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Quagmire's Dungeon

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I finally had enough time to make this one. It's not that much, but it might be fun for some people who like slaughter maps.


It's a bright, sunny day, and Stewie wakes up from his crib, to find that his parents are missing! Then, you hear something outside. It's a weird looking bug thing crawling on the ground. Stewie squashes it, and finds a piece of paper with a suspicious address on the back of whatever that thing is, and also a small mini dv tape. Stewie puts it on and it's of his family kidnapped by quagmire and herbert! Stewie goes after them, and begins to take back his family!


Doom 2

Singleplayer Only

3 pretty short maps (3rd is longer, somewhat)

This was supposed to be uploaded for april fools but it had to be delayed :(

This was delayed a lot actually, first made the first part March 20th and just finished it today.

EDIT: Forgot about compatible ports, I used GZDoom so that'll probably work best






quagmiresdungeon.zipFetching info...

Edited by gamingcooler

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forgot to add: this is the first part of maybe 3 or 4 parts coming in 2023-24

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Some footage for you. Not a bad starting point! I hope you map more :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately your maps are incomplete. They are empty rooms with monsters.


When designing maps, please make sure the following:

1) Rooms actually represent a possible place, mindset, theme or a combination of all three. Right now, they feel like boxes and shapes stitched together with monsters thrown in.

2) Always make sure you align the textures. In Ultimate Doom Builder it's A and Shift+A keys.

3) Map03 could have benefited from having 1 megasphere instead of an armor.

4) I think you tried to create a firing squad on map03 with the chaingun fall. Unfortunately, the execution fell flat.

5) When you have a door that needs a key to be opened, make sure they are marked with appropriate textures (DoorBlu, Doorred and Dooryel textures respectively for Blue, Red and Yellow key).

6) mismatch of textures can work in one theme, but not in other themes. Make sure to know where and when to use them.

7) If you need help, ask. People will help

I will not send the recording, because there was unfortunately nothing to record.

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Decided to try it, since some of the review points currently given, made me raise an eyebrow.
Also, "For people who like Slaughter". Now, I don't, but I've seen a fair share of players who do and what maps they play/favour.
The fact that is was meant for April Fools, also confuses me. Though, I don't always get the joke so that I can pass of as my problem.
Let's just talk briefly about this, as this is a micro-map, mini-pwad you've made and I can concur with the lack of content statements.


Author - Work Played: 
@gamingcooler- Quagmire's Dungeon.
Played on GZDooM Version 4.8.2 & HMP-Max & UV-Max & Single-Segmented Continuous play.

Didn't notice any reported console issues. [GZDooM instances will report issues with the maps in the console.]
However, in MAP02 there's rocket ammo that seems unreachable. 
[At least, there's no immediate solution and without opening the editor to check, I think it's blocked with the skull things as a barricade.]

Experience Sum Up:
To the player who plays this, you're getting about 4 minutes worth, of low detailed mapping, with clear seams showing.
Combat's high point include, a few starting lost souls in a corridor, along with firing squads behind a wall, in open spaces.
There's sadly not a lot here, but it's playable and not overly confusing, despite not a lot of signposting built in. Definitely doesn't feel like slaughter either.
IMPORTANT -> As it is, this is mostly just a few corridors and a few BFG battles. It's alright for a small mess around, but this could've been one level.

Improvement Suggestions:
This is difficult to suggest, as the maps are too abstract. The only area that looked like anything is the 'dungeon' with the beds.

  • One consistent problem for sure is spacing. Either too narrow, or too spacious, which judging from the encounters is polarising.
    • To improve this, you'll want to consider the style of encounters you'll want to endorse throughout the level set.
  • Another problem is context, reading the blurb you're playing as "Stewie", going to some unknown location.
    • Why not play into that and make the level's feel bigger to help set context.
  • Another thing you can do is try doing more decorating with the things, like you did in MAP02.

I'm unable to suggest specifics as if this is a themed WAD and meant to be a joke, I'm lost. All I can do is tell you how it played to me and it was rather flat, but at least it was quick.


Rating = Hate [Because what's here is too simple and I'm struggling to even see the link, between your pitch/ad for the level set and playing the WAD. If I see this as a Speed map WAD, it's okay, still fairly brief though.]

Bye for now.

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Not bad but found few bugs right n there. In the first map there is backpack room not marked as secret (Or at least I think its secret) And in second map you cant get the chainguns that were dropped by dead enemies. I had fun but would be better if you fixed these.

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