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Listening to a mix CD of Tom Waits I made tonight. Usually when I've made them in the past, I pick just my favorite songs, which usually tends to be a couple of things from the Frank's Wild Years trilogy, and mostly Bone Machine onward. This time I decided to go through and pick two or three songs from all of his albums since Swordfishtrombones. Black Rider had to get cut, but I tried to go for some songs that I usually don't end up putting on compilations. But there's some songs that just can't get cut.




16 Shells from a 30-06




Hang Down Your Head

Rain Dogs


Franks Wild Years

I'll Be Gone

More Than Rain

Innocent When You Dream


Bone Machine
Earth Died Screaming

Goin' Out West

Murder In the Red Barn


Mule Variations

Lowside of the Road

Get Behind the Mule




Lost in the Harbour


Blood Money

Misery is the River of the World

God's Away on Business


Real Gone

Hoist that Rag

Don't Go into that Barn


Bad as Me

Bad as Me

Hell Broke Luce


It's not bad, but with so many albums to choose from over the last 50 years, it'll probably be several comp cd's from various periods. If I decide to go that far. But I really love Tom Waits. 


Currently it's on Don't Go into that Barn:



Edited by Jello

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I finally listened to At the Gates latest album and it's pretty good. Despite the fact Anders Bjorler left the band it still retains the trademark riffing style of AtG.



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Note:  David Matthews is not related to the Dave Matthews Band.  Completely different people.

Edited by Master O

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