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Doomworld Musicians (ALL of you) - Tell Us Of Your Gear!

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This topic is aimed at anyone who considers themselves a musician here on Doomworld, be they pro-level banger-maker or beginner-level bit-slogger. We want to hear of what you use in the way of gear, both hardware and software, to produce music. List it all - creation software, I/O boxes, FX boxes, VSTs, other software, keyboards/synths, you name it. We want to know.


N.B. - I normally jump into the fray with a post of my own right after the initial post, but I'm going to refrain from doing that this time around. IMHO, that would seem too much like showing off. I'm going to wait until a few people have posted and the subject has gained a bit of traction before I join in this time. Y'all go ahead and have fun without me. ;)

Edited by leejacksonaudio

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I've been stockpiling music equipment for years and years like a war's coming, pretty sure the earlier VSTs I bought were like in 2006. Stuff's mostly VST but I started to have some physical units in the process. I'm cramped by space since I live in a studio so not everything's plugged in, but maybe some day!


DAWs I own are FL Studio, Reaper, Studio One and Cakewalk. I started MIDI composing on an old version of Cakewalk Home Studio and no matter how I tried the others, Sonar keeps sucking me back in.


VSTs I own... there's too many so I'll list the ones I usually use. Dimension Pro, Komplete version something (mainly for Kontakt, Reaktor, Absynth, Guitar Rig and FM8) RealGuitar, RealStrat, RealLPC, RealEight, M1, Wavestation, Sound Canvas VA (with that said I stopped using it and switched to the real article) Ozone for mastering... there's more to this but at this point we're talking about things I'm not even using or use anymore.


Hardware... I've reached my limit for the time being and I can't even have them all operational at once. I got a Roland SC-8820 and Yamaha MU1000EX which I use for basic MIDI compositions, for the rest I have a Roland Integra-7, Yamaha MODX6 and a KORG Nautilus. To play back the Integra I have an Arturia Keylab 61 MK2 as a MIDI controller, which replaces a much more modest M-Audio Oxygen 25 which is collecting dust.


Hopefully the time where I use all that stuff successfully is soon. I've been mentally blocked for years due to fear and of course, that horrible feeling to compare yourself with people who do this better than you. But ever since I've returned to basics as of late I've been feeling better and I'm about ready to finally do something bigger.

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24 minutes ago, volleyvalley said:

I mean, I have my guitar, but that's about it in the terms of real life. I've been trying to use Sekaiju and contrary to how @Codename_Delta described it, for me, it's really overwhelming for me to just get around.

Tbh @LVENdead made a sweet vid about it.

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While I started off making MIDIs, I moved into live music performance pretty heavily for a while until I moved out of an area where I could find people to play the kind of music I wanted to play. As for my equipment:



  • Epiphone Les Paul Guitar - one of the higher end Epiphones, since I'm not nearly good enough to justify an actual Gibson but love coil-taps
  • Jackson Dinky 7-string Guitar
  • Dean Acoustic-Electric Guitar
  • Trumpet
  • Alto Sax
  • Tenor Sax
  • Baritone Sax
  • Alto Trombone
  • Small-Bore Tenor Trombone
  • Symphonic Tenor Trombone
  • Bass Trombone
  • Contrabass Trombone
  • BBb Tuba (4 piston valves)

MIDI Instruments:

  • Garritan Personal Orchestra
  • Cinesamples
  • NotePerformer
  • EastWest Composer's Collection
  • Native Instruments Vintage Organs
  • Some miscellaneous VSTs

For strictly MIDI composition, I use an old program called Noteworthy Composer (I keep meaning to get into Cakewalk, though I've used Cakewalk for audio recording). For recordings, I use Steinberg Cubase. For music meant to be played by live musicians, I use Sibelius. I have a Novation MIDI keyboard, but I rarely use it. When recording, I plug into a Behringer UMC1820.

