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Resurrection of Evil: Josh 'b0rg' Holmes 2005 maps (Via Gamers Arena)


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Hi Everybody.


A couple of days ago I found on a Czech cd a series of custom Deathmatch maps made by Josh 'b0rg' Holmes for Resurrection of Evil and originally released through Via Gamers Arena around 2005.

The maps are the following:





All maps come with text files


Since I've never played custom levels or mods for Doom 3, I apologize for the newbie question:

since the site is no longer online and Wayback Machine hasn't saved the files (here and here) I wonder if they are interesting maps and worth sharing or instead they are widely known and available.


Thanks a lot in advance!

Edited by thestarrover

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If I remember it right, the Viavga series of maps had the purpose to test graphic cards, so they were quite detailed. I think I played one of the Doom 3 viavga maps, but it wasn't that memorable. There were also viavga maps for Quake 3: Arena, they also looked nice but didnt have the best gameplay.


I found one of them here: https://gamebanana.com/mods/138613


Lots of light map textures, but not exactly great looking either.


Moddb link Viavga Doom 3




Edited by Tetzlaff

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18 hours ago, Tetzlaff said:


If I remember it right, the Viavga series of maps had the purpose to test graphic cards, so they were quite detailed. I think I played one of the Doom 3 viavga maps, but it wasn't that memorable. There were also viavga maps for Quake 3: Arena, they also looked nice but didnt have the best gameplay.



Hi @Tetzlaff.

Thank you very much for the reply and for all the information. I learned something new that I knew absolutely nothing about. :)



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