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(Doom 2) Red Clouds

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So.. I was working on a Washington D.C map earlier in the day. Eventually, I managed to get to a good point in my progress. And then I thought: "How many Cacodemons can I shove on a map?" A couple hours later, and this was the result. Considering that this is nothing more than a shitpost I can't really say much. The best advice I can say is: don't die. Anyways try to have fun; because you most definitely will not. (there are also no healthpacks lol)


Red Clouds

Doom 2 E1M1

Runtime: We will never know.. (Until we know.)


Would Not Recommend Low End Computers At All.

Amount Of Enemies: Play to find out.


Welcome to hell.




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Radical. Also nostalgic.

I did a less crazy version of this too once in the past, as I think cacodemons are the prettiest doom monster in large quantities haha. My version had a dark blue map to contrast them:



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1 hour ago, Dopaminecloud said:


Radical. Also nostalgic.

I did a less crazy version of this too once in the past, as I think cacodemons are the prettiest doom monster in large quantities haha. My version had a dark blue map to contrast them:



Hey, thanks for trying this out. Considering that this is only the second map I have ever actually made, its definitely not perfect. The main reason why I called this "Red Clouds" was mostly due to the fact that most of the cacodemons were in small, square-like groups. Therefore, they resembled something along the lines of a cloud-like entity. But seriously, thanks for playing.

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2 hours ago, Korozive said:

How about why?

 The simple one sentence saying that his post was shitpost. 

I do not care if it is a 2 hour speedmap or multiple months of work. I was interested right up until the shitpost part. Past history with shitposts has gotten me trolled

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