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Coldfusion: The MBF-derived enigma goes into the modern age

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Before there was DEHEXTRA, there already was a port who proposed a similar thing. Made by Len Pitre, who also created the tech demo for MBF,  Fusion promised thousands of new code pointers, new features like gravity and TRANMAPS on things, so that enemies could feature transparency. Fusion became somewhat of an obscurity, releasing one version in 2002 after years of delay, together with the source. It was never to be seen again.


Until now. From the depths of Doom, Gibbon presents ColdFusion, a modern port of Fusion to SDL2. Everything so far is left as-is, however with Fusion being initially released unfinished (Example: The particle code), the intention is to finish the port of its intended features.



Its Fusion as you knew it, so:

  • Boom and MBF features

  • Jumping

  • Variable gravity

  • Several new things

  • Several new codepointers

  • Hundreds of dummy frames for use in DeHackEd

  • Custom transparency tables for each standard MBF actor (each has a hardcoded lump name for an associated table)


More info:



Edited by Redneckerz

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I really read this as Confusion initially; good to hear he's still at it, though.

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Interesting. I knew Len a bit back in the day. He and his friend Rez were very, very thorough beta testers. I honestly don't remember coming across this engine back in the day and I don't remember Len saying he was a coder. Looking online it appears the true coder was a man named David Wood, not Len.




Crazy his page is still up. There's a couple of obituaries for people with his name online so he may sadly no longer be with us.

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