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titlemap bug.

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I've been trying to make a titlemap for TAOD and it works, however, for some reason the screen goes black until I press any of the buttons, which brings up the titlemap. Wanna know where I gave up? I've been trying to fix this bug for god knows how long and when I made a debug map to see If somethings wrong, and the bug still happened, I loaded the titlemap on its own in vanilla doom and the black screen doesn't appear...


I'll place a link to the mod once mediafire's done with uploading it. In the meantime, if anyone knows how to fix this bug, let me know as soon as possible. It would mean a lot to me.



EDIT: YAY the mod's uploaded! feel free to crack her open and find out what's wrong with the titlemap. https://www.mediafire.com/file/ttlewquq2pjvggg/TAOD_REVAMPED.pk3/file

Edited by DELTA256

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Turns out it was the STARTUP graphic that was causing the bug X_X


Why is it that when I ask for help, about 8.4 times out of 10 I somehow fix the bug?


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