered - or even a combination of the amusement centre and funhouse. The latter has the yellow slide going into the ball pit, while the former has the drawings on the walls. The same could be said for the airport, which is actually a cinema lobby. They're not exactly the same, but enough to be recognisable.

That is actually really interesting. I missed the whole liminal spaces hype when it started a few years ago, so most of the visual vocabulary that would be stock and standard for someone familiar with the genre is completely novel to me. I guess the wad really does check off many of the cliches for typical LS fiction.

In this light it appears that the whole mod might be far less of a personal expression and more of a well-crafted genre piece, at least in terms of the locations on display.


Not that this makes it any less of a masterpiece in terms of craftsmanship.

Edited by Gregor

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26 minutes ago, Tristan said:


I think it's a pretty big hint drop when there's already been anagrams cropping up!


I used to be a bit of a cringelord and would watch a lot of five nights at freddy's (and stuff like it) theory videos. Before it went completely off the rails I was fascinated by the series' lore, and one of the constant things throughout all of it was that most of the time, if something seems like it could be a coincidence, it probably isn't. Everything going on here is reminding me of those days, trying to piece together the unanswered questions of a game about a fucking robot bear. Or a cutesy visual novel, you get the idea... I haven't read through the entire thread yet but I'm slowly getting engrossed by all this, it's fascinating. If I'd been paying attention from the start, I'd probably be doing the same thing as Not Jabba right now.


FWIW having read through the journal I'm on board with the Alfonzo theory. He has mentioned before that he's a writer.


Oh one other thing that may also have been mentioned so apologies if so but since the google drive pictures were brought up:

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The obituary says that Tom's funeral took place at the "Dwight Olsen Center." Presumably this would be in Oswego but no such place seems to exist. So what does Dwight Olsen mean?




If we go by the obituaries, theres a lot of things, like the fact that both Thomas' and Steven's parents starts with J (Mother) and D (Father) and they both have a sister with a name that starts with S, but only Thomas has two brothers that coincidentaly, starts with J and D.

Steven's mother is the only one give a maiden name, twice actually, Taylor and Trutwin.

Both Dwight Olsen Center and Shirley Funeral Chapels doesn't exist.

(Not to mention a typo in Steven's obituary, where it says "Afer graduation")


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So i uploaded Essel's soundtrack from this WAD to Youtube (I just don't like soundcloud's UI, I'll delete it if it's not cool with you) and the comment section is like the most chill and wholesome one i've seen in a while man. again, thank you Essel for this art piece. You've brought peace and serenity to tens of thousands of people

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I am thoroughly entertained by this level of conspiracy theorizing and I would like to add a bit more to the pile. Among the list of posters in the first few places there are two accounts that are brand-spanking-new after the first release. First is member @downstairs who, on March 3rd, created an account to reply to this forum post with "i beat it in 2 minutes, really quick." and has last logged in on Monday, May 1st. Not much more to say on this account, the only suspicious thing about it is the creation of it and the lack of interaction with other forum posts.


More interestingly, is the account who played a role in the original discovery of some key areas. @Speedy Eggbert joined on March 8th after the post started gaining traction. Their first post was a "discovery" of how to retrieve one of the artifacts. Was this a genuine discovery? Or was the author trying to guide our hands through the use of a yellow, skating puppet? Speedy Eggbert's only ever interaction outside of this forum post was a response to a status post about being named after a level editor of a game called Speedy Eggbert. Now who else do we know here that makes levels for video games?


We are on to you @Speedy Eggbert(If that even is your real name). We are on to you.



9 hours ago, Jimmy said:

@Kevansevans Where were YOU on March 2, 2023 @ 9pm western time?!?!


@Kevansevans now has the chance for the funniest "your mom" joke of all time.

Edited by ZeMystic

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5 hours ago, Bulletproof Pal said:

or any first-name last-name combo that might be smushed into "Veddge"

Since @Not Jabba mentioned that Veddge is a vegetarian, it came to my mind that "Veddge" could just be short for "Vegetarian" with a little altered spelling.

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5 hours ago, Not Jabba said:


Oh, ok! All good then. 



Anyway, since it sounds like you're requesting to be put under the lens, here goes:


You joined the forum in 2012, but only have about three pages of posting history, mostly related to several releases and proposed projects. You haven't really talked about yourself or had personal interactions with people, so there's not much to learn about you here. I also scanned your Twitter feed back through December or so, and couldn't find anything that looked like it could be referencing MyHouse or the mystery surrounding it, either in the leadup or after it was released. It's possible I could find out a bit more about you on ZDF (but I'm having issues with login for some reason) or if I had followed your work more closely on Twitter for a long time. I kinda doubt that, though -- you just don't really talk about yourself online, from what I can see (and although your reg date is compatible with you being the same person as Veddge, he talked about himself and his interests quite a bit, for what that's worth).


