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Amnion's Infiltration

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Amnion's Infiltration 
General Information:

Tested Ports - Nugget Doom, Woof, Gzdoom
Compatibility - Boom
Build Time - around 3 weeks

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Other Information: Textures - Unidoom 
Pistol and Chaingun - Doom betas/Powerguns/ShovelwareAdventure
Super Shot Gun - Stolen from a Doomkid wad
Brown Tree, Wheel texture and Shotgun - Me
Chaingun pickup sprite - Realm667
Title Midi - Sora Mimi Cake!
Map Midi - Tides of Rage (TVdinnermasterchef )

Edited by amnion

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Probably gonna need to be away from looking at whatever WADs I find for a while.
Caught this pretty early and decided to pass back some notes for the Author and others wanting some context.
Author - Work Played: 
@amnion - Animoin's Infiltration.
Played on GZDooM Version 4.8.2 & HMP-Max & UV-Max & Single-Segmented.
Line 308 has no first side. [according to the GZDooM console.] [For GZDooM, it tends to handle small inaccuracies, so probably best having a look in Ultimate Doom Builder with the F3 tool and check the Line Index and see if it's weird.]
Experience Sum Up:
Small single level, with some modifications to boot. Already trying to personalise [despite assets used from existing sources, though credit has been listed.]
It's a small base, located seemingly close enough to a 'tower' I think, with a few outdoor segments. One more bloody and the other more grassy.
Combat's not too bad, though hit-scanners can hit you from the beginning, which I do have a problem with [but it's not causing too much concern here.]
Design work is serviceable and considering maybe compatibility wishes, it does it's job well enough. Could be a bit better with some extra splits and variation.
I'd say the main point is the length, it's very short. Can be beaten within 90 seconds.

Improvement Suggestions:

Not too many considering the length, but I can throw a few pointers.

  1. Expand the sections by forcing the player to complete some sequence of events, thus allowing for a more lengthier engagement. Which also allows yourself to...
  2. Improve on the look and feel of the level holistically.

Rating = Play. [While I did some fun, replay ability is minimal and thus I can't recommend it for anything more than a small level to blast through.]
Bye for now.

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  On 4/14/2023 at 8:08 AM, ANonThingie! said:

Improvement Suggestions:

Not too many considering the length, but I can throw a few pointers.

  1. Expand the sections by forcing the player to complete some sequence of events, thus allowing for a more lengthier engagement. Which also allows yourself to...
  2. Improve on the look and feel of the level holistically.

Thank you! my maps generally feel like opening levels rather than full maps so I hope following this will help me in that area!

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Given the presence of custom weapons, textures and sprites... I was exceptions something bigger, what there is good but it feel way to short.



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  On 4/14/2023 at 11:27 PM, Delisk said:

Given the presence of custom weapons, textures and sprites... I was exceptions something bigger, what there is good but it felt way to short.


Thank you for posting a video! it really helps me get into the way other people may play differently from myself and I will keep the shortness in mind for fututr maps!

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