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What are your plans for today?

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Today I have to do laundry; I'm running low on whites.


I also want to finish up Secret of Mana so I can finally play Doom Eternal. (Long overdue, but I promised myself!)

Edited by HavoX

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We're having a party for my sister-in-law, so I have to vacuum at lunchtime. ('Course, I always do it on Sundays anyway..)

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I buried one of our cats that died this morning (we brought her to the vet for an euthanasia): she had a tumour in her mouth that prevented her to eat.

No, she was not our new blue young one but our remaining old one (of three originally).

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I was supposed to be asleep like 2-3 hours ago, I have insanely high energy levels right now. It wasn't exactly my plan, but I'm going to work out a little bit, then probably sleep in way too late.

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Because of the time difference here in Australia it's probably Monday while you've posted about happenings in the weekend.


I work from home, so I'm doing that. Yesterday I enjoyed a nice dinner with family + uncle at my parents. Day before I went out to the city, enjoyed smoked BBQ feast and then drinks with friends. A very social weekend for my standards. It was nice.


Here is a photo of the feast I speak of:


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Continued rest and recuperation today. Got to keep my legs elevated to get a bit of water weight gain off of them. While my legs are elevated, I'll do a bit of browsing on my laptop, might do some playing around with the new Cherry Audio synths.

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Plans for March 21, 2023: physical therapy in-home, followed by a telemedicine appointment with my pain management doctor's PA. Then, more elevating my feet while I mess with my Cherry Audio synths or something.

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Back to the dentist today. Have a filling that's starting to decay, and it needs to be fixed.

And that's the first of two appointments. (This is the "long one"... The next one will be shorter.)

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Earlier today was school, and now in the evening first I'll eat some soup and bread, then write some news about Hell Denizen on IndieDB. Maybe I'll lift weights too (while writing).

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Today's plan is to put on clothes and go to the shop to buy some food stuff. Then back at home do some programming for a school project. Maybe do something to my own game too. Should go sleep kinda early.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Convince myself to go exercise

Convince myself to write some music

Convince myself not to play videogames all day


We'll see how it goes

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mainly just what I've been doing for the past few months

- Revise for exams I've got coming up

- More revision

- Play some drums

- Play some videogames (Probably FIFA or Doom)

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