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Need Help with Ultimate Doom Builder

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So, I've been trying to get this f**king door to work for the past hour and despite my efforts, it hasn't. 


I've been following this tutorial:






Any suggestions?

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I believe that upon further exploration, I found the issue, but if I'm still having issues with it I will!


Turns out that I had the floor touching the ceiling and not vice versa. So I will try that.

Edited by TheRevenant212

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6 hours ago, TheRevenant212 said:

Turns out that I had the floor touching the ceiling and not vice versa. So I will try that.

This is known as a lift in Doomer circles.

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For future reference UDB, at least the version I have as a door maker button at the top.  Select the sector, press the button, choose textures and does the rest for you. 

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13 hours ago, Treehouseminis said:

For future reference UDB, at least the version I have as a door maker button at the top.  Select the sector, press the button, choose textures and does the rest for you. 

That's a nice little feature. This whole time I've been just manually making them xD

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