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SLO††ER II (Hell Revealations Demo) [Complevel 2 - Final]

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Hey everyone!


Did a minor update that fixed some minor bugs. Some of them include:

  • Fixed a couple misspellings in Dehacked text.
  • Removed an incorrect gate texture that was in MAP11 only visible in OpenGL.


Download Demo v1.1


The demo does include some fun parody maps that will not be in the full megawad (hence the April Fools release).


We'd really like to know what you guys thought of the demo! We haven't yet received any comments, and the project's mappers put quite a bit of time and effort into their maps. It'd be really nice to let us know your thoughts, so we can put that feedback into the final megawad. :)

Edited by Arsinikk

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When the hell is revealed >:)


Cool maps, I had a lot of fun playing them!


I don't really have much to say, apart that some of the joke maps got old kind of fast and became a bit tedious, but since they aren't going to be included in the final release its not worth talking about. However, you should maybe include them on a separate wad in the final release as a nice bonus.


Can't wait for the final release :)

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Played through the first 6 maps so far, but it is unclear to me which maps are supposed to be parodies and which ones are just "inspired" by HR. So far some of the maps rely a bit too much on having to die over and over just to find out how to get the map started, but once you get a foothold, they offer some great action. On Map 1 I was getting the "ghost" monsters bug due to poor routing, which can create problems for players who haven't found the secret RL. You could probably delete a lot of the health pickups on map 2, there are 3 megaspheres and tons of medkits before you even get the red key. Map 4 has that little hallway with a ton of "door" monsters, trying to get through it was kind of a pain. Most of the dehacked changes are great, but the change to the timing of the BFG along with the faster firing Cybers makes 2-shotting way more tricky than it should be imo, as 2-shotting Cybers is one of the most fun things to do in Doom. No maps that I would call bad so far, and no bugs(other than ghosts) in DSDA.

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17 hours ago, Blip said:

apart that some of the joke maps got old kind of fast and became a bit tedious

Out of curiosity, which maps did you consider tedious (besides MAP07)?

Right now, the maps that planned to be cut from the full release are MAP04, MAP07, MAP09, and MAP30.


4 hours ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

Played through the first 6 maps so far, but it is unclear to me which maps are supposed to be parodies and which ones are just "inspired" by HR.

I'll admit it's a bit strange, since for some people the "inspired" HR maps are parodies in some ways. Right now, the maps that planned to be cut from the full release are MAP04, MAP07, MAP09, and MAP30.


4 hours ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

So far some of the maps rely a bit too much on having to die over and over just to find out how to get the map started, but once you get a foothold, they offer some great action.

Not sure exactly which maps you are referring to. I can say for MAP01, I wanted to have a map that wouldn't mess around to set the tone for the WAD. After all, the mapset is supposed to be somewhat difficult taking inspiration from HR I and II.


4 hours ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

On Map 1 I was getting the "ghost" monsters bug due to poor routing, which can create problems for players who haven't found the secret RL.

I'm a little surprised you ran into ghost monsters on MAP01. I assume it's due to the crusher; I guess you led the Archvile over to it causing that. I guess most testers ended up killing the Vile in that area, and never ran into that. I'll admit that the RL was definitely supposed to be a secret that most players weren't exactly meant to find. I may debate putting a monster blocking line to avoid ghosts though. TBH the crusher is mostly meant to be a hazard for the player.


4 hours ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

You could probably delete a lot of the health pickups on map 2, there are 3 megaspheres and tons of medkits before you even get the red key.

MAP02 is a very strange map. I honestly had quite a bit of difficulty placing it in the WAD. I'd almost say it's the easiest map with how many megaspheres there are. Funny thing is that I already asked the mapper to remove 3-4 megaspheres from the map already cuz I said it was too easy. Initially the map would also give you a BFG in the main progression, which I asked to only be accessible in a secret, with the plasmagun being in the main progression instead.


4 hours ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

Map 4 has that little hallway with a ton of "door" monsters, trying to get through it was kind of a pain.

MAP04 is one of the maps that we are planning to cut. In a way, this map was supposed to be a bit of a joke with some shovelware inspiration. My main reason for cutting it from the main megawad is that I'd like maps that are visually pleasing in the WAD. The map author deliberately made a map that was visually bad and purposely made fights to be a bit tedious.


4 hours ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

Most of the dehacked changes are great, but the change to the timing of the BFG along with the faster firing Cybers makes 2-shotting way more tricky than it should be imo, as 2-shotting Cybers is one of the most fun things to do in Doom.

