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[Crispy Doom] Summoned - A short and dark castle map.

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When I attempted another mapping stream and failed miserably at it, I was left with a map that needed finishing. This one was started on youtube channel (now the videos are deleted), but finished off the video. So here is a small, dark and frantic castle map. Have fun!

Download Link:

https://doomshack.org/uploads/Summoned RC1.wad


IWad: Doom2

Mapslot: Map01

Difficulties: Yes

Monster count on UV: 128.

Tested on: Crispy Doom (v5.11.1), DSDA (v0.24.3), GZDoom (V4.8.2)

Jump/Crouch: No

Freelook: Up to player.


Known issues:


  • GZDoom Brightmaps will make it easier to spot the enemies.
  • Do not run down the stairs into the circle. A player discovered an accidental softlock. to be fixed in RC2

Music: Doom 2 - Into Sandys City
Textures: Slade3 Recolor, 32in24-15_tex_v2 (Implemented in wad)

Changelog: Fixed the exit. Turns out I turned it into a switch. Not sure how I missed that one.

Screenshots [Due to the short staycation of doomguy, only few photos exist]







Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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Vid is processing but here is advaqnced screening - with other vids in the hopper I won't make this public for a bit



Just had to be first lol


PS fix your ending


time to buy groceries


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Cool map, Hot start but it became easier. The exit is broken I think. I walk on it but it wont trigger. 

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I like how you used the initial steady flow of lost souls and cacodemons to set the tempo up a bit. Item grabbing in some of the rooms was a bit sporadic, feels a bit like pacman which isn't my thing, I like when it feels like a decision to head for something. I had fun running around making everything mad though. Hitting all the switches and dealing with the consequences, there's plenty of resources to be reckless. Cute secrets too.

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So, um, I tried recording in Crispy for the first time, and perhaps it could've gone a bit better. Nice fancy architectural bits though, and I think I discovered both of the secrets in the castle itself but I didn't get to leave.


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1 hour ago, LadyMistDragon said:

So, um, I tried recording in Crispy for the first time, and perhaps it could've gone a bit better. Nice fancy architectural bits though, and I think I discovered both of the secrets in the castle itself but I didn't get to leave.



Ah yes, you get the unfixed version of the map, that had exit as S1 instead of W1. My bad.

Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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I recorded a demo of playing this summ-uvblind.zip (played on crispy with complevel 2, hope that's the intended complevel)

It's a nice map. I like its visuals, it just looks very good with all the well picked textures, different light levels and varied architecture. I have nothing to say about the visuals because I don't know what but it looks good. The map starts pretty interesting, it's very tight on ammo so I had to use the pistol a lot and even punched out some imps, all these lost souls and cacodemons constantly flying in also made the start feel oppressive but once you get to the big room where the plasma gun and rocket launcher is it starts giving you much more ammo it gets much easier compared to the beginning but still keeps being "annoying" with various sniping imps and hell knights and makes you continue walking carefully. It starts being scarier only at the final fight when archviles teleport in but I can't say if inconsistent difficulty is bad or not.

There's also a way to get softlocked, you can jump to the thing on the screenshot from the stairs and fall into the lava pit

(edit I accidentally sent the post while I was writing it somehow)


Edited by Cilian

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19 hours ago, Cilian said:

I recorded a demo of playing this summ-uvblind.zip (played on crispy with complevel 2, hope that's the intended complevel)

It's a nice map. I like its visuals, it just looks very good with all the well picked textures, different light levels and varied architecture. I have nothing to say about the visuals because I don't know what but it looks good. The map starts pretty interesting, it's very tight on ammo so I had to use the pistol a lot and even punched out some imps, all these lost souls and cacodemons constantly flying in also made the start feel oppressive but once you get to the big room where the plasma gun and rocket launcher is it starts giving you much more ammo it gets much easier compared to the beginning but still keeps being "annoying" with various sniping imps and hell knights and makes you continue walking carefully. It starts being scarier only at the final fight when archviles teleport in but I can't say if inconsistent difficulty is bad or not.

There's also a way to get softlocked, you can jump to the thing on the screenshot from the stairs and fall into the lava pit

(edit I accidentally sent the post while I was writing it somehow)


Hey, unfortunately the demos that you and ladymistdragon recorded both desync for some reason. I'll take a look when I get resolved.

However, how did you get on top of that circle? I do not think you can go there from the stairs or from the imp-spine ledge. If you used jump, then that is not an innate feature of doom.

I hope I get the demos working, but in the meanwhile did you use the jump key or did you just straferun there?

Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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4 hours ago, IcarusOfDaggers said:

Hey, unfortunately the demos that you and ladymistdragon recorded both desync for some reason. I'll take a look when I get resolved.

However, how did you get on top of that circle? I do not think you can go there from the stairs or from the imp-spine ledge. If you used jump, then that is not an innate feature of doom.

I hope I get the demos working, but in the meanwhile did you use the jump key or did you just straferun there?

The demo was recorded with complevel 2, also did you edit the wad after sending it? Can't think of any other possible reason, I downloaded this version https://doomshack.org/uploads/Summoned.

I didn't use a source port jump, you can strafe run (SR40) from these stairs on the screenshot and with some luck (it's random) you can get on the circle
Another screenshot:




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13 hours ago, Cilian said:

The demo was recorded with complevel 2, also did you edit the wad after sending it? Can't think of any other possible reason, I downloaded this version https://doomshack.org/uploads/Summoned.

I didn't use a source port jump, you can strafe run (SR40) from these stairs on the screenshot and with some luck (it's random) you can get on the circle
Another screenshot:

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Ahh then it indeed, needs a fix... I'll take a look at it later this week.

Also finally got the demos to work. nice run.

@LadyMistDragon Sad to see you died, but was still a fun to watch demo. I also noticed I may need a few more torches and/or louder monsters to guide the player.  you're not the first one to look for progression

Edited by IcarusOfDaggers

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