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PerK Weapons Enhanced: Wadsmoosh Edition!

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So you've tried out the amazing mod called "Perk Weapons Enhanced" and you use Wadsmoosh (it lets you smoosh all the Doom IWADs), like me. Then you load it and BAM! You get errors. So I decided to fix that.


- Wadsmoosh compatibility.
- No more *very little* "spaghetti" code in the chaingun.
- All the other features of the original mod!



It'd be nice if NightFright merged these changes into the main mod. If he does, then I'll declare this mod irrelevant. If he does not want this on the Internet, I will take this down.
(I don't know why he wouldn't, considering he doesn't own the sprites)
"He" means whoever contributed to the project.


This mod should be compatible with your savegames.

Edited by yum13241

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You're welcome. BTW it's pretty easy to do yourself, but I provide this since editing mods can get annoying.


Check out my other mods, if you like.

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I'll take a look one of these days. If it's not too much effort to integrate the changes, it's worth returning to the old mod. However, most of it is done by Nash these days.

Edited by NightFright

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It's not. I literally just made "filter/doom.id.wadsmoosh/" and copied all relevant data from "filter/doom.id.doom2". Most importantly the SSG sprites, ZScript includes and MAPINFO. That's the only important change.


The chaingun "spaghetti" change was separating the Chaingun fire code from the cooldown code, which has no change on gameplay.


The flash fixing (PerK intentionally changed the flashes to defy physics, so I fixed it. The gases should be EXPANDING, not RETRACTING) is a matter of taste. The timings are still the same however. Again, no change on gameplay.

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  • 8 months later...

Causes a bug that causes me to have duplicates of weapons if the give all command is used. Same with regular smooth doom, and beautiful doom. I do not know why this is. 

It also is glitched and some items dont get replaced by default and are only obtainable with give all, IE the duplicate version

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  • 4 weeks later...

Because this mod doesn't actually use the replaces keyword. Nash (and therefore me) used Event Handlers to do the job.


Using the give command bypasses these handlers, but it *should* be fixed when you switch weapons.

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