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Hell On World Tour (A community project of maps sets around the world!) (RC1 out)

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Alright, here's my initial map submission! While there will likely be balancing, additional sector cleanup, and minor enhancements to be done, I'd say it's ready for external playtesting. Please let me know what you think. This was a blast to make; I really love this project's premise. Hope you enjoy!



Title: High Falls
Author: stochastic
Description: I built this map to highlight some of the amazing natural landscapes found in my home state of Alabama, USA. The main layout is based on High Falls Park in northeast Alabama, which features the titular 35 ft tall, 300 ft wide waterfall and a beautiful arch rock, popular with cliff divers. Other parts of the map showcase Alabama's numerous cave systems, referencing Stephens Gap, Three Caves, and the Red Mountain caves. The wooded section references Alabama's many pine and oak woods/forests. The rustic cabin is loosely based off my childhood experiences visiting my friends' lakeside cabins. Of course there are some exaggerations and creative liberties I took to Doomify the map - however, most of the map, I think, is a good representation of Alabama's natural beauty. Also added several Alabama-related Easter eggs for the good measure :) This is my 2nd map I've worked on and submitted to a community project, so I've still got a lot to learn - enjoy, and thanks for playing!
Build Time: On and off for 2 months
Music: "Hail the Severed Head" by Lippeth - from the Alien Vendetta MIDI Pack
Tested With: Crispy Doom 6.0.0, GZDoom 4.6.1

Textures Used: Credits in ReadMe file

















Edited by stochastic
Posted final submission - fixed texture misalignment

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  • 2 weeks later...

limblostingothenburg.zip Heres my map for the project based of gothenburg sweden

Title: Hoarse Fredrick

Author: dyshoria

Descripiton: not based off one singular part of gothenburg. instead based off more areas in the city as the area i was intending normally to do was boring.

Build time: about a month

Extra: Two new textures. One is a line of text with added Ä.Å.Ö and a sign

Music: Moonshield by In flames


Tested with Crispy doom and GZdoom

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On 11/19/2023 at 7:10 AM, stochastic said:

High Falls

Really charming map, for some strange reason the wall textures don't show fully rendered in DSDA-Doom for some weird reason, have to check what's going on in texture lump. Over this, a very good map, i liked it a lot, despite being pretty harsh for my way of playing. Remembered me the wood section of MyHouse somehow, the actual "My Cabin" part is pretty good, hard but fun fights, maybe a little bit of more health? Or most certainly i need to refine my play style

5 hours ago, dyshoriaroc said:

Hoarse Fredrick

Fun map with a strong 90s vibe in it, idk why but I expect black metal for Sweden? That or Abba, but i think it could be too gonzo lol

Despite it's "vanilla", simplistic look the place is well realized, the white floor from the resource gaves well the impression of a snowy ground, interesting usage overall, as well as the city re-imaginaning. Also liked the lighting works in the kultur place (is a place for concerts irl?).

The battles are well made but again, it needs more health and ammo since i found sometimes without ammo, oof.

Found some bugs in textures (again) with DSDA-Doom, even asking myself what IWAD i was using when i was using Doom 2. Nice.

Re-playing it in GZDoom, i saw the problem in this texture being mangled up for some weird reason and also found some other minor bugs like missing textures in this stair sector and un-pegged textures in this part of the map...


Overall fun and cool maps! Thanks for your effort!

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On 12/3/2023 at 4:35 PM, Walter confetti said:

Really charming map, for some strange reason the wall textures don't show fully rendered in DSDA-Doom for some weird reason, have to check what's going on in texture lump. Over this, a very good map, i liked it a lot, despite being pretty harsh for my way of playing. Remembered me the wood section of MyHouse somehow, the actual "My Cabin" part is pretty good, hard but fun fights, maybe a little bit of more health? Or most certainly i need to refine my play style


Cheers, Walter. Thanks for playing through it and for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I generally like utilizing tougher sections, but for this project I really don't want anything in my map to feel like a chore, so I'm down to add more health wherever to keep the player from ever getting frustrated. 


And I see what you mean with the DSDA-Doom issue.. I've never had that happen before. But after some troubleshooting, I discovered that it only loads textures from the first wad loaded. So if my wad is supplied before howt.wad for the -file flag cmd line arguments, it won't load the howt textures, and vice versa. Let me know if I can help resolve it - although my knowledge around texture lumps is pretty limited.

Edited by stochastic

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well shoot. I missed the deadline extension, so I went and finished up my map for today.




