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wadsmoosh and custom iwad midis

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Does anyone know a good way to incorporate custom midi packs for official id releases (namely the ones for Plutonia, the Master Levels, and NRFTL) into JP's wadsmoosh?


I've been messing around with the MAPINFO in one of the midi wads, and changing the map name to it's corresponding smoosh name seems to help for some of them (e.g. changing LEVEL0# in No Rest to NV_MAP0#). but each of these midi packs also has unique intermission music and i am totally lost on how to change that, since NRFTL doesn't even have a call for intermusic call as it's inside doom 2's map info, and idk how to change that without changing doom 2's intermission music to the one in the NRFTL pack


It would also be cool to know if there's a way to incorporate the MIDI packs into the IPK3 itself, but I'm guessing that would need official intergration on JP's part

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For Plutonia and TNT, you can do a batch-rename of D_* to P_* and T_* respectively, then put those in the Doom_Complete.pk3 in replacement of those already there.


For the intermission music, you can change it on a level-by-level basis by adding

InterMusic = "D_RUNNIN"

to the concerned maps. Replace D_RUNNIN by the relevant lump. See the various MAPINFO files inside Doom_Complete.pk3 for example, and don't hesitate too much to directly edit it because, worst case, you can always regenerate it anew by running WadSmoosh again.

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Check this post, I made optional addon PK3 for the MIDI packs and Romero's levels:




These are offered without any support; if something goes wrong someone else here can probably help you figure it out. I don't want to make these part of Wadsmoosh itself because they work fine as PK3s and doing otherwise would create the need for configuration and customization.


The files are hosted on my non-HTTPS website, but they're just ZIPs with data in them. If your browser complains then use Firefox and tell it to "download anyway". Feel free to mirror them here or wherever.

Edited by JPL
added note about downloading

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16 hours ago, JPL said:

Check this post, I made optional addon PK3 for the MIDI packs and Romero's levels:




These are offered without any support; if something goes wrong someone else here can probably help you figure it out. I don't want to make these part of Wadsmoosh itself because they work fine as PK3s and doing otherwise would create the need for configuration and customization.


The files are hosted on my non-HTTPS website, but they're just ZIPs with data in them. If your browser complains then use Firefox and tell it to "download anyway". Feel free to mirror them here or wherever.

Now this is the good shtuff


While I do like the idea of having everything in one IPK3 like how the @Gez method provides (thanks for the editing help BTW), this is still pretty slick and easy to op out of if I ever want to play a commercial wad with their default recycled mids


Thanks JPL, ya do good for the places you put your efforts to

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