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[Out Now] Doom_Pope presents - Into Gehenna

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I am pleased to announce the release of my second map, Into Gehenna. Developed for zdoom and derivative ports using UDMF, I made quite a lot of use of scripting this time around, much more so than my last map, which used a good amount. The IWAD is Doom 2, like you would expect. If you dare to enter Into Gehenna, prepare yourself for a high octane romp through the depths of Hell.IntoGehenna_poster.png.de8c1cd8183094ccb66d7fc71ab5dc3e.png






Currently waiting on the IDGames submission, but for now, you can get it from https://doomshack.org/uploads/dp_ig.zip

Edited by Doom_Pope

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Very fun map with some neat Quake-esque visuals and a few cheeky set-pieces that kept level progression interesting throughout. Nicely done, mate. ;^)



Edited by Biodegradable

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1 minute ago, BerserkerNoir said:

Are the walls supposed to lower after killing the archvile duo?
Or is a trap with no way out?
Either that or playing with mods breaks it.

Some mods break some of the scripts, as the walls are supposed to lower.

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