Title: One Bad Powder Day




Description: One limit-removing map set on a desolate ski mountain in my home state of colorful Colorado, USA. You've fallen off of your chairlift, and now you have to fight your way to the nearest bus stop (at the base of the mountain!). Features some mostly small to medium sized spaces and fights. There's a mansion, a cliffside, and a ski run you have to fight through. It's nothing above Doom 2 - TNT levels of difficulty in my opinion, but I will let the playtesters decide.

Build time: 1.5 weeks

New music: "Breeze" by stewboy

Tested with: DSDA-Doom 0.27.4 (-complevel 2)


For this release, I borrowed some resources from @stochastic's entry. They're all the textures/flats that start with STO. For ease of playtesting, I've gone ahead and packaged the textures with the map.


In future revisions, I would like to tweak combat (as usual) as well as detailing and especially lighting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I completely forgot I was in this project...well, sadly I'm stepping out. Just haven't had any good ideas for making my map work and I'm not super thrilled by the idea of making a real-ish location as of late.


Best of luck to everyone else, though! I'll be sure to keep an eye on what comes from this.

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No worries! Also i want to remember that missing a half month until deadline! Finish your maps sooner as possible...

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Me too! Keep It on guys!

Personally, i'm making a intro + ending/credits map, other people are working on their maps, so far the maps i played are pretty good! Working for some in-between small maps as well that are going to join the parts of maps, including some kind of visual story going on trough the mapset.


I had also in mind a idea about a secret map made of parts of unfinished maps for the project, what do you think? Is a good idea?

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5 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

I had also in mind a idea about a secret map made of parts of unfinished maps for the project, what do you think? Is a good idea?

I'm not involved with the project so you can disregard my opinion, but I really like this idea. I think it's nice to those who started a map and tried but for whatever reason couldn't finish it to still have their work included in some way, and considering the theme of the project, I think a secret map made of fragments of a bunch of different places stitched together could be really fun!

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Ok, the deadline will be postponed to March 4th, 2024, midnight UTC +1. 

After this period, maps will not longer accepted and the final testing will be done for the next 2 months. So, you have one extra month to complete your maps, don't be afraid to do some speedmapping as well for your maps! Also, as i wrote some day ago, i'll accept also unfinished maps for the secret map i have in mind to do... Have fun! I'm waiting for your stuff!

Edited by Walter confetti
Deadline decided

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I've finally started to take a stab at this project, here's what I have so far.




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On 1/21/2024 at 12:54 AM, Walter confetti said:

Ok, the deadline will be postponed to March 4th, 2024, midnight UTC +1. 


This is good news.



Edited by Angry Saint

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/21/2024 at 6:54 AM, Walter confetti said:

Ok, the deadline will be postponed to March 4th, 2024, midnight UTC +1. 

After this period, maps will not longer accepted and the final testing will be done for the next 2 months. So, you have one extra month to complete your maps, don't be afraid to do some speedmapping as well for your maps! Also, as i wrote some day ago, i'll accept also unfinished maps for the secret map i have in mind to do... Have fun! I'm waiting for your stuff!

Sorry for not reaching out after all this time, but I'd like to have my slot freed. I haven't been able to map for quite a while, even nowadays.

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Title: Miramare
Description: Miramare Castle near Trieste (north-east Italy).

Build time: 5 months
New music (if any): Seabats by Doomhuntress
Tested with: Crispy Doom and Zdoom

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8bdeeo9lve15qmj/mrmr01.wad/file


(textures not included in the mrmr01.wad file so you will have to use the resourse file from the OP).

(It's been difficult to balance the representation of an existing place with a good gameplay. Let me know how I can improve the gameplay).

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9 hours ago, Angry Saint said:

Title: Miramare
Description: Miramare Castle near Trieste (north-east Italy).

Build time: 5 months
New music (if any): Seabats by Doomhuntress
Tested with: Crispy Doom and Zdoom

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/8bdeeo9lve15qmj/mrmr01.wad/file


(textures not included in the mrmr01.wad file so you will have to use the resourse file from the OP).

(It's been difficult to balance the representation of an existing place with a good gameplay. Let me know how I can improve the gameplay).


What an excellent map! Visually stunning, and has great combat, a pumping midi that matches the tempo of the combat. I had so much fun playing this. Great job!




