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Found some obscure japanese 80s bands while searching for a song i heard in a anime clip in the background (the anime itself was titled Cybernetics Guardian, one of those ultra-violent 80s / 90s anime produced for direct home video market with the animations of the guy who made Genocyber and a director famous for it's works on Mecha / robotic anime genre) and in the video suggestion there is this band called Wolf and this band is fucking awesome, especially this track:


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been relistening to this album recently and I cant believe how many great tracks I overlooked during my first listening. Honestly one of the seediest sounding thrash album's I've listened to, and I mean that in a good way.

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1 hour ago, Doominator2 said:

been relistening to this album recently and I cant believe how many great tracks I overlooked during my first listening. Honestly one of the seediest sounding thrash album's I've listened to, and I mean that in a good way.

I did the same mistake when I first started listening to it, ended up being a masterpiece ofc.




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I never expected something like this from a band called LOVEBITES. Really good!

I really enjoying this band.

Edited by Walter confetti

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