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INDOMITUS.wad - First map - DOOM2 UDMF

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INDOMITUS is a quick, fun map built for running and gunning, a couple secrets and a whole lot of shotgun. 

Custom music created by me as well!

A couple new textures and enemies, mostly vanilla Doom 2 assets.

No difficulty implemented

Oppressive, dark and gives off a bit of Doom 64 vibes.


Uses DOOM2 UDMF format

Tested in GZDoom

Yes Freelook

Yes Jump/Crouch

No specific hardware or compatibility, but may not work in older engines (prBoom+, etc)

Starts in MAP01 of DOOM 2.


Please enjoy, and any and all critiques/feedback is highly welcome and appreciated!








Edited by Gregorio Franco

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That was a good looking/feeling little level that shows a lot of promise. There were however little mistakes all over the place. Alot of what Im guessing are missing textures. I only got a couple of the many secrets so I can speak about them but it appeared like jumping is required to get some stuff but nothing was mentioned... There were at least 2 places you can soft lock yourself and even jumping wont help. Other than that my only other comment is that I felt there could have been more enemies. Thanks for sharing this and keep it up, I think there could be some really cool levels in your future.


edit- I take it back, you do mention jumping in the original post

Edited by Insaneprophet

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That's a fun little map, some good shotgunning, strong soundtrack


I didn't feel the strong direction/signposting towards the exit so getting the super shotgun and red key didn't feel like a secret instead more like the direction I was supposed to go.

I found a few iffy texture alignments around the entrance to the baron of hell room (misaligned bricks in the right hand fork, and a bit of 3d texture or mid texture or something on the left of the entrance.

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I really like the classic/modern feel only someone who made a first map can pull this off so authentically good job!

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Layout and combat is ok for a first map.

You need to make your exit more clear, I was not expecting the exit with 18 monster left.

But you do have a few mistake here and there where it come to missing and misaligned textures

You have a single "Stealth imp" most of the time these are selected by accidents by mapper, nobody like them not sure why they are in the editor in the first place





Your maps show 11 secrets, I was wondering where they where located, I was supecting multiple sector in the same secret room where accidentally tagged... but the I found this in the editor. 



You have a number of decorative item tagged as secret since you cannot pick them up a 100% secret count is impossible.



Keep on mapping!


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14 hours ago, taufan99 said:

That D64-esque colored lighting looks sweet! Gotta summon @Immorpher for that alone. And I'll test this sooner or later.

Yoo a friend shared it to me, and the first thing I seen was the gradient lighting haha. Its looking sweet! I hope to try this one day with DrPyspy's Unseen Evil.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished playing your map and I really like it. It has great atmosphere even though it can be a bit hard to discern individual features because everything is so red. Loved what you did with the pinkies, mowing them down with a single shotgun blast feels awesome >:)

Here's a demo made in GZDoom if you wanna laugh at my playthrough.


Great first map. And the music is a banger!


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