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Can anyone explain to me what an .AED file in a GZDoom mod is and where a DECORATE.AED file would be loaded by the engine?



I'm trying to mod some things in the Embers of Armageddon mod for GZDoom and have come across several .AED files. Googling this gives zero results for my purposes. I would be interested if someone could also explain the difference between standard DECORATE files and the .AED ones. I would believe they are an improved format of some type. Thanks in advance!

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1 hour ago, Choronzon33 said:

I'm trying to mod some things in the Embers of Armageddon mod for GZDoom and have come across several .AED files. Googling this gives zero results for my purposes.

I get this with Doom .aed.


I see it has references Decorate, so my next search is Decorate .aed doom.


Turns out it is used by the AeoD mod, so its definitely not a standard Decorate file but rather a text file with .aed extension. The data source for that is AEoDdat.pk3.


Blame Michaelis and DBThanatos for that. They have special programming notepads which they use to highlight things and such, but I find it annoying since I use SLADE and it doesn't recognize the file name. 


It is a specific extension created by MS for the ÆOD. joke. Is just text with a diferent extention (aed: ae= Æons d=death), zdoom can read (almost?) any extention you give to a lump file. and i didnt wanted it to be .raw or something like that.


1 hour ago, Choronzon33 said:


I would be interested if someone could also explain the difference between standard DECORATE files and the .AED ones. I would believe they are an improved format of some type. Thanks in advance!

See above. Its just a coders habit :)

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Thanks guys I appreciate the clarification. I can't wait to add things to EoA. At least on my PC. :) I made it so the possessed, imps, cacodemons and pinkies have slightly higher health values. Definitely makes it more challenging for me anyways!! Maybe I release my addon sometime soon!!

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The WAD format does not really allow extensions, as lumps can only have an 8-character name, not 8-character + dot + 3-character extension.


Therefore, ZDoom pretty much ignores extension when using short names (just the eight-characters-or-less name of a lump, such as DECORATE). This allows people to use whatever extension they want when these files are in a ZIP. Can be TXT, SRC, or DEC, whatever.


I say "when using short names" because you can also force the use of full names. If your DECORATE file contains an instruction such as #include "code/monsters/megademon.txt", then obviously that file will require looking by full name. Whereas if it was #include "MEGADEM" then it'd do a short name search too.

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