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20 hours ago, Angry Saint said:

Title: Miramare

Played it today together with some other maps for seeing where this map can fit better in terms of difficulty, the level is genuinely awesome, first thing i have to say the music is really good, sounds like Muse meets... Soft Cell? Vapid euro dance? I really don't know lol

I've expected Rhapsody of fire in the soundtrack actually (since they are from

Difficulty-wise the level is actually well balanced between ammo, health and monsters (at least in HMP where i played), is a little stingy on health but that's not a bad thing, keeps the player been cautious in the various horde fights.

Visually is really great, despite found a pair of sector bleeding here and there (the last one is pretty hidden and you need to be a certain angle to spot it, but nonetheless it's here), i really enjoyed the techbase\hellish interiors remake made mostly with stock assets, as well as all the map. A very great map!





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23 hours ago, Angry Saint said:

Title: Miramare ...


hi! just played this in [uv]. gameplay-wise, this is a very tough but fun map due to hitscanners being everywhere, health starvation, and some very nice battles in cramped spaces. i managed to survive the map with 32% health. just a suggestion: perhaps could add some stimpacks within the vicinity of the white building everytime the area is reused for battle to replenish health resources? eg: since this is a vanilla map, a new wall closet containing 1-2 stimpacks is opened everytime an area is re-used for battle. ammo was finely balanced though, with just enough of everything. and if possible, pickups should be positioned at the side of pathways (near the walls or corners), or at the side of compulsory switches, to provide an option for the player to pick up the items only when the player wants it.

just my 2 cents. please have reservations with my views because i'm a newbie mapper and am still learning the basics of making maps. overall, this map is simply fantastic - clean visuals, and very challenging but really fun gameplay. i like this map a lot :)

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Here's an update on the current progress


Current lore I guess is that the UAC is running an Illegal dumping ground for toxic waste, making the normally blue, clear water of the swamp brown and brackish with runoff, thankfully not a high enough concentration to hurt you.






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@senpaigru: thank you for your compliments. If the visuals are stunning it is only because the place is stunning.


@Walter confetti: the soundtrack is Seabats by Demonhuntress, it is a midi released for some Doom project which I think really fits the theme of the map.

and I'll have a look at the bleeding areas.


@rita remton: yeah, I think I'll add some more stimpacks here there, thank you for playing and enjoyng my map.



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On 2/22/2024 at 3:55 PM, Angry Saint said:

@senpaigru: thank you for your compliments. If the visuals are stunning it is only because the place is stunning.


@Walter confetti: the soundtrack is Seabats by Demonhuntress, it is a midi released for some Doom project which I think really fits the theme of the map.

and I'll have a look at the bleeding areas.


@rita remton: yeah, I think I'll add some more stimpacks here there, thank you for playing and enjoyng my map.



@Angry Saint I have played your map, very good hard map! I enjoyed it a lot! Nice decoration, good difficult that will not allow even excelent players heaving easy life at any moment! And the song is good too!


I totally agree with Rita: I felt the need of more stimpacks and medkits. The initial open area is hard, and I have consumed all health available. Then when I reached at the second area (where you get the red key), wow, I had to provoke all kinds of monster infighting and play cowardly in order to survive. I had to wait some monsters to kill themselves. In this part, the lack of stimpacks is very mean.


Have you added difficulty balancing? By inspecting your map, all monsters and items I looked at are set to be spawned in easy, medium and hard. If the map is that difficult on UV (that is the skill I always play), ok, the lack of stimpacks can be understandable. However in Medium and Easy skills, you should either decrease the number of monsters or increase the health and ammo available, or even a balance of both. I imagine one person playing on easy, and then reach your map, the player will get nuts (assuming that who plays on easy expect an easier life, I think it is not the case of 90% of the Doom player base, but for sure there are these people, mainly the newcomers). 


Your secrets, one of them I found easily, the other 2, were hard. I guess that by finding both would make the map much easier because they would increase the health and armor in critical moments. However when creating a map, we must assume that map can completed from start with pistol only, at UV skill, and without finding any secret. Your map is possible, but I need to assume that I found it frustrating because I died a lot (however did not stop me, I like some frustration when playing), and the main reason was those revenants firing homing missiles and not much place to hide in the second area and almost no health available.


These criticals are constructive, I am also a little, how a say, sadist (my map so far is at the end of the list of the HOWT project, due to its difficult and huge size). 


And about textures, I found 2 missing ones - I hid the contents to avoid revealing one of your secrets to anyone that does not want to see:




  • One close to the Exit. See that after lower the exit bars, it is possible to see the skybox in the right side.


  • The second one is in the secret triggered by the painting. Both doortraks are missing.






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