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[DEMONSTRATION] customizable titlemaps

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Title says everything, I have found a way to make titlemaps customizable!



And if you think this is fake, then looky-loo at this


That is a dedicated submenu for changing the titlemap.



It works by using both ACS and CVARINFO to achieve the customization stuffies, it's actually really easy to pull off!


The script runs checks for 1 of 3 cvars to change the titlemap's background, character, and music, before promptly terminating, locking the title screen to that specific combo until the player changes the setting and restarts the mod (the mod is TAOD btw)


Let me know what you think of this! I spent almost a day or two on this stupid little gimmick, for a mod that nobody replied to lmfao.

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17 hours ago, innerethos said:

Aye!  It's the VoxelWeapons guy!


Yup, that's me! really happy that mod had an impact so to speak XD


17 hours ago, innerethos said:

Nice work.  Really cool to see your constant improvements.

I've been working on TAOD for nearly two years at this stage and I thought: "why not fumble about with a few thingies to make a purely cosmetic gimmick for my project?" and so the customizable titlemap was born!


Should I make other mods and such, I'll be sure to throw in a customizable titlemap IF the opportunity presents itself!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This actually would be great for a Doom Eternal based mod. It would open up the option to change your podium and background just like in the game. 

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