Edited by bofu

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  • Ibanez SRX365 5-string bass (<3)
  • Ibanez SRF705 5-string fretless bass
  • Ibanez GRG7221QA GIO 7-string guitar (this guitar is shit ngl)
  • Some stratocaster clone I don't really use anymore
  • M-Audio Oxygen 61 MIDI controller
  • Low D whistle (I used this on some of the elementalism soundtrack but basically never play it)
  • Descant recorder (I never play this)

Headphones - Sony MDR7506, amazing for the price tbh

Audio interface - Focusrite Scarlett 2i4

Microphone - Neewer NW-700 (bit shit but no point shelling out for a fancy mic if the room isn't there to support it)



  • MIDI - Sekaiju
  • DAW - Reaper

Selected plugins

  • Drums - The Invasion (GGD)
  • Guitars - Archetype Nolly (Neural DSP)
  • Bass - Parallax (Neural DSP)
Edited by Tristan

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Current gear:

LTD MH1000NT in See Thru Purple and tuned BEADF#B
Boss Katana MKII 50w
Joyo Classic Flanger
Clefly Holy War Distortion

Gear I want:
Dawner Prince Pulse 
Tap tempo delay
2x EHX Small Clone

Edited by Mr. Freeze

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I'm pretty damn new to all of this, but the below has been treating me well thus far.


- Akai MPK Mini Mk.3

- Sony MDR-7506

- FL Studio 20

- Too many VSTs, most I'll likely barely use.

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got a roland xp something and a microphone and a mini-mixer

doing nothing lol. i just make all my music in software. i steal my samples from old mod files \o/ if anything, instruments are for auditioning ideas to be sequenced

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Damn, you guys are awesome will all that gear!

I have a Roland Jupiter that is in Brazil >.< (currently living in portugal), but I bought a MIDI controller and bought the Native Instruments Standard Pack to play a bit with sounds and vsts. As or DAW, I use Cakewalk by BandLab.

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SC-55ST, OpenMPT, FamiTracker, Audacity, Tildearrow's Furnace, SNESMOD, Everdrive N8 Pro, Everdrive-GG X7, FXPak Pro.


I included flashcarts because I make music for various consoles.

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17 minutes ago, yakfak said:

got a roland xp something and a microphone and a mini-mixer

doing nothing lol. i just make all my music in software. i steal my samples from old mod files \o/ if anything, instruments are for auditioning ideas to be sequenced

You a fan of Necros, by an chance? I swear for a while I wanted a Roland XP-50 just because of his demoscene music. I'll probably settle for a virtual Roland JV-1080 instead since both instruments do share many presets.

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I'm glad to see this thread has caught on. Time to jump in. Let me start with my hardware:



Arturia Keylab 88

Nektar Impact GX49 (for use with my laptop only)

Yamaha CS6x synth


Outboard Synths:

Roland SC-88Pro

Yamaha MU-100

Kawai K5000R rackmount



Blue Snowball (black USB version)


USB I/O Interface:

Presonus Studio 1810c


USB MIDI Interface:

MOTU micro lite


Other Boxes:

Switchcraft S-patch 48 point patch bay

Ebtech Hum Eliminator

Morley Line Level Shifter


Studio Monitors:

Adam A5x pair

Adam Sub7


And now, the software:



Cakewalk by Bandlab


Sound Editing/Mastering:

Wavelab Pro 11

NCH Software WavePad and MixPad (laptop only)


VST Suites:

Native Instruments KOMPLETE Ultimate 14

Waves Software VSTs (too many to name (I've almost got the Horizon bundle) - I'm going to take the Waves Creative Access plunge so I don't have to pay over $400 in WUP every year)

Plugin Alliance MEGA bundle

Cherry Audio Synth Stack 3

Cherry Audio Rackmode Signal Processors


Specialty Libraries:

Aaron Venture's Infinite Brass and Woodwinds

Orange Tree Samples' Evolution Complete Bundle

XLN Audio's Addictive Drums 2 (complete product)


Way too many more VSTs and libraries to list

Edited by leejacksonaudio
oops, forgot some

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I've relied on my ESP Eclipse and Mesa Mark V to get me through most situations through the years, with a Mikael Åkerfeldt PRS for those times I need a tremolo bar and/or 24 frets. A THD Hot Plate is used to attenuate the Mark V's signal going into my trusty yet humble Focusrite Scarlett 4i4. Bass guitar is a Laguna Ocean TB-75, with a Hosa direct box for ground control, and some acoustic guitar that says "guild" on it and has a non-standard shaped sound hole for some reason. I've had dozens more guitars, amps, drum kits and miscellaneous gear through the years but have found myself in a few situations where if it doesn't fit in my car, it's not coming with me.