I'd admit I may just be used to the BFG firing since it's essentially the same as in my previous WAD 200 Line Massacre, and very similar to the BFG timing used in antares031's Antaresian Reliquary. Not saying your critique is invalid, just that I will say that me getting used to the faster BFG speed and faster rockets has made me a much better Doom player and Cyberdemon slayer.


5 hours ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

Played through the first 6 maps so far, but it is unclear to me which maps are supposed to be parodies and which ones are just "inspired" by HR.

Glad to hear that. I'd like to mention that my responses shouldn't be seen as defensive or anything like that. I mostly wanted to give some development insight in why some things are they way they are in the WAD. :)

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2 hours ago, Arsinikk said:

Out of curiosity, which maps did you consider tedious (besides MAP07)?


The ones I felt the most tedious apart from map07 were map03, map08 and map11.



Map03 has you supershotgunning half the map (a lot of them being barons), and the two times I played it I flat out ran out of ammo against the pinkies in the lava section.


Map08 feels extremely grindy because of the whole baron and arachnotron section. I get that you can just do one and move on, but it's still pretty annoying for 100% kills and secrets.


Map11: I ran out of shells in the baron fight the two times I played it, and if you are not fast grabbing the berserk that area basically becomes inaccessible because of the barons blocking the entrance. The siege portion of the map is extremely boring, the lifts takes forever to come down and you are basically circlestrafing the inner circle to win.


In map08 and map11 the stone barons feel weirdly out of place, but that's something I noticed in a couple of other maps too. I'm guessing they were supposed to attack before the final iteration? They feel like they are just walking around and are mild inconveniences at worst


But those were my only real issues with the wad, and apart from the ammo ones the others are pretty subjective

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1 hour ago, Blip said:

The ones I felt the most tedious apart from map07 were map03, map08 and map11.


This is gonna sound a little strange, but that was kinda the main idea for the project. To replicate Hell Revealed I and II, in all of its tedioum and amplify that even higher.


MAP03 - This is actually one of my favourite maps, just because of how tedious and awful it is. It perfectly encapsulates HR with the supershotgunning of barons in tight corridors. The running out of ammo at the pinky section, usually I'd complain about, but it felt like it fit the HR style.


MAP08 - This map is a bit grindy, but it is Hell Revealed-y to me, so -shrug-.


MAP11 - You are definitely not supposed to kill all the barons in the baron / cyber fight. It's the reason there's a backtrack teleporter in the final area, so you can backtrack and BFG all the barons you missed. The siege sections are definitely supposed to emulate the pain of the siege, but imo I do think it's more interesting and entertaining than it's predecessor. BTW you can actually use one of the megasphere platforms and jump out of the stonehenge circle to speed up the final area quite a bit.


Stone Barons - This was part of the idea of the project. To use barons that were twice as tanky but didn't attack the player. They were essentially portable walls that were super tedious to kill.


Edited by Arsinikk

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It's fine, I was kind of expecting that, though I find rather odd that you wouldn't include map07 in that case.


50 minutes ago, Arsinikk said:

BTW you can actually use one of the megasphere platforms and jump out of the stonehenge circle to speed up the final area quite a bit.


I wasn't aware of that, neat!

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12 hours ago, Blip said:

It's fine, I was kind of expecting that, though I find rather odd that you wouldn't include map07 in that case.

It's just way too good compared to the rest, so we felt it wouldn't be fair for the other mappers ;)

Edited by tonytheparrot

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I have played through map 11 now, and this is where I stop. I have to say I find it EXTREMELY off-putting for a wad to be constantly insulting me. Why is this wad calling me a scrub after I just beat the first 11 maps? Why am I being insulted for using cheats to figure out how the progression of map 11 works before I beat it proper? Advertising your wad as "HR but even more tedious and also you will be constantly bullied while playing it" isn't a great way to attract players. The whole point of making a successor to HR should be to build upon the good aspects of those wads, and ditching the things people don't like. You can make a successor to HR that doesn't have tedious or irritating gameplay and still have it feel authentic. There are a lot of talented mappers involved in making this wad, I just think the design philosophy needs a rework.

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1 hour ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

I have played through map 11 now, and this is where I stop.

I will be very fair, MAP11 is meant to be tedious and grindy.


1 hour ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

I have to say I find it EXTREMELY off-putting for a wad to be constantly insulting me. Why is this wad calling me a scrub after I just beat the first 11 maps? Why am I being insulted for using cheats to figure out how the progression of map 11 works before I beat it proper?

Sorry if you were offended. The tone we were going for was the same tone that Hell Revealed II went with which was basically "if the mapset is too hard, try a lower skill level and don't email us". Tbh the term "scrub" was specifically chosen because it was least offending insult I could think of. While I sympathise with you being offended, this WAD's tone was not meant to be taken seriously.


1 hour ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

Advertising your wad as "HR but even more tedious and also you will be constantly bullied while playing it" isn't a great way to attract players.

Hate to be that guy, but it probably doesn't seem like the final WAD would appeal to you. Hell Revealed II's attitude towards players getting good is probably more offensive than how this WAD approached it.


1 hour ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

The whole point of making a successor to HR should be to build upon the good aspects of those wads, and ditching the things people don't like. You can make a successor to HR that doesn't have tedious or irritating gameplay and still have it feel authentic. There are a lot of talented mappers involved in making this wad, I just think the design philosophy needs a rework.

There are a couple points with which you are mistaken with here. First off, this "teaser demo" was released on April Fools, so obviously some of the maps are a bit of a joke. The grindy nature and HR tropes of some of the maps have been over-exaggerated on purpose. I will say that the final version will tone down some the grind, but it will surely still be there, as we see that as an aspect of Hell Revealed in general.


Secondly, what the good aspects of some WADs are very subjective. For example, DoomerBoards released a WAD called Hell Revealed 3. Alot of us on the team have played this and thought that it didn't capture enough the HR vision. It seemed to remove all the tedious grind and weird monster-blocking linedefs. These are some aspects that we find synonymous with Hell Revealed I or II.

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A quick report, I only really played MAP01 for now:
    - this might be left in on purpose and doesn't actually cause any issues but lines 572, 576 and 578 have Boom actions, they just scroll the blood in the south area of the map
    - two player 2 starts and no player 3 starts
    - no player 3 starts and 2 player 4 starts

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On 4/7/2023 at 3:05 PM, Keyboard_Doomer said:

A quick report, I only really played MAP01 for now:
    - this might be left in on purpose and doesn't actually cause any issues but lines 572, 576 and 578 have Boom actions, they just scroll the blood in the south area of the map
    - two player 2 starts and no player 3 starts
     - no player 3 starts and 2 player 4 starts

Thanks for the report @Keyboard_Doomer!


The MAP10 and MAP13 missing player starts were obviously a mistake, but I'm glad someone brought them up to us. :)

(Just FYI MAP13 should probably be skipped anyway since it just says to IDCLEV30)

For MAP02 it's probably fine since it's only cosmetic. We may tweak this for the megawad release.


I've fixed these minor bugs and shipped off a fixed version:

Download Demo v1.2

Edited by Arsinikk

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nice mapset some maps are plain awesome combats wise esp 1,3 and with really tight ammo like hell revealed...i able to recorded 9 finished maps in initial attempts



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Hey everyone!


I'd like to announce the exciting new v1.3 update!

(Please note that this update changes the DehackEd around quite a bit to be more similar to the upcoming megawad)

Download SLOTTER II (v1.3)


We've been listening to your feedback and made a few tweaks:

  • MAP11 (Stonehenge) has been cut into 2 maps, with the beginning "puzzle part" placed in a bonus MAP32 slot.
  • The BFG firing timing / animation has been tweaked to be the same as the Vanilla BFG firing timing.
  • Evil Eye Monsters are more aggressive now


In addition, I'd like to announce that we have shifted the megawad project to be a bit more serious and have decided to call it Hell Revealations!




The final megawad will only include some of the maps from the demo, but not all. The demo released on April 1st was meant to be a bit joke-y at parts in being extra tedious, while the full release will include some of that, but with a bit more focus on good mapping. You can expect Hell Knights to return in the final megawad.


Here is what I would call the post-final update. We will wait a bit to see if any big issues come up, but after a few days, we will then upload SLOTTER II to /idgames!

Edited by Arsinikk

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Apologies, this should be the final final hotfix. Only reason why I'm posting this right now is that it's kind of a big fix specifically for ZDoom users.

  • In ZDoom-based ports, Archvile blasts will now work as intended (previously the splash damage attack didn't happen at all)


Download SLOTTER II (v1.32)

Edited by Arsinikk

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Just posting here to say that the WAD is now final. I've submitted SLOTTER II to /idgames.

Download SLOTTER II (Final)


This means if people wanna make demos or were concerned about bugs; everything should be ironed out now.
Thanks to everyone for their support :)

Edited by Arsinikk

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