Most of your projects have been more modding/script related, and a lot of them sound interesting, but again, you present as sort of the opposite of the profile we've been looking for -- rather than a mapper who's learning GZ tech, you're a proficient scripter who would be learning to map. The one map I can see that you've released is Mr. Fujiwara's Office, which is quite interesting in the context of you connecting yourself to MyHouse -- it's a little experimental re-creation of a very strange YouTube video and probably a bit of a tech demo for you, but maybe mostly posted just for kicks. It's surreal, it's got portal usage and a combination of liminal-ish architecture and reality-bending that's pretty reminiscent of MyHouse. It's also composed of one room and one corridor and is mostly cutscene, so there isn't really enough material to compare it to MyHouse in any meaningful way or analyze how you make maps.


All in all, not much to go by. You could have made MyHouse, sure -- there's just not a lot to guess from one way or the other. We may have made a mistake in assuming that the author of MyHouse was someone we would know well enough to guess (and I've acknowledged that a few times), but there wasn't really any other way to pursue a solution -- trying to look at someone we know nothing about was always likely to go nowhere, so I guess it is what it is. 


Drawing attention to yourself is an interesting move. Either you are the mapper and are finally so fed up with us giving other people credit for your work that you're trying to at least open up the possibility of it being you, or you're not the mapper and you're intentionally adding to the chaos for the lulz.


You're also very passionate about trans rights, so if you are the mapper, it certainly lends a lot of credence to all the queer/trans identity theories people have about the meta-narrative around Steve and Tom.

I like your second to last paragraph particularly. It got me thinking about this from a behavioural perspective - overthinking and conspiracies aside (which I love). 

I think Kevan posts for the same reason that someone tells you they’re not interested in your / won’t say it explicitly but spends all their time around you, talking about you to others and is generally just… around. A lot. It’s all to do with interest and investment. Someone may maintain the mystery for a degree of control because they care - if you had no emotional input or attachment to this map, you wouldn’t expend energy on replying in this way - you simply wouldn’t! But admit your involvement and it’s all over… simply put, Kevan is involved, in my view. We just don’t know to what degree, and sometimes things are, in the absence of further information, beyond more conjecture and speculation. But what shows is that, Kevan really cares. 

And, you don’t really care that much about something that isn’t yours/hasn’t a part of YOUR work and creativity within it. We can all agree that myhouse is sufficiently intricate to have taken a very long time to produce, test, even conceptualise - so you would have a lot of emotional investment and care in its feedback and digestion among the community. 

And by “that much” - this is comparatively speaking. I enjoy myhouse and am sufficiently invested as a player to be on this thread and reading, but that is still arguably less involved than those directly involved in its creation. 

My personal view is that K is involved but once removed, hence seems to enjoy the conjecture around whether he is the sole author… :D 

ps sorry if this is the obvious. Late to the party, so to speak. 

Edited by staros96

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3 hours ago, ZeMystic said:

I am thoroughly entertained by this level of conspiracy theorizing and I would like to add a bit more to the pile. Among the list of posters in the first few places there are two accounts that are brand-spanking-new after the first release. First is member @downstairs who, on March 3rd, created an account to reply to this forum post with "i beat it in 2 minutes, really quick." and has last logged in on Monday, May 1st. Not much more to say on this account, the only suspicious thing about it is the creation of it and the lack of interaction with other forum posts.


More interestingly, is the account who played a role in the original discovery of some key areas. @Speedy Eggbert joined on March 8th after the post started gaining traction. Their first post was a "discovery" of how to retrieve one of the artifacts. Was this a genuine discovery? Or was the author trying to guide our hands through the use of a yellow, skating puppet? Speedy Eggbert's only ever interaction outside of this forum post was a response to a status post about being named after a level editor of a game called Speedy Eggbert. Now who else do we know here that makes levels for video games?


We are on to you @Speedy Eggbert(If that even is your real name). We are on to you.




Lucky I joined a full week before this was posted. This is moving away from the Pepe Silvia rant and into Spanish Inquisition territory and I love it.

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10 hours ago, Mr.Unsmiley said:

you people have spent all these years praising Romero and getting excited for e1m8b and Sigil all while poo-pooing on Sandy Petersen maps, well boy will your collective faces be red when you find out Sandy made this

Sandy's back and taking abstract hell to a whole new level

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