For microphones the most used are an Audio-Technica AT2020 condensor for vocals in a musical setting, and a Rode NTG-2 for field recording, usually with my Tascam DR-40X. Also have an SM57 lying around in case someone needs a hammer, and an SM58 for when someone needs a hammer with a built-in pop filter. Reference monitors are Wharfedale Diamond 8.2 Pro active monitors which I bought used over fifteen years ago but they've paid for themselves a hundred times over, so while not the best by any means, they still get the work done and I'm very used to how they sound. The only pair of headphones I own is Audio-Technica ATH-M40x, which my only requirement was that it doesn't make noise when I move my jaw for singing, as that's the only time I wear them.


Have been using Logic Pro since 8, and later learned Pro Tools in recording school, and those two are my main DAWs for producing, recording and mixing, though Audacity gets a fair amount of use for sound effect projects or quick conversions/edits, and rarely use Reaper and Cubase for random MIDI things. FabFilter Pro-Q 3 is probably the most overused plugin by me, with FabFilter's de-esser and limiter coming at a close second, and then I use most of the Waves hardware simulations for compression and effects, and Soundtoys and Valhalla for other effects. I'm not a plugin collector by any means, but I've probably got a few rogue ones in there that I forget about, and mainly stick to what clients are used to hearing. I occasionally resubscribe to EastWest for their instrument sims, but that's a rare case.


Oh and two Roland SC-55s for some reason, only one of them being a mkII.


Also left out Superior Drummer 2.0 and Kazrog Recabinet 4 which is odd because they get a lot of use.

Edited by Lippeth

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I've been learning Piano recently, but as a beginner-level-bit-slogger I sure do love OpenMPT

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At least 10 years and this stupid old buddy of mine hasn't failed me yet. Probably because I'm not a professional, haha.


Well, unless your definition of "failing" includes that in order to "convert" my song to midi, I need to export every individual instrument track as a loop, extract the raw files of those loops, plug them into a random github converter which I hope to god never goes down, transfer them to my other computer, recombine them in Sekaiju, and rebalance/modify everything so it sounds good in the format it's ultimately intended for at the 11th hour.


But it's worth it. Damn, does it ever feel good to compose in GarageBand.

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Cakewalk Pro 6.01 for MIDI

Reaper DAW for engineering

Audition CS5 for some FX

Cool Edit Pro for shits and giggles

Hammerhead Rhythm Studio and LMMS for loops and analog shit




whatever the software came with I guess




cheap Behringer interface

cheap microphones

cheap Harbinger mixer

an old ass electric piano

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I've had several different basses over the years but currently use a Mexican Fender Jazz. I had to grow to appreciate the simplicity of it though. Amp wise I use a Tech21 VT500, which is just the Sansamp pedal in a small head. I like to drench it in chorus so I have an EHX Bass Clone for that, which is really good.


I also have a Korg Minilogue XD, which can make some quite cool sounds, but I'm not that good of a keyboard player and outside the sequencer (which I don't particularly care for) its pretty basic, and a bit hard to dial in any massive pads because the envelopes are too fast. I'd love to have a Sequential Circuits Prophet 5, but vintage keyboards are ludicrously expensive.



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Been using Reason as my DAW since 2003, though I've been exploring Reaper and Studio One for their feature sets it's hard to break old habits.


I use the built-in Reason synths and effects a lot, I know them like the back of my hand and find them easy to work with to get the results I'm after. I also use the synths in Komplete, and I've found the free synth PG-8X surprisingly extremely useful for synthwave.


