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First MIDIs of Unholy Destruction

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Learned how to make MIDIs in Sekaiju and wrote 4 tracks for one week. Now, that's the compilation of 4 my first MIDI tracks. In .zip archive 4 .mid files that can be used in pwads or just for listen to


Making 2nd track I tried to make it brutal, extreme and grindy (because i'm little grindcore and goregrind fan too after black metal of course) that you can see according to title. In 3rd one I experimented with more instruments to make more ambiance (experience got from that I used in one section of final composition). And finally closure of this compilation is quite black, doom and ambient in one part stuff. Structure was inspired a bit by Xasthur (Nocturnal Poisoning) and Donut Lord (Lord X Commands). Haha yeah, and actually enjoy some cold northern winter stuff


Cover was made of one sky texture of Mek's Box 'o Skies! pack


Track list:

  1. Look Around & Die (00:02:05) (04/06/2023)
  2. Nonsense Occult Doomguy Dismember in the Darkest Depths of Slaughter Maps (00:01:46) (04/06/2023)
  3. Revenant Midnight Orchestre of Eternal Agony (00:01:17) (04/10/2023)
  4. Tragic Funeral Near the Gates of Hell (00:12:14) (04/11/2023)


Total length: 00:17:22


Link: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/q06cgl2ezyaxz/(Witchkvlt+Archwizard)+(04⧸13⧸2023)+First+MIDIs+of+Unholly+Destruction+(Independent,+Digital)+(Compilation)



Edited by Witchkvlt Archwizard
doomworld link didn't worked

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I listened to it, my feedback if you're intrested.


Midi 1

Cool midi. I don't like the ending though, mainly because it doesn't fit with the rest of the midi. Maybe it's just me.


Midi 2

Let's just say it isn't my cup of tea.


Midi 3

Fits really well as intermission, or theme midi. Much better that the previous two.


Midi 4

I'd say this is the best midi I heard recently, I really like it. Basically the more you create, the better you get.

Due to its lengh it would fit better in longer maps. I can clearly see some hell map with it.


You really have potencial, quite unique Midis.

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