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Nathan Lineback's Drmdoom - is it possible to make it polished?

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Alot of us might be familiar with Nathan Lineback's Mars War, a 32-level Megawad released in 1998 and updated in 2009 with three new levels replacing conversions of existing maps. The WAD can often be considered a Joke WAD due to its anti-Microsoft references with the face of Bill Gates as a Borg replacing the Icon of Sin wall textures and Linux mascot Tux as the God Mode face.


However, a lesser known work of Lineback is Drmdoom, which is a set of unfinished and prototyped levels made in the 90s and 2000s by the author that were never finished. Three of the maps included are early versions of maps 15, 20 and 25 in the latest version of Mars War, others look like prototypes for the Firefox Party deathmatch WAD, while others haven't been used in either Mars War or Firefox Party.


the text file states that "Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels.", meaning that anyone can try to edit these maps to make them polished up.


Has anyone ever attempted to polish Drmdoom up to the current Doom mapping standards? I really wish to see if it is possible to do so.

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Perhaps making a MIDI pack for Mars War would catch the attention of Lineback for him to make extra levels sourced from drmdoom for Mars War for use with the MIDI pack, much like what the Revolution! MIDI Pack did with Thomas van der Velden during its development.

Edited by Wadmodder Shalton

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Not entirely on topic but since you brought it up, I've been trying to figure out just what

Firefox Party DM wad even is! It was up running on a Zandronum server the other year

when I first discovered this piece. Since then, I also perused the Toasty Tech Doom Page.

All I ran into was more anti-MS stuff from some time ago. Am I stupid for saying,

"I don't get it."?


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