Monitors are M-Audio BX5, headphones are Sony MDR-V6, calibrated with Sonarworks for a more neutral sound. I mostly mix on headphones. Keyboard is an Alesis V49. Main computer is an i9-9900k hackintosh I built in 2019 with 64gb of RAM and 9TB of SSD storage.


iZotope's Ozone/Tonal Balance/Neutron/Nectar/RX suite is great for mixing and mastering, and I get a lot of use out of it.


I own a lot of orchestral sample libraries, but I'm hoping to replace a lot of them over the next few years because I don't feel good about using products from scummy companies.

For guitars I've mostly been reaching for the Shreddage 3 series nowadays, though I've gotten a lot of use out of the Orange Tree guitars over the years as well. I use a lot of Neural DSP for ampsims, but I've also gotten a lot of use out of Kuassa products over the years.


For drums I'm mostly using Tokyo Scoring Drum Kits these days, in part because I worked on it and know it well, and in part because the recordings are great and I find it really easy to get the sounds I'm looking for with it. In the past I've used GGD Modern & Massive and BFD3 quite a bit.

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OS: Linux


DAW: Renoise.  I used to use Cakewalk Sonar, but stopped after Sonar 8.5.  I occasionally mess with DefleMask as well, but haven't finished anything in it.

MIDI: I've messed with QTractor a bit to modify some existing MIDI files, but that's it.  There's a few MIDI editors I intend to look at, but I almost never write straight MIDI files anymore, so it hasn't been a priority.  I mostly just listen to them.

VSTs: ImpOSCar; SQ8L; an old Native Instruments Komplete (I mainly use Reaktor from it); some Arturia synths; Korg M1 VST and some other Korg synth VSTs; Sonitus:fx, BlueCat Audio, MeldaProduction VSTs for effects.  My own custom software for SoundFont stuff, connected via JACK.  Not too many samples aside from drum samples and effects, though.  But nothing is stopping me from using granular synthesis and effects with some mundane everyday sound effect to create interesting things, either.  I did that with a recording of a Hoover vacuum once...


Monitors: Rokkit-6.  I guess technically my car's subwoofers to check the bass end as well, though I currently don't have a car to put them in :-P

Keyboards: currently none ;_;  I just type in what I need.  Yay for a tracker interface.

Outboard synths: Just a JV-1010 these days.  I used to have a PolyEvolver Keyboard (god I LOVED that thing), a small Alesis module, and a Nord Rack, but hard times forced me to sell those.

Editing: WaveLab + some custom programs I've written.

Other stuff: I have an older Behringer mixing board, but don't use it much these days. I used to use an M-Audio FireWire Solo as my sound interface, but I moved to something else to move away from FireWire (I think a SoundBlaster USB thing?).  Not ideal, but it works.  I use Sony MDR-7506 for my headphones, and a Sure SM58 for a mic when I really need it, which is almost never.

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I've got some bunch of hardware and software in my studio. Way too many to list all of it, but here are the main ones I use.


DAW: FL Studio 20, been using different versions of it since 2000. Bought FL Studio 7 producer edition with lifetime free updates in 2007.

Sound Forge 11 for sound editing stuff & recording hardware synths etc. I also know how to use Ableton Live or Presonus Studio One, too. Most of the DAWs are pretty straight forward and easy to get to know to.


Genelec 8020's as studio monitors. I have a small space with acoustics paneling so they are enough.

Currently Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 as the soundcard, connected to a Mackie CFX12 MKII Analog Mixer where my synths are connected to.


Beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro headphones for detailed sound processing. Sennheiser HD-25-II for DJ'ing.


Got a Moog Little Phatty II from before the editions that have USB. Mine is the 2nd generation model if I remember correctly, from around 2008.

Roland JP-8000 which I bought in 2005. Got also an Arturia Microbrute that is a handy 1-oscillator analog synth which is the size of a 14" laptop. Goes nicely with you to live gigs. I used to have a Roland Juno-106, too but I sold it maybe 7-8 years ago. I plan to buy a Korg Minilogue and MS-20 Mini next.


