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Bloodbaths Terrible Vacation - 4 Boom maps now on IDgames

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Bloodbath's Terrible Vacation is about my bad experience on a doomed vacation. This wad consists of four small island maps with lots of action. The chaingun, rocket launcher, and plasma gun have all received an upgrade for the adventure. MAP01 is a thrill-seeking adventure to a tropical island, with lots of unsightly guests to contend with. MAP02 is a bit more chill, but still has enough heat so your chaingun does not freeze over. MAP03 is a romp through one of the hottest vacation spots imaginable. MAP04 is a look into how this adventure was booked in the first place.


Bloodbaths Terrible Vacation


How I implemented the difficulty settings in general is: 

HMP has the same monster count as UV but with more resources
HNTR and ITYTD have reduced monster counts and different enemy placements, along with more resources 

All maps are balanced around pistol starts.


Known Bugs:

- If played in software mode some sky box show up incorrectly.  


Bloodbath's Terrible Vacation:

Source ports tested: DSDA-Doom, GZDoom, RZDoom, PrBoom-Plus


Difficulty settings: Yes

Free look: Disabled

Jump/crouch: Disabled

Single-player only


Big thanks to Jukeboxin and Murderous Mashed Potatos for playtesting the maps.


Edited by Bloodbath Giraffe

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halfway through map 3.  The combat is, dense for lack of a better word lol.  Im enjoying it so far.  Though there seems to be some visual bugs.  A lot of the switch reveals in map1 and 2 make the sky look weird, I know its just brighter sectors but it does stand out in a weird way.  I forgot to SS but the long vertical tunnel you drop from the plane in map01, if you look back its all warped with missing textures on the inside.  Besides it looking off in general Im not sure how you would make the effect look more convincing, the fact you have doomguy jumping out of a plane is really cool though.


And I found this visual bug in map3, I had something similar in one of my maps, turns out it was a missing texture somewhere in the map that overlaps with the view angle, might be that but Im not sure.  Also not sure why theres 2 skys looks kinda off imo. 


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Sorry for the delay I believe I have found the problem. Do you play of software or openGL mode? When I play in softwear mode I get the same sky issues you got, but when I play in openGL everything looks as intended. Please let me know if this fixes the issue for you.

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1 hour ago, Bloodbath Giraffe said:



Sorry for the delay I believe I have found the problem. Do you play of software or openGL mode? When I play in softwear mode I get the same sky issues you got, but when I play in openGL everything looks as intended. Please let me know if this fixes the issue for you.

I dont remember messing with the settings in prboom so it's probably in software mode 

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