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I want to say something about Quake

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If you never played Quake with keyboard only choosing the maximum autoaim in the consolse, you don't know how the game could be played!

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If anybody tires to play Quake 1 with maximum autoaim with keyboard only, they know how Quake is like Doom.


They will notice the engine smilarities.

Edited by Technicolor

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If you never tried Quake 1 with maximum autoaim in the console, you don't know how quake 1 is just like doom.

Edited by Technicolor

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So far all you've said about Doom and Quake's similarities are that you can turn autoaim on and play the games with keyboard only (which wasn't the intended playstyle for either game, I might add). I won't disagree that they have similar gameplay, because they do, but that has to do with the gameplay loop and weapon and enemy designs, not basic control schemes that existed in pretty much every FPS game of the era.


Also, spamming the same comment four times in 15 minutes doesn't make your point any stronger.

Edited by Shepardus

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3 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

So far all you've said about Doom and Quake's similarities are that you can turn autoaim on and play the games with keyboard only (which wasn't the intended playstyle for either game, I might add). I won't disagree that they have similar gameplay, because they do, but that has to do with the gameplay loop and weapon and enemy designs, not basic control schemes that existed in pretty much every FPS game of the era.


Also, spamming the same comment four times in 15 minutes doesn't make your point any stronger.


If anybody else tried Quake 1 with maximum autoaim, they would know how Quake 1 is just like Doom.

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4 minutes ago, Technicolor said:


If anybody else tried Quake 1 with maximum autoaim, they would know how Quake 1 is just like Doom.


If anyone read more than 2 of your 5 posts on this page alone, they would know how those posts are just like your other posts on this page.

Edited by Caffeine Freak

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If you go out of your way to ignore all the differences, then yeah I guess they would look pretty similar.

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1 minute ago, Technicolor said:

I beated Quake on Nightmare playing with keyboard only. No one can tell me Quake is different than Doom.

Vids or it didn't happen.

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4 minutes ago, Technicolor said:

I beated Quake on Nightmare playing with keyboard only. No one can tell me Quake is different than Doom.

Both Doom and Quake share a lot of gameplay DNA, nobody is denying that. However, your thesis statement was "how much engine smilarities Doom and Quake Engine has," which has nothing to do with gameplay. Technically speaking, the games' engines have very little similarities (at least I'd assume, I'm not a programmer).

Edited by spineapple tea

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You never played Quake 1 with keyboard only, that is why you don't know how Quake 1 is just like Doom.

Edited by Technicolor

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34 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

Funny how you're drawing conclusions about the engine internals from some superficial gameplay similarities. Yes, they did draw upon Doom for much of the gameplay formula because that's all they had time for, but that says nothing about the Quake engine, which is totally different from the Doom engine.

If you never played Quake 1 with keyboard only, You can't know that 

Edited by Technicolor

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6 minutes ago, spineapple tea said:

Technically speaking, the games' engines have very little similarities (at least I'd assume, I'm not a programmer).

Structurally they can look similar initially (notably the style of function headers), which makes sense given it's Carmack's next C engine game after Doom, however the meat and potatoes is quite different with Quake being designed around vector physics and the server and client renderer being two entirely different structures of code. All physics are timestamp deltas in Quake as well, and animations are timer triggers rather than Doom's frame table.

Edited by Edward850

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You know what other game is just like Doom, but with explosives and inventory? Duke Nukem 3D. You can aim in that game. You've got a satisfying shotgun. No one can possibly argue otherwise. You know what other game's like Doom? Blood. Does anyone think there'd be horror FPSs if Doom wasn't released? Exactly!

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1 minute ago, spineapple tea said:

"Your inability to accept and process new information is bewildering."


- Confucius, 2023 A.D.


To notice engine smilarities between Doom and Quake, you should try keyboard only.

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Before this thread locks, I just want to say that this screenshot perfectly encapsulates Technicolor as a whole.



I'm ashamed of how many replies I've made to this thread so I'll just edit this one to say: Technicolor is the greatest troll of all time. This thread has shattered any notion saying otherwise. There is literally no chance in hell any human being can actually this be this oblivious to things spoken directly to them.

Edited by spineapple tea

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39 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

Funny how you're drawing conclusions about the engine internals from some superficial gameplay similarities. Yes, they did draw upon Doom for much of the gameplay formula because that's all they had time for, but that says nothing about the Quake engine, which is totally different from the Doom engine.

If you never played Quake 1 with keyboard only, You don't know that.

Edited by Technicolor

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I swear @Technicolor, after however many hopeless black hole threads you've opened up, I'm still not 100% certain whether you're a scripted chatbot someone loosed on this board, an ADHD child with the memory of a goldfish, or some God-tier troll. 

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1 minute ago, Technicolor said:

If you never played Quake 1 with keyboard only, You don't know that.

I have and no, they don't control similarly at all. Try again.

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Just now, LadyMistDragon said:

I have and no, they don't control similarly at all. Try again.

I finished Quake 1 with keyboard only on Nightmare difficulty.

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I think one could have a more productive conversation with the Mooninites.

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Technicolor is clearly a troll, time to add them to the ignore list until someone with power here does what is best for them and for the rest of the Doomworld community. 

Edited by DNSKILL5

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1 minute ago, Edward850 said:

I think one could have a more productive conversation with the Mooninites.


I think you must admit the fact how good keyboarders can play classic fps games including Quake.

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2 minutes ago, DNSKILL5 said:

Technicolor is clearly a troll, time to add them to the ignore list until someone with power here does what is best for them and for the rest of the Doomworld community. 


You can't admit that someone who doesnt use mouse can play doom better than you.

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4 minutes ago, Technicolor said:


I think you must admit the fact how good keyboarders can play classic fps games including Quake.

This is a whole new sentence and was never the subject matter. Are you high or something?

1 minute ago, Technicolor said:

You can't admit that someone who doesnt use mouse can play doom better than you.

Is this a challenge? Are you challenging someone to a Doom duel where you play keyboard only and they play with a keybaord+mouse?

Edited by Edward850

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Edit: Quote is not edit. Remove me.

Edited by Edward850

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2 minutes ago, Edward850 said:

This is a whole new sentence and was never the subject matter. Are you high or something?


Can you make a deathmatch with keyboard only playing Quake? Can you do that?

Edited by Technicolor

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3 minutes ago, Technicolor said:


You can't admit that someone who doesnt use mouse can play doom better than you.

Then get on a deathmatch server and let me show you how misinformed you are. 

Edited by DNSKILL5

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