I've also got a couple of controllers. Korg Nanokontrol-2 and a Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S25 that I use to control my software synthesizers.


Main software gear I use in my DAW for composing and audio processing are:


Xfer Serum

Sonic Academy Kick2


Synplant VST

Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2

Eastwest Studios Symphonic Orchestra Platinum

Eastwest Stormdrum 3

NI Exhale

NI Analog Strings

NI Analog Brass & Winds

NI The Grandeur Grand Piano

NI Signal

FL Harmless

Waldorf Largo


Phoscyon (best software emulation of Roland TB-303)


Processing FX:


Fabfilter Pro-Q3

Fabfilter Pro-C2

Fabfilter Saturn

Fabfilter Timeless 2

Fabfilter Volcano 2

Fabfilter Pro-R

Fabfilter Pro-L2


Eventide Omnipressor

Eventide H3000

Eventide Ultrareverb

Eventide Octavox

Eventide H949 Harmonizer

Eventide  Instant Flanger / Phaser


Oxford Dynamics

Oxford Inflator


D16 Devastor

D16 Decimort

D16 Redoptor

D16 Syntorus

D16 Toraverb

D16 Fazortan


Output plugins Portal

Output plugins Thermal


Soundtoys Crystallizer





Here's a lot that I currently use when composing psychedelic trance or some more classical style music. Output plugins are some of my more recent purchases. I really like what they can do to manipulate sound, Thermal has a very unique mid/side processing frequency range based distortion unit that can really bring some air to the mixes.


Besides all this, I also have dj equipment at home with another set of Genelec 8020's and Pioneer XDJ-700's as the usb players and a DJM-600 that is from 2001. My old CDJ-100s got broken a few years ago, simultaneously. Both just stopped working and got error message that the laser doesn't read CD's anymore.




Edited by Kristian Nebula

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I don't consider myself a musician, but I do make music now and then, so I thought I might as well tune in.


SOFTWARE: I use Guitar Pro 5 for making midis (I know, I know... ) and I also own FL Studio, though I rarely use it nowadays.


INSTRUMENTS: I don't play any instrument properly, though I've owned several during my life, mostly because I'm a very curious person. At this moment I have only a 5-strings bass and a cheap Yamaha keyboard that I rarely use, but I also owned a trumpet, a french horn, several kinds of flutes/recorders, among others.


OTHER AUDIO GEAR: I have a FiiO E17 DAC which I use with my computer, a couple of Cowon audioplayers and got myself a lot of different headphones during an "audiophile" phase I went through. My favorite ones among them are the Sennheiser HD800 and Rhapsodio Infinity.

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Daw: Ableton > Bitwig > FL > Renoise

Speakers: Yamaha HS-8s

Headphones: ATH-M50x, DT-770

VSTs: A lot. Favorites are Fabfilter Bundle, Soundtoys, Serum, u-He Diva, Native Instruments Komplete Ultimate

Instruments: Stratocaster, Fender Rhodes, Juno, Keystation 88, Bach trumpet, Ableton Push 2

Interface: Apollo

Edited by Serum

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the only "instrument" i really own is a Roland SC-55 mk2. i haven't used it in any of my productions yet because while i have a USB-MIDI cable, i don't have any audio cables to hook it up yet.


equipment... i'm using some Sennheiser HD600 headphones connected to an Atom amp hooked up to my Scarlett 4i4. i used to use my Sennheiser HD 25-1 II without an amp, but the HD600 are much better for music production. i don't own a mic and i don't exactly have the soundspace to properly use one.


for DAW and MIDI productions, i've always stuck with FL Studio. it's not the best for MIDI work but it does the job decently enough. i've used it for over 10 years and it's treated me well.


when i bought the software i got the version with all the then native plugins included, so whatever the producer edition had at the time. realistically, though, i've only really used Synth1 and 3xosc with a bit of T-Force Alpha Plus on the side. and a bunch of samples from wherever the heck i got them from.

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in order of date purchased


Ibanez GSRM20 (short scale bass, piece of shit, also decided to put flatwounds on it when i was dumber) 


Fender Rumble 40 (Decent practice/studio amp)


Hamer Velocity II (Great bass, bit of a wide neck though, ive got a 5 string stainless D'addario string set with only the first 4 on it)


Fender Rumble 15 (Buddy thought it was a guitar amp and picked it up by mistake, so i bought him a small practice and he gave me this box of shit)


Cort A4 Plus FMMH (Amazing bass, plays VERY well, has amazing tone and looks sexy as fuck, has beefy slinky nickels on it)


Gallien-Krueger 800RB (Great amp with alot of customizability and sounds great and almost has a bit of distortion and bite when cranked)


SWR Megoliath 4x10 (Huge cab with amazing sound and VERY loud output, heavy as a bitch but i know ill never need a bigger cab)


misc stuff


My dad's old Peavey Raptor (put an old b string and a 6 string bullet set on and keep it tuned to drop b)


Junk-ass peavey amp.


Dunlop Nylon Max Grip 0.88, 1.00, 1.14 picks.


2 Hercules adjustable guitar stands


Ernie ball Neoprene bass strap (comfy as fuck)


MXR Dyna-comp


Snark clip-on tuner.


Fender Mustang pedal.


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Software: MuseScore (I have 2, 3, and 4 installed, though I mostly use 3); Ardour; LMMS; Audacity.

Instruments: Korg minilogue, Korg volca nubass, Korg volca drum, and a Roland electronic piano.

Effects: TC Electronic "Hall of Fame" reverb, a TC Electronic chorus I can't remember the name of, and a Behringer distortion pedal I can't remember the name of.

Recording: Behringer UMC404HD audio interface.

I've hardly used most of my instruments for a while though, I just don't enjoy recording them because of how much my clumsy playing gets in the way and I get much better reception for my MIDIs.

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Gladly. c:



  • Montana CL34 nylon-string acoustic (First guitar I got and the oldest one I have, was originally played by my brother back when he was learning (he got into playing guitar before I did). Basically stole it from him when he migrated to electrics. :P )
  • some shitty Strat clone that I never play anymore and am looking to give away or sell
  • Ibanez GiO 6-string electric with a trem bridge
  • Dean Vendetta 7-string electric
  • Jackson JS32-8 Dinky 8-string electric (Most recent guitar acquisition.)


  • Harley Benton Shorty something-something 4-string
  • Eko MM-305 5-string


  • Korg Minilogue (My first analog synth purchase back in 2019. Thing's awesome, I use it as much as I can.)
  • Behringer TD-3

Recording equipment:

  • Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 interface
  • Sony MDR-something-something headphones
  • AKG P120 condenser microphone
  • Superlux E205 condenser microphone (Largely unused lately, effectively replaced by the former.)
  • Shure SM58 dynamic microphone
  • Korg microKey 37 MIDI controller

Miscellaneous hardware:

  • Boss DS-1 Distortion
  • CircuitBenders Black Box Audio Destructor (Beast of a little thing. Works wonders on a lot of different sound sources. Can recommend to get one if you can.)
  • ART Pro Audio ZDirect DI box
  • Marshall MS-2 mini amplifier


  • REAPER (for full-on music production work)
  • Sekaiju (for MIDI stuff)
  • Native Instruments Komplete 13
  • a selection of plugins from Audiority, Nimble Tools, ValhallaDSP, ToneBoosters, Audio Assault etc.

The software is all running on a relatively fresh Windows 10 machine, my so-called "main" PC where I do basically everything - music production, Doom mapping, streaming, gaming etc. Looking to ditch Windows and migrate to Linux within the year, though.


As far as music stuff is concerned, there are still two things I'd like to do at some point: 1) build a dedicated music production PC and 2) build a synth setup for DAW-less jamming. The only issue preventing me from doing both is lack of space. Chances are I could squeeze out some more out of the space I do have, possibly just enough to be able to do the former at the very least. But it's not an immediate concern either way.

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