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The Demons Found My Crack Supply! - A map for Doom 1 designed for fast monsters.

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I wanted to try making a map that looks like a KDITD map that can also be played in DOOM.EXE,
so I've made this map.
I'm in the middle of a -fast playthrough of Ultimate Doom, so I've designed this map for -fast.

[/idgames Download]








-- INFO --
Name: The Demons Found My Crack Supply!
Build Time: ~ 9 hrs
IWad: Ultimate Doom
Midi: D_E1M4
Slot: E1M1
Difficulties: Yes
Monsters/Items/Secrets (UV): 57/26/03
Dehacked: Yes, but only changes one string. Is both inside wad and in zip
ParTime: 1:30
CompLevel: 3 (Should be vanilla compatible unless I've missed something)
Singleplayer: Designed for -fast
Co-op: Starts placed
Deathmatch: No
Tested with: PrBoom-Plus 2.6.2, Crispy Doom-20230305-win32, Doom v1.9
Known bugs: None


The text file inside the zip has this info + more in /idgames format.


Edited by Avix
/idgames link

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I did not played with -fast on simply because I forgot to activate it xd


Still, here is a playthrough. Surprisingly, the chaingun wasn't a secret :





Edited by Bri0che

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1 hour ago, Bri0che said:

Surprisingly, the chaingun wasn't a secret :

Looks like you ran up the stairs fast when leaving and didn't tag it. I'll make the step bigger.

Thanks for playing my map!

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At the same time a very simple and insanely pleasant map. I adore the first Doom, this map perfectly captures the feel of the original first episode. If you close your eyes to minor texture alignment mistakes, it's a 10/10.

Edited by DRON12261

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The map is now on /idgames, with both the first version with the smaller step for old demos, and a new version that makes the step slightly bigger so you don't miss the secret on your way out. [/idgames]

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