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What're You Watching On TV, and How? (Cable, Streaming, etc.)

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Rather than necropost in a 6-year-old thread, I figured I'd start a new one with a bit of a twist. If you're watching TV right now, what are you watching, and how are you watching it? Are you watching it via cable, via a streaming live service (YouTubeTV, Hulu+ live, Fubu, etc.), via a pure streaming service (Netflix, Disney+), or something else? Please post what you're doing at the moment here in this thread!

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I struggle to find much to care about on Tv these days. What little i do watch is always streamed. Prefer documentaries mostly about history and archaeology, and a few select good reality shows like The Repair Shop.

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Watching Game Center CX on Plex with my boys. It's the Super Gussun Oyoyo episode, which has a very Lemmings feel to it.

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28 minutes ago, leejacksonaudio said:


That's part of the question! What streaming service are you using?


Several. Youtube, Netflix, Disney and Prime. Oh and TVNZ, our national tv provider.

Edited by Murdoch

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35 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

Several. Youtube, Netflix, Disney and Prime. Oh and TVNZ, our national tv provider.


Do you use an antenna for TVNZ?


My wife and I just finished watching The Mandalorian, S3E2, on Disney+. Comments over in the Mandalorian thread.

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Sometimes I watch Doom, Quake and music videos through the YouTube app for TV.

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15 minutes ago, leejacksonaudio said:

Do you use an antenna for TVNZ?


What's an antenna?


Heh, no, they have a streaming service. My house has neither antenna nor dish for TV. Always feels weird going away and having to use regular TV now.

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7 hours ago, dasho said:

Watching Game Center CX on Plex with my boys. It's the Super Gussun Oyoyo episode, which has a very Lemmings feel to it.

Love my man Arino.


As for me however I'm watching Space Battleship Yamato as of late. Leiji Matsumoto recently passed and I loved Galaxy Express 999. 

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I kind of switch between services if I'm in the mood to watch anything - I'd much rather watch someone explain electrical engineering concepts or computer programming concepts instead of slogging through someone's idea of what I should find entertaining for an amount of time that they dictate.  TV is usually a huge waste of time for me as I'd rather be learning or observing a process than being spoonfed garbage fiction.  Maybe I'm just a boring person.  To this I mostly relegate my time of viewing to YouTube (bleh).

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My little sister and I are watching The Office. Well, the Indian version of The Office. We put it on as a joke as neither of us speak Hindi, but watching with subtitles, it's genuinely a great show. I had always thought The American Office was stupid, so I'm pleasantly surprised that this is so enjoyable. Maybe I should watch the American one again. Oh, and I'm watching it on Hulu, since you asked, Lee. I'm not much of a tv guy. Definitely prefer YouTube. I find a lot of tv shows rather unengaging. Despite what Carmack says about plots in video games, I've always found them enrapturing. Bioshock, Fallout, Halo, The Elder Scrolls, Firewatch, hell even Slime Rancher have all given me interesting worlds and characters and concepts. I much prefer stories told in this way. There are exceptions, Mash is one of the best shows ever made and I love it. But I always stuck to video games. Growing up, I was always confused why my dad watched so many reality tv shows (think competition shows or the stuff they show on History Channel. His recent favorites are American Pickers and Forged in Fire). I always thought I'd go into psychosis after watching a marathon of this type of stuff. Now that I'm older, I get it, my dad has always worked incredibly hard and he probably just wants to be stimulated in some way before going to bed. But, I tend to avoid stuff like that. I'll usually pull up YouTube and either watch some old favorite videos or try and find something new and interesting.


Oh and my older brother and I are watching Adventure Time, a show we both watched as kids. It's a cartoon, but an excellent one. It has really deep characters, and possess a lot of emotional maturity. It handles teenage relationships and feelings better than any show I've seen. I still remember most of the first four seasons from watching them at my grandparents' place as a kid (we live in the boonies so no cable for us :c). Rewatching it after all this time is great, the show really holds up. We're also watching this on Hulu. 

Edited by Dusty_Rhodes

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I'm going to clarify what I have on my side. My main TV watching service, for networks and cable services, is YouTubeTV. I subscribe to Disney+ for the Star Wars, MCU, and Pixar franchises. I subscribe to peacock to get the IndyCar stuff.

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Nothing on TV or Streaming but I´ve been binge watching my blu ray collection of Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The show is way better on secend viewing, like holy shit were there so many little details and character moments that I completely glosed over the first time.

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To be honest, I mostly watch technical shit like decino's doom engine videos on YouTube, aside from that, it would be whatever shit my brother puts on TV.

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Mostly things on Netflix and Hulu although I've started watching gaming streams in the evening so there's not as much of that as there used to be.

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Been watching old VODs from Vinesauce on YouTube. DK64 VODs from Joel and Metroid Fusion VODs from Vinny, to be specific. I also been watching One Punch Man and Made in Abyss in those anime sites that I can't say here. I think once I finish the two animes I'll watch Trigun and Lucky Star next.

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I've been watching Community through Netflix. I usually don't start watching multiple-series-long tv shows because they take up too much time, but someone recommended it to me so I figured I'd try it out. I've also been watching The Apprentice (UK Version) which is pretty funny. Other than that I mainly watch films or whatever is in my Youtube recommended.

Edited by enigma101

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Girlfriend and I are watching "The Last of Us" and the third season of "You" right now on my Plex server and I'm guessing we will be watching third season of the Mandelorian here when more episodes are out and I get them haha. Stepkid watches Bob's Burgers on Hulu pretty much on repeat every day. I am a HUGE fan of anything on Shudder, I think "The Last Drive in with Joe Bob Briggs" counts as a TV show so also watching that :)

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New season of Party Down, can't believe they came back! Glad to see their lives still being shit. 

Plex + Sonarr + Radarr = perfect fully automated streaming setup. 

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I started re-watching TV a few years ago, when I received a janky hand-me-down Samsung TV where most of the important remote buttons are broken and the very right side of the screen is busted. Normally that would be a no-go, but I just watch old TV shows that are standard definition or SD zoomed in to widescreenish.

  • Stargate SG-1: Sci-fi series where 90s-2000s military people with MacGyver and Kratos use technobabble gateways to explore the galaxy and fight off parasitic overlords who were leaders of various Earth civilizations in the past. I'll admit that I kinda fell off when SG-1 started getting spaceships and more even footing against their enemies.
  • The A-Team: I'm sure you've heard of the opening narration about 4 ex-commandoes who work as mercenaries for the downtrodden. Had I watched it as a kid, I likely would've gone into engineering just for the crazy shit they build out of crap inside of wherever they get locked up in. Fun fact, the title apparently comes from a nickname for actual Army Special Forces' 12-man teams.
  • Hogan's Heroes: Wacky WW2 sitcom about an intelligence/sabotage/rescue team operating out of a German POW camp (NOT concentration camp, big difference). Almost all of the main German characters were played by Jews who were persecuted by the Third Reich and only agreed to play if their German characters were to lose in each episode. One guy had a prominent facial scar that's passed off as a dueling scar, but in reality was courtesy of a few SS thugs.
  • MASH: When I was a kid, MASH coming on meant cartoons were over and replaced with boring show with obnoxious laugh track. Much much later when I watched a few episodes out of boredom, I was genuinely surprised at enjoying it. The laugh track is still mostly obnoxious and I don't care much for the first 3 seasons and finale, but there is something special about it that I can't describe.

Now I realize these shows can be binge-watched at any time through streaming services, optical media or what-have-you, but I find watching a few episodes on over-the-air channels at a consistent time somewhat comforting. Kinda like looking forward to a pick-me-up that I can count on, barring schedule changes.

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Currently rewatching Moon Knight through some websites that are giving my antivirus programs a workout.


My first watchthrough of it, a friend streamed it for me from their D+ account. But we're both busy at different hours and I don't wanna bother her this time lol

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On 3/9/2023 at 3:46 AM, leejacksonaudio said:

Rather than necropost in a 6-year-old thread, I figured I'd start a new one with a bit of a twist. If you're watching TV right now, what are you watching, and how are you watching it? Are you watching it via cable, via a streaming live service (YouTubeTV, Hulu+ live, Fubu, etc.), via a pure streaming service (Netflix, Disney+), or something else? Please post what you're doing at the moment here in this thread!


Hm it really has been a while, but when i watch TV, it is over Cable.
If you don't know what to watch, changing the Channel until something interest you is something you don't have with Streaming Services.
On Streaming Services you are browsing Pictures until you find nothing :>

Mostly i got hooked by Documentations on Channels as Arte or 3Sat (German, French, Swiss, Austrian Cooperation Channels).

Some crazy Examples:

I watched a Documentation where they analyzed deep into the Arctic Ice and found Polution caused by the Roman Empire, as their Weapon Industry was so immense.

A Team of Scientists analyzed the Route of Odysseus and found out, the Route in the mediterrean Sea is actually correct and doable.
The Current in the Ocean even forces you to go on certain Spots.


Stuff you would never search by yourself.

What i like about them on such Channels, they have no Filler Stuff, are filled with Information and pretty dry.
No Infotainment where they left out important Information because of different Reasons or repeat themselfs a dozend Times.

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15 hours ago, Chow Yun Thin said:


  • Stargate SG-1: Sci-fi series where 90s-2000s military people with MacGyver and Kratos use technobabble gateways to explore the galaxy and fight off parasitic overlords who were leaders of various Earth civilizations in the past. I'll admit that I kinda fell off when SG-1 started getting spaceships and more even footing against their enemies.


I and also my Wife really love Stargate.
I actually really like the Fact that the Series does not stagnate and Humanity evolve in it.

If you look about all the Reboots and Prequels... I just can't see any more of it. I want to see how Things went on, not go to the Start again and again.

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Watching the Big XII Championship Men's Basketball game on ESPN, courtesy of YouTubeTV. Right now, with just over 7 minutes left in the game, Texas is leading 64-50 over Kansas.


EDIT: Texas ended up winning the championship game over top seed Kansas by 20 points, 76-56.

Edited by leejacksonaudio

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More sports. Watching the XFL: Arlington Renegades at St. Louis Battlehawks on ESPN2, again courtesy of YouTubeTV. Right now, at the start of the 2nd quarter, St. Louis leads 3-0.

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TBH, I mainly watch tornado storm chasing videos on Youtube these days, or science-y videos covering paleontology or space stuff.  Also the occasional anime still, but not on Youtube, and not as often as before since I'm not into a lot of the popular anime themes these days.  I suppose I've also gotten into listening to yandere RP/ASMR videos lately, seeing as my subscription feed now has quite a few of them, but those are more something I just listen to :-P


I don't have an actual TV, and haven't for many, many years.  I honestly don